Bipartisan news


Bill Frist: Health Care Is 'Law Of The Land,' GOP Should Drop Repeal And Build On It

The Huffington Post - 3hrs 51mins ago

WASHINGTON -- As congressional Republicans ready themselves for a largely symbolic effort to Repeal President Obama's Health Care reform law, at least one former GOP leader is urging them to drop the charade and build on the Legislation instead. Fo…


CNN Poll: Obama's job approval rating on the rise

CNN Political Ticker - 9hrs 35mins ago

Washington (CNN) - President Barack Obama's Approval Rating is up five points since December as a growing number of Americans consider him a strong leader who is tough enough to handle a crisis, according to a new National Poll. A CNN/Opinio…


Daschle, Frist join forces on reform

Politico - 15hrs 11mins ago

Former Senate Majority Leaders Tom Daschle and Bill Frist are hoping to achieve at the state level what federal lawmakers weren’t able to do: Bipartisan health reform. “We realize that the bulk of the work has to be done at the state…


Cardin: Republicans voting to repeal healthcare to satisfy base

The Hill - 46mins ago

House Republicans are voting to Repeal the Affordable Care Act to appeal to the Conservative Base, Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.) said Tuesday. "I think the Republicans are doing this to make a point to their base," Cardin said in an interview with WYP…


Sen. Richard Lugar to seek re-election in 2012

Washington Examiner - 1hr 15mins ago

Republican Sen. Richard Lugar plans to seek a re-election in 2012. Lugar spokesman Mark Helmke said Tuesday that Lugar plans to run a vigorous campaign and is committed to winning a seventh term representing Indiana in the Senate. That effort has …


Bill Frist Tells Republicans to Drop Efforts to Repeal Health Care Reform

Politics Daily - 1hr 17mins ago

Frist, a physician who retired from Congress in 2007, said while the Legislation is not perfect, and "not the bill that I would have drafted," it is "the law of the land." He suggests that instead of mounting an effort to Repeal it (which is doome…


Sen. Richard Lugar to seek re-election in 2012

The Daily Caller - 1hr 21mins ago

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Republican Sen. Richard Lugar of Indiana said Tuesday he plans to seek a seventh term in 2012 despite a challenge from Tea Party groups. Lugar told reporters Tuesday at a breakfast hosted by The Christian Science Monitor …


Don Kraus: New START Signals a New Start on Treaties

The Huffington Post - 1hr 50mins ago

Getting two-thirds of the Senate to agree on anything is a daunting task. So it was no small feat when the Senate approved New START, the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, during its December Lame Duck session. New START was the first major inter…