Blasphemy news


The Chinese model of parenting straightens a fretful mother's spine

Washington Examiner - 5 days ago

Now and then, friends and I will exchange phone calls for what we call "spine straighteners." These conversations revolve around moments in domestic life when a stated policy -- a teenager's Curfew time, the continuance of an expensive after-schoo…


Thousands rally in Pakistan for blasphemy laws

Washington Examiner - 9 days ago

Tens of thousands of demonstrators have marched in Pakistan's largest city in opposition to any change to Blasphemy laws and to praise the man charged with murdering the provincial Governor who opposed the Legislation. The rally of up to 50,000 pe…


Roseanne says Palin is for the rich; blames Reagan for selling US to the Chinese - 7th Jan 2011

As far as I can remember, that Roseanne interview was one of the most, if not the most, awkward/bizarre/shocking/screwed up appearances by any guest on the O’Reilly Factor…ever. It was also unwarrantable that O’Reilly actually le…


Religion of Peace Series: Pakistani Muslims prove Islamic intransigence Pt 1 - 5th Jan 2011

Casper, Wyoming residents have learned year after year that Islam and the adherents of that religious-political paradigm are not compatible with Western concepts of individual freedoms. Contrary to what former president George W. Bush and many mem…


After the assassination, the issue remains - 5th Jan 2011

Salman Taseer, the Governor of Pakistan’s largest province, has been assassinated. The alleged assassin was Mumtaz Hussain Qadri, a 26-year-old police commando who served as one of Taseer’s Bodyguards. Qadri reportedly disagreed with T…


Punjabi beast who killed Taseer dreamt of 77 virigin angels, 22 young boys - 4th Jan 2011

The Punjabi beast who killed liberal Governor Salman Taseer Tuesday morning was allegedly greeted by his colleagues. The man Mumtaza Hussain Qadri of Sadiqabad in Punjab apprears to have done what Allah told him as pious Muslims who kill infidels …


Which Dem Rep Said F the President at a Caucus Meeting?

Michelle Malkin - 9th Dec 2010

**Written by Doug Powers A mere year or two ago, this kind of thing would have been Blasphemy of the highest order, punishable by several lashes with the MSM’s “Racist” tag and a Prime Time “Worst Person in the World̶…


Blasphemy! Obama Invokes Ronald Reagan to Chastise GOP For Not Backing START Treaty

Weasel Zippers - 18th Nov 2010

Obama is everything Reagan was not. Weak on defense, Marxist, anti-American Exceptionalism etc. President Obama invoked the name of former President Ronald Reagan Thursday as he continued to push Senate Republicans to approve a Nuclear arms…