Oh, boy. This was quite a week for Keith Olbermann. There’s nothing like a senseless act of violence to bring out the worst in pundits of all stripes, and Olbermann not only isn’t an exception, he’s the rule. By Saturday evening,…
Read more >>Fox News “Hannity”: Former President George W. Bush MSNBC “Countdown with Keith Olbermann”: Guest host, Sam Seder; Eugene Robinson, Washington Post and MSNBC political analyst; Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone, Da…
Read more >>Yes I will get to the fraudulent claims that Global denialists have been pushing that our planet has actually cooled since 1998 and will continue to cool for years to come. But first, just for fun, let's take a look at the weather outside. A…
Read more >>AFN10 Day 3 Preview: Speaking Frankly Watch live video at www.ourfuture.org/now . Key sessions today... 8:30 AM: "Speaking Frankly" with Rep. Alan Grayson 9:10 AM: "Can Congress Work in Polarized Age?" with Sen. Tom Udall and more 9:10 AM:…
Read more >>[YouTube]https://www.YouTube.com/user/SamSeder#p/u/0/JlXoLzWTxXE[/YouTube] Sam Seder has a great video, calling bullshit on the conservative fears that the US is going to be the next Greece to leverage reduction of Deficit spending. In The Economy…
Read more >>Headlines throughout the American media read: MAJOR ESCALATION as Israel has intensified its bombing campaign of the Beirut Airport and highways. 45 Lebanese civilians are reported dead. Although I do not have independent confirmation, I heard…