BREAKING - your taxes are going up

Tax Rate: Thanks DC.  You helped us all out by leaps and bounds into the Abyss of Obscurity.

PHOTOS: George W. Bush in pictures

The House late Thursday gave final approval, 277-148, to a temporary extension of the George W.

VIDEOS: George W. Bush in videos

Bush-era Tax Rates, delivering a significant but politically bruising victory to President Obama. We can admit now to President Bush when he said that the current debate on the Hill are not the Bush Tax Cuts but don't tell anyone on the Hill. As the Democrats have been tip-toeing around this issue since last summer...

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Ken Moffatt posted 13th Dec 2010 (via twitter)

NDP want interest rate caps! MARXIST PLOT! Raping working class & taking tax $ is free market right! Tax $ helping taxpayers, THAT'S BAD!

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