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Media Matters videos
Proof that Barack Obama and The Left Incited Tucson Violen..
Barbara Walters: I cant shake the feeling that this isnt S..
Jared Loughner Fixated on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, Attende..
Fox News Trots Out Pat Caddell To Exploit GOP Talking Poin..
Sarah Palin: Misinformer Of The Year
The Forgotten Casualties of The American Lefts Class War
Pathologically Dishonest Media Matters Names Sarah Palin 2..
The Dude Who Tried Shooting Up The School Board Meeting
FL School Board Shooter Looks Like a Flaming Liberal
NASA: New Theory on Antarctic Ice Loss Gone With The Wind!
Fox News ordered staff to slant news against climate chang..
Florida School Board Shooter Was A Fan of Media Matters & ..
The Vilest Thing You Will See Today
Did Something Horrible Happen To Media Matters or Are They..
Glenn Beck and The Dangers Of the Green Dragon
Karl Frisch - It Gets Better
Following Outrage Over TSA Screenings, GOP Reps. Chaffetz ..
The Progressives' "Nazi" Rhetoric Begins With Ge..
The Progressives' "Nazi" Rhetoric Begins With Ge..
In 2007, Beck Praised IAVA But Now Demonizes The Vets Grou..
George Soros on Glenn Beck Part Two of The Puppet Master
Glenn Beck George Soros The Puppet Master? Part 1
FHWiR: The Phony 'Journalism' of Rachel Maddow
It Begins Mara Liasson Compares Nancy Pelosi to Hero Winst..
Is There Collusion Between Alan Grayson and MSNBC?
Media Bias 11-01
Late Night: Are We Sane Yet?
Relatives Says Man Arrested For Threatening Democratic Sen..
Democrat Arrested At Eric Cantor’s Campaign Event
Man in Kentucky Head-Stomping Incident Identified as Paul ..
Glenn Beck's 10 Greatest Anti-Environment Freak Outs
Aw: Soros donates $1 million to Media Matters
FOX News Employee Dick Morris Fundraises On The Air For Ch..
Leftovers - October 11, 2010
John Hamilton: "Progressive Hunter" Jailhouse Co..
Naomi Seligman Gets Top Job At FitzGibbon Media, Opens Wes..
Fox News to air ad criticizing News Corp.
Anti-Fox News Ad to Air on Fox News Tonight
Chris Matthews Calls Beck Fans 'Moonie-Like'
Daisy the Con said it
The Left is Confused (Again): Was or Wasn't the Beck Rally..
Media Matters Honcho Points Out Lack of Racism at Beck Ral..
Video: Compare the 'Restoring Honor' rally Glenn Beck to t..
Help Media Matters Air Ad About News Corp's Donation To Re..
Dr. Laura: The N-Word
Daily Kos: Wingnuts Talk Of Rebellion Getting Very Very Lo..
Ari Rabin-Havt: How Not to Be a Tracker
What? No 'Lonesome Roads' references when they'd actually ..
Shirley Sherrod, Please Quit While You're Ahead.
Atlas TV: Heads Exploding on the Left
But that Glenn Beck guy is totally crazy
Dana Milbank Suggests Hillary Clinton Should Drink "M..
Rep. King: Spot Illegal Immigrants by Their 'Shoes,''Groom..
Sting and Soros Team Up to End 'War on Drugs'
Linkaround 6-9-2010
Virginia Foxx: Story of Matthew Shepard's Murder A "H..
In Response To Criticism, Chris Matthews Meanders, Eventua..
Bill O'Reilly Compares Gay People To Al Qaida (VIDEO)
Linkaround 6-4-2010
MUST WATCH VIDEO: The Flotilla Choir presents: We Con the ..
Gingrich sums up conservative ethos: “I am not a ci..
Is it really so hard to understand the French McDonald's &..
Video: French McDonald's running gay-themed ads for ... no..
Sweet Gay McDonalds Ad Freaks Out Bill O'Reilly
Linkaround 5-29-2010
Linkaround 5-30-2010
Politics and Government - The Caucus Blog -
Fox News Video Omits Applause During Obama's West Point Sp..
Linkaround 5-21-2010
Linkaround 5-23-2010
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