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Jon Kyl
April 05,1942
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Jon Kyl videos
'Political Spin': Conservatives Pile On Pima County Sherif..
Ground Zero Workers Visit Coburns Office To Beg Him To Lif..
START Treaty Clears Last Senate Hurdle Before Ratification
Graham Claims Dems Pushed DREAM Act To Make Republicans Lo..
Kyl: "Don't ask, don't tell" repeal could cost l..
As DREAM Act Fails, Lindsey Graham Tells Undocumented Yout..
Kyl On 9/11 First Responders Bill: Why Would They Need $6 ..
Conservatives growing uncomfortable with GOP blockade of 9..
Secret Treaties
As DREAM Act Fails, Graham Tells Undocumented Youth They W..
Obama Speaks on Tax Cut Deal and START Treaty
Christian Leaders Slam DeMint And Kyl For Using Christmas ..
Sen. Corker Threatens Reid: If You Bring DADT Repeal For A..
Reid blasts GOP Sens. DeMint and Kyl as 'sanctimonious'
Reid Responds To Kyl: 'I Don't Need To Hear Sanctimonious ..
Obama Agrees To Extend All Bush Tax Cuts And Cut Estate Ta..
Robert Greenwald and Derrick Crowe: Arizona Politicians Cu..
Lugar Urges Senate Support For New START: Please Do Your D..
Lugar Urges Senate Support For New START: Please Do Your D..
New "Daisy" Ad Warns Against Delay in Arms Treat..
Defeated Senators, Arms Treaties, And Lame Duck Sessions
Jon Kyl Accuses Obama Administration Of Holding Border 'Ho..
Murkowski Misspells Name in First Ad for Write-In Candidac..
Saturday Word: Nine Years Later
This Is What We See
Leo W. Gerard: Jobless Organize to Remove Republican Royal..
Jobless Organize to Remove Republican Royalists From Their..
Cantor Appears To Concede That Bush Tax Cuts Will Add To D..
VIDEO: If Republicans Had Their Way on SB1070...
SEIU Ad Compares AZ Law To Berlin Wall
Democrats Pass Key Hurdle on Unemployment Benefits
Is Getting To Zero Bad For Arms Control?
Tax Cuts and Tax Redistributions
Jon Kyl: Extend Bush Tax Cuts For Wealthy Even If They Add..
The Republican Philosophy
Republicans Ready To Repeat The Same Mistakes All Over Aga..
Jon Kyl gives away the game on deficits
Early Morning Swim: Sen. Al Franken Demolishes GOP's Anti-..
Early Morning Swim: Rachel Maddow Looks at the GOP Playboo..
Who Needs a Dog Whistle Anymore? GOP Trashes Thurgood Mars..
Thurgood Marshall On Trial: Republican Senators Use Elena ..
New Audio: In 2004 Obama Advocated "Trading" Bor..
McCain backs Kyl: Obama told other GOP senators that borde..
Obama Playing Politics With Borders, Gulf Spill, and KSM
AUDIO: In 2004 Obama Advocated Trading Border Security fo..
Krauthammer: Horsetrading on border security a "derel..
Senator: Obama Told Me He's Not Securing Border on Purpose
Pundit & Pundette: Obama to Kyl: If we secure the bord..
It's amnesty or Obama won't secure the border VIDEO
Is Obama holding border security hostage to politics? UPDA..
AZ Senator Jon Kyl Claims Obama Told Him He Refuses To Sec..
Impeachment Time? Obama Holds Border Security Hostage
Who's Lying? White House Denies Kyl's Immigration Story
Obama Said / Kyl Said
Sounds Like Sestak? White House Calls Senator Kyl a Liar -..
Sen. Jon Kyl: Barack Obama Plays Let’s Make a Deal w..
Jon Kyl: Obama Holding Border Hostage, Won't Secure Unless..
AZ Senator Kyl on his conversation with Obama and why the ..
Sen. Kyl Claims Obama Told Him No Border Security Until Am..
Obama to Senator Jon Kyl: "If we secure the border, t..
Obama tells Arizona Senator John Kyl " The problem is..
Sen Kyl: President Admitted He Purposely Doesn't Secure Me..
President Obama tells Senator Kyl: I won't secure border b..
Kyl Outlines Reason For Obama Refusal To Secure Border
Obama tells Kyl in private Oval Office meeting: I won't s..
Republicans On Judiciary Committee Call for Special Prosec..
Republicans Request Special Prosecutor to Investigate Sest..
Dictator Obama Met With Senate Republicans and Told Them T..
Obama to deploy 1,200 National Guardsmen to the border
Faced With Growing Momentum For Health Care Reform, House ..
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