Politicians, pundits and reporters often talk about the need to appeal to Independent Voters as if people who have the inability to articulate a clear position are capable of forming an organized group. Voters who don't identify with either part…
Read more >>Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal was hit with another recall petition Wednesday—his fifth in just two years in office. An Independent Voter filed the recall documents seeking Jindal's removal because of cuts to Higher Education and Health Care…
Read more >>"Independents are the people who just throw out the party that's in power - because Obama got elected and it didn't immediately start raining twenties" is the comedy political analysis of comedian Bill Maher, as he attempted to explain the b…
Read more >>Congressional Democrats voted today to keep Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid as the unpopular face of their Party - re-electing them as House Minority Leader and Senate Majority Leader respectively. After receiving a huge electoral slap in the fa…
Read more >>Ok, a "shellacking"; what's next? Preemptive Compromise or drawing a line in the sand of non-negotiable core values and political principles? The Midterm Elections suggest that it's time for President Obama and his White House advisers to pause …
Read more >>Years ago, I read or heard something that stuck in the back of my mind. I don't recall where or when I heard it, but its elegant wisdom was so great that I absorbed it entirely -- where it actually bypassed my conscious mind until recently. "Prim…
Read more >>Kansas City, Mo. — There's the die-hard Democrat from Texas who says November's Elections are about keeping Republicans from power. There's the North Carolina Republican who says it's about firing Democrats for growing government. There's …
Read more >>Kansas City, Mo. — There's the die-hard Democrat from Texas who says November's Elections are about keeping Republicans from power. There's the North Carolina Republican who says it's about firing Democrats for growing government. There's …