Arizona sheriff sees others like Loughner

Rhetoric : Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik sounds worried about the possibility of other attacks on elected officials like Gabrielle Giffords.

PHOTOS: Jared Loughner in pictures

Not that he’s got evidence of another shooter or anything.

VIDEOS: Jared Loughner in videos

But Dupnik says there are thousands of people like Jared Lee Loughner, the shooting suspect described as a mentally disturbed loner. “These people are very susceptible to emotions like anger and paranoia and so forth, and I think that the tone of Rhetoric that has occurred in this country ove...

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Geoffrey C. Morrison posted 9 days ago (via twitter)

Pima County Sheriff Dupnik is a STUD. Making a lot of sense on tv right now about political rhetoric and gun control.

Tory Estes Stevens posted 9 days ago (via twitter)

I think I love Sheriff Clarence Dupnik of Pima County . ALL Hate Rhetoric needs to stop. The Right is not Wrong, just different, dear lefties

Andrea Schultz posted 9 days ago (via twitter)

Pima County , AZ Sheriff Dupnik speaks truth re: letting hateful political rhetoric die down. It adversely affects thoughts/action of some.

Geraldine posted 9 days ago (via twitter)

The Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik FTW!! Condemned public debate as "vitriolic rhetoric " and called AZ "mecca for prejudice & bigotry."

Alondra Nelson posted 9 days ago (via twitter)

Big fist pump for Pima County Sheriff for speaking the truth about the consequences of violent political rhetoric , +

Brian Ferguson posted 9 days ago (via twitter)

As the Sheriff of PIMA County said, the political rhetoric 24/7 was an influence of the situation and I agree with him.

Greg M posted 8 days ago (via twitter)

Seems to me like this Pima County Sheriff * rhetoric warning* asshat is looking to move beyond his already overachieved place in life...

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