Oil Demand news


Morning Bell: Obama’s Oil Spill To-Do List

The Foundry - 30th Jun 2010

The Oil Spill crisis in the Gulf of Mexico gets worse by the day. Oil spews from the broken well, further polluting our water and shores. The Clean-up efforts drag on with bureaucratic interference, making matters worse. And what is the Obama Adm…


Michael Klare, The Coming Era of Energy Disasters

TomDispatch - 22nd Jun 2010

Isn’t it strange that, no matter how terrible the news from the Gulf, the media still can’t help offering a lurking, BP-influenced narrative of hope?  Here’s a recent headline from my hometown paper, for instance: “…


CNN Poll: Obama down 11 points on handling a crisis

CNN Political Ticker - 17th Jun 2010

The first poll conducted after the president's Tuesday night prime-time address indicates the number of Americans who currently think Obama is a strong and decisive leader has dropped. Washington (CNN) - Is the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spil…


Why is Senator Lieberman Taking the Lead on Climate Change?

Firedoglake - 14th Jun 2010

Prospects for Senate passage of Climate Change Legislation this year were already slim, but this development may be the nail in the coffin: Leading Democratic senators tasked Joe Lieberman on Thursday with finding a Compromise measure that w…


China Benefits from Oil Deals with Iraq

Christian Broadcasting Network - 10th Jun 2010

When President George W. Bush sent American Troops to liberate Iraq, critics said the war was only about getting more Oil for the U.S. But it turns out U.S. Oil companies were actually not the ones profiting from the vast Iraqi Oil Reserves. Ins…


The BP boondoggle

The Daily Caller - 9th Jun 2010

I am not a man of science. Biology is as far as I got in High School. I passed by the grace of an aging Professor who blessed me with a D. Physics was an academic horror I was asked by faculty not to undertake. If a BP physicist or engineer wer…


House passes energy bill but Bush set to veto

Reuters - 2nd Jun 2010

Washington (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday passed an Energy Bill that would boost vehicle Fuel economy requirements by 40 percent by 2020, raise Ethanol use by five-fold by 2022 and impose $13 billion in new taxes on Big…


Robert Bryce: The blowout and our addiction to prosperity

Washington Examiner - 25th May 2010

Deepwater Horizon's disaster in the Gulf of Mexico is providing barrels of new ammunition to pundits on both the Right and the Left who contend we have to end our "Addiction" to Oil. Repeating this meme - which we've been hearing non-stop since …