Volatility news


Earmark silliness

Democracy in America - 15th Dec 2010

YESTERDAY John McCain, or one of his aides, informed the world via Twitter of his intention to make a Speech calling for cutting the federal Deficit by eliminating Earmarks. The mathematically literate reader will note that $8.3 billion is less th…


A Qualified Victory on Taxes

National Review Online - 7th Dec 2010

When President Bush and a Republican Congress cut income taxes for everyone who paid them, most Democrats were opposed. Once the Legislation passed, though, they quickly realized that as a matter of politics they had to support the bulk of the Tax…


Utah GOP leader leaves to help re-elect Hatch

Examiner.com - 6th Dec 2010

Utah Republican Party chair Dave Hansen will be leaving the position he has held over the last 18 months to help Utah Senator Orrin Hatch’s 2012 re-election bid. Hansen managed Hatch’s 2004 bid, and with the Volatility within within th…


Let the Texas budget wars commence ...

TRAIL BLAZERS - 29th Nov 2010

A disagreement between key House tax-policy writers went public today, foreshadowing partisan Rhetoric we're going to hear next session about Texas' Budget Crisis: The Republicans will say the state spends too much, and has a hard time hitting t…


G.O.P. Embraces Its Insurgents

The Caucus - 30th Sep 2010

Eager to post an impressive fund-raising total for September, Senator John Cornyn of Texas, chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, issued an e-mail plea on Tuesday for last-minute contributions to help our Republican Candidate…


Voter Volatility Hits Fever Pitch

The Wall Street Journal - 13th Aug 2010

It's becoming increasingly clear that Americans aren't simply in the midst of hard times. They are in the midst of one of the most volatile political environments since World War II. The immediate cause of this Volatility is clear enough to see…


Caution prevails, but volatility seen lower

Reuters - 8th Aug 2010

By Angela Moon NEW YORK | Sun Aug 8, 2010 5:14am EDT NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Stock investors are turning more to options for protection after the latest data showing the frailty of the Economic Recovery, but they may find some comfort in Wal…


Michael McCaul (R-Texas)

WhoRunsGov.com - 29th Jul 2010

It worked. McCaul’s House record has been right of center. He’s voted against embryonic Stem-cell research funding and has supported making George W. Bush’s 2001 Tax Cuts permanent. Embry, Jason “Voter Volatility means McC…