Subsidies news


Aubertine 'elated' at nomination

Watertown Daily Times - 2 days ago

Darrel J. Aubertine, a former State Legislator and a lifelong Cape Vincent Dairy Farmer, will be nominated to serve as the Cuomo administration's top agriculture official. "I certainly am looking forward to working as part of the new admini…


Fine By Me

National Review Online - 5 days ago

”Today, the president might seem to stand a better chance of refreezing the melting Arctic ice caps. After all, he’s up against a House Republican majority rife with members who openly deny that humans contribute to Global Warming, as …


Tax-Exempt Bonds for Beginners

The Baseline Scenario - 5 days ago

Felix Salmon linked to an article by David Kotok on Build America Bonds (BAB), which reminded me that I’ve been meaning to write about them (now that they no longer exist). BAB were introduced in the 2009 stimulus bill. If a state or Local G…


Jesse Jackson calls for radical reordering of nation's economy - 28th Dec 2010

While appearing on MSNBC's The Ed Show, Civil Rights leader Jesse Jackson called for a "radical reordering" of the nation's economy because, as he put it, "those, the very top are drowning in wealth. It’s paper-driven not even Productiv…


Stephen Stromberg: Palin's nightmare: What Michelle Obama dares not propose

Washington Post - 27th Dec 2010

Discussing the bizarre obsession among some on the right with Michelle Obama's anti-obesity campaign, Fred Hiatt points out that the First Lady isn't actually proposing scary-sounding social engineering policies: "Insinuations from her crit…


Farewell to the Congress of corporate interests

Washington Examiner - 26th Dec 2010

This past term of Congress let the drug industry write much of a Health Care overhaul, extended of Ethanol Subsidies, passed the Marlboro Monopoly Act, crafted a subsidy-laden stimulus bill, gave us Cash-for-Clunkers and Cash-for-Caulkers, tried t…


The ethanol spectre

GOP 12 - 26th Dec 2010

On Fox News today, former Bush White House Press Secretary, Dana Perino, said that Ethanol -- always an issue for prez Candidates in Iowa -- might actually be a bigger one this year. "What happens when these guys go to Iowa? In this new world th…


Charles Krauthammer - The new comeback kid

Washington Post - 17th Dec 2010

If Barack Obama wins Reelection in 2012, as is now more likely than not, historians will mark his comeback as beginning on Dec. 6, the day of the Great Tax Cut Deal of 2010. Obama had a bad November. Self-confessedly shellacked in the Midterm E…