Gov. Terry Branstad is rejecting a proposal to cut staff and beds at Iowa's Mental Health institutions because of Budget cuts. The proposal was made last week by outgoing Gov. Chet Culver. The Legislature has mandated $84 million in cuts this Budg…
Read more >>What are the paths forward for Candidates seeking the 2012 Republican presidential nomination? Jennifer Rubin has an interesting post on her Right Turn blog on the Washington Post website. What Rubin foresees can be summarized in one phrase: a Tra…
Read more >>Fifty-two percent of Iowans think Same-Sex marriage should not be legal, with only 41 percent supporting marriage equity, a new poll from Public Policy Polling found. However, with conservative Republican lawmakers planning to work to impeach the …
Read more >>Republican lawmakers and conservative leaders hoping to impeach the four remaining Iowa Supreme Court justices over the 2009 ruling that legalized same-sex marriage have not been dissuaded, despite Gov.-elect Terry Branstad‘s public denounce…
Read more >>Gov.-elect Terry Branstad (R-IA) has now taken a firm position on a push by some State Legislators from his party to impeach state Supreme Court Justices who legalized same-sex marriage: He's against it. As the Cedar Rapids Gazette reports: "I d…
Read more >>Gov.-elect Terry Branstad (R-IA), who will be leading the critical first presidential Caucus state, is not commenting on the hot-button issue of whether the state Supreme Court justices who legalized same sex marriage in his state should be impe…
Read more >>Elections have consequences, and one consequence of this year's voting likely will be a $90 million plan to bring free preschool programs to all 4-year-olds in the state, a key priority of outgoing Gov. Chet Culver and something that education adv…
Read more >>There's a place in every primary for an ideological purist and debate champ — think Dennis Kucinich — and radio talker Herman Cain seems to be the early front-runner for that slot on the Republican side in 2012. Cain, an African-Amer…