The lame ducks had not even flown the coop before the assessments of the 111th Congress started to pour in. After months of partisan bickering and foot dragging, the achievements in the final days of the legislative session were truly impressive. T…
Read more >>Lewis Carroll wrote: "If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there." Carroll was musing about Wonderland but his words apply to the White House, where the Obama Administration has lost its sense of direction. The challenge …
Read more >>The House battle over President Obama's tax deal with Republicans may hinge on a passionate fight between Democrats and Republicans over whether to preserve a small piece of the Estate Tax on inherited wealth. But for all the heat, the battle has…
Read more >>Creators Syndicate – A mere nine years ago, 12 Democratic senators voted for the current Tax Rates, as well as for a complete phaseout of the Estate Tax. Twelve! By contrast, ObamaCare and the $800 billion "stimulus" package secu…
Read more >>Tyler Cowen’s essay in the latest American Interest is nominally about Income Inequality, but really it’s about the pernicious role that big finance plays in modern political economy. Cowen isn’t worried about inequality per se, …
Read more >>President Obama has adopted Republican tax policies he knows to be disastrous for the nation. Obama never learned, or forgot, one of the essential lessons of junior High School -- how to deal with bullies. (This is proof positive that he is a na…
Read more >>Labor president blasts “unconscionable” Compromise that “rewards Republican obstructionism” in Tuesday statement. Two years ago, working Americans had high hopes that we would ultimately emerge from the deep, punishing fina…
Read more >>Former President Bill Clinton ,who is one of the more quotable politicians of all time, commented about how Republicans deal with economic problems and had said …” the evidence does not faze them, they are not bothered at all by the fa…