John Cornyn

Born: February 02,1952
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John Cornyn news


A senator scorned

Washington Monthly - 1day 6hrs ago

A SENATOR SCORNED.... Quick quiz -- only one Republican senator has sided with Democrats on DADT Repeal, the tax deal, New START Cloture, and the DREAM Act in the lame-duck session. The obvious guesses would likely be Olympia Snowe (R-Maine), Su…


Lieberman: Re-election decision separate from "don't ask, don't tell"

The Fix - 3 days ago

The best of the best of state-based political blogs -- as of April 2009. Connecticut Independent Sen. Joe Lieberman told reporters on Saturday that his decision on whether to run for re-election in 2012 will be unrelated to the Senate's historic v…


President Obama: Russian arms treaty no defense threat

Boston Herald - 3 days ago

WASHINGTON — Pushing hard for a victory on a top National Security imperative, President Barack Obama sought to assure Republican lawmakers Saturday that a new Arms Control treaty with Russia would not hamper U.S. Missile Defense. In a lett…


Obama offers assurances to GOP on nuke treaty (AP)

Yahoo! News - 4 days ago

WASHINGTON – Pushing hard for a victory on a top National Security imperative, President Barack Obama sought to assure Republican lawmakers Saturday that a new Arms Control treaty with Russia would not hamper U.S. Missile Defense. In a let…


Sens. John Cornyn and Kay Bailey Hutchison defend no-votes on DREAM Act

TRAIL BLAZERS - 4 days ago

Texas Sens. John Cornyn and Kay Bailey Hutchison joined with fellow Republicans to block Senate passage of the DREAM Act today, and both defend their no-votes. Cornyn said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid "continues to play politics" with the p…


The politics of a compromise

CNN Political Ticker - 4 days ago

(CNN) - Both parties touted the passage of the Bipartisan tax deal signed into law Friday in their weekly Internet and radio addresses, but their description of the process shows party divides are still alive and well. The Compromise, which passed…


Obama pushes for nuke treaty ratification (AP)

Yahoo! News - 4 days ago

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama is warning that failure to ratify a new Arms Control treaty with Russia will undercut American leadership on scores of challenges it faces worldwide. Obama used his weekly radio and Internet address Satu…


Obama pushes for nuke treaty ratification

Boston Herald - 4 days ago

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama is warning that failure to ratify a new Arms Control treaty with Russia will undercut American leadership on scores of challenges it faces worldwide. Obama used his weekly radio and Internet address Satur…