Discovery Channel: Via the Daily Caller, it’s depressing that we have to give Barbara credit for making an exceedingly rudimentary point — namely, that it might be hard to fully comprehend the motives of a guy who’s willing to smile for his Mug Shot after shooting 19 people.
PHOTOS: Discovery Channel in pictures
Once upon a time not so long ago, the left understood that.
VIDEOS: Discovery Channel in videos
Remember Media Matters’ reaction back in September to the nut who went berserk at Discovery Channel HQ in the name of Environmentalism? Quote: “Discove...
Barbara Walters: Unfair To Blame Sarah Palin As Some Are Doing
Not surprisingly the topic of conversation on today episode of The View was the tragic events of this weekend in Arizona that saw six innocent civilians killed and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords put into critical condition. Almost immediately after the news broke of this event, many on the left pointed to an image put fort by Sarah Palin’s PAC that included Controversial cross-hair imagery on a number of Congressional Districts in play (including Giffords’.) Today Barbara Walters defended P...
Setting The Record Straight
Setting The Record Straight
by digby
There's a Right Wing trope out there that says Daily Kos put a "bullseye" on Giffords, just as Palin did. For the record from Media Matters:
Original Daily Kos Post Did Not Contain A Picture Of Giffords Or A Bull's Eye. In a January 10 Daily Kos post, blogger Jed Lewison wrote that the Tea Party Express Fundraising letter "actually goes so far as to suggest that a 2008 post written by Markos was somehow equivalent to Sarah Palin's use of the gunsight image...
How Thoughtful of Him: Julian Assange Now Quoting Sheriff Dupnik
It's bad enough this national embarrassment known as Clarence Dupnik is being given all the air time possible to spew his insane bilge and getting congratulatory calls from Barack Obama. Now international leftist icon Julian Assange is sending his props by quoting the insane Dupnik.In the one page statement, Mr Assange also offered sympathy and condolences to the Victims of the Tucson shooting on behalf of Wikileaks, together with best wishes for the recovery of US Representative Gabrielle Giffo...
There Is No Evidence That Politics In Any Way Contributed To This Atrocity: Arizonas Biggest Newspaper Rips Leftist Political Op
Arizona Republic:
On Saturday afternoon, with his friend Gabby Giffords in surgery fighting for her life, Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik railed against the tense partisan politics - “the anger, the hatred, the Bigotry” - that prompted the mass Murders outside Tucson, in his view.
And, jarring as such claims may be, we understood. Or tried to understand, despite the spectacle of a lawman - an official whose very job it is to dispassionately gather facts and to...
Progressives Copy Arab Muslim Playbook of Lies
A classic example of measured discourse from the left.
Cross-posted from Seraphic Secret.
One of the ironclad laws of the Muslim world in relation to Israel/Jews is this simple formulation:
Whatever atrocity the Muslims accuse Israel of committing, is, in fact, being perpetrated by Muslims.
Item: The Muslim world and its enablers on the left accuse Israel of being an Apartheid state. Of course over a million Arabs, Muslim, Christian and Druze are citizens of Israel. There are Arab members of...
Barbara Walters: 'I'm Feeling Bad for Sarah Palin'
“I’m feeling bad for Sarah Palin because I don’t think that’s what she should have said, and certainly crosshairs are very scary,” Barbara Walters said on "The View." “This is a deranged young man. This is a Timothy Mcveigh. Whether this happened because there is violence - too much commentary, too much violence as you say we’ve talked about. Sometimes we do it here we get so angry.” You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for those oppo...
On The Defensive
Palin aide: "I never went out and blamed Al Gore or any Environmentalist for the crazy insane person who went to shoot up the Discovery Channel."
Civil libertarians speak out against Brady (Daily Caller)
Read more stories from The Daily Caller
Civil Libertarians speak out against Brady
Lamborn responds to NPR attacks
Supreme Court close to announcing decision on D.C. marriage case
Swedes talk about sexual encounters online
Thriller novelist claims to have been recruited into DHS 'Red Cell'
Civil Libertarians are coming out in opposition to Pennsylvania Democratic Rep. Robert Brady’s proposal to make the use of violent language or symbols that could be construed as threatening to a federa...
Beck claims 'I don't use [violent rhetoric] on or off the air': Oh really?
Beck claims 'I don't use [violent Rhetoric] on or off the air': Oh really? It sure seemed that everyone -- and I mean EVERYONE -- at Fox News was focused yesterday on beating down the horrifying idea that somehow Fox News' incendiary rhetoric might have played a significant role in fomenting Saturday's horrifying tragedy in Arizona. Of course, Glenn Beck -- being one of the chief purveyors of said incendiary rhetoric -- was out there leading the attack, devoting his entire hour to...
Barbara Walters Feels Sorry For Palin
During a View discussion on the Giffords shooting, Barbara Walters said that she feels sorry for Sarah Palin, who she feels is being unfairly singled-out in the wake of the Arizona shooting. All four members of the panel had strongly denounced Palin's crosshairs map when it was first published.
Labels: Barbara Walters, Elizabeth Hasselbeck, Gabrielle Giffords, The View, Whoopi Goldberg
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Do classrooms hold lessons on the link between rhetoric and violence?
No one has yet blamed Jared Loughner's teachers for his violent mind-set and actions in Arizona, but teachers and parents have long been aware that inflammatory Rhetoric can spark agitation in Children. Did increasingly hostile political Rhetoric incite Loughner to violence? Of course not -- we know that from exhaustive studies of children exposed to television and Video Game violence. But we still bear a responsibility to teach and model Civil Discourse. Does Sarah Palin's "take back the 20" W...
See BS Poll: Public Doesn't Believe Palin, et al, Caused Tucson Shooting, Yet The Libs Continue To Pile On
The barrage of lies from Liberal Democrats, Bloggers and their media lapdogs has failed, according to a See BS poll.
Nearly six in 10 Americans say the country's heated political Rhetoric is not to blame for the Tucson shooting rampage that left six dead and critically wounded U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, according to a CBS News poll.
...Overall, 57 percent of respondents said the harsh political tone had nothing to do with the shooting, compared to 32 percent who felt it did. Republicans were...
That is the word Dr. Charles Krauthammer used to describe the attempt by the left to blame Sarah Palin and the Tea Party for the horrible tragedy in Tucson, an action carried out by a mad man. It seems rather an appropriate term, not just for their unfounded claims, but for some of the claims that have followed by those in the media.
Here is the All Star Panel discussing this very issue, and how the media is continuing to ratchet up antagonism against the right under the guise of moderating our...
Allen West Ready for the Offensive
From Bare Naked Islam
Allen West is da man! Says he has NO plans to tone down his “strong Rhetoric”
Within hours of the shooting that killed six and critically injured Giffords, some commentators placed the massacre in the context of the nation’s heated political climate and blamed the Tea Party movement, Sarah Palin and other Conservatives although no public evidence has suggested accused gunman Jared Lee Loughner was associated with or sympathetic to any of them. Some critics poi
The right's role in the Arizona massacre
Glenn Reynolds is a dumbass and those who find his arguments persuasive are, if possible, even more stupid. if you're using this event to criticize the "Rhetoric" of Mrs. Palin or others with whom you disagree, then you're either: (a) asserting a connection between the "Rhetoric" and the shooting, which based on evidence to date would be what we call a vicious lie; or (b) you're not, in which case you're just seizing on a tragedy to try to score unrelated political points, which is contemptible....
Even After Tucson, Dont Criminalize More Speech
In the wake of the horrific rampage in Tucson, a lot of people are looking for ways to lower the hatefulness of the political Rhetoric.
But one way not to go is to legislate more restrictions on free Speech.
Already, Pennsylvania Democrat Rep. Robert Brady says he’s going to introduce a bill to make it illegal for people to make statements that could be construed as Death Threats against judges or Congresspeople.
He strongly suggests that his bill would have made it illegal for Sarah Palin to ...
Stearns Saddened But Justifies Violence
The stunning lack of self-reproach and commitment to avoid the language of violence from the Right Wing, including Republican officials, includes Ocala’s Congressman Cliff Stearns (R-FL 6) who justifies violence against government and its officials. Following the tragic shooting in Tucson, national grief has recognized that incendiary, violence-laden Rhetoric needs to be condemned. Congressman Stearns issued a brief Press Release: “I am deeply saddened by the tragic shooting of my co...
Rep. Giffords' condition improves after shooting
TUCSON, Arizona (Reuters) - Representative Gabrielle Giffords is breathing on her own and doctors on Tuesday were hopeful about her recovery from a head wound suffered in an Arizona Shooting Spree that killed six people.
Giffords, a popular 40-year-old Democrat, is still in critical condition at a Tucson Hospital but is "holding her own," responding to simple commands and breathing without the aid of her ventilation tube, her doctor said.
"She has no right to look this good. We're hopeful," Dr. ...
Barbara Walters: Unfair to Blame Sarah Palin
Were These Bizarre Videos Made by the Arizona Shooter? (Update) Jr. Ringer T-Shirt ...
Paul Krugman, Buffoon
Posted by John at 6:32 PM
Within hours after Jared Loughner's Killing Spree, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman went straight for the gutter, proclaiming, with no evidence whatsoever, that Loughner's act was in all likelihood "political," and going on to blame Republicans for the Murders. I denounced Krugman's vile blog post here.
We now know that Loughner's murders were not political. He was deranged and had no coherent political philosophy. To the extent that he had any political beliefs a...
Tucson Shooting The Hatred And Hypocrisy From The Left
It would be merciful if, when tragedies such as Tucson’s occur, there were a Moratorium on sociology. But respites from half-baked explanations, often serving political opportunism, are impossible because of a timeless human craving and a characteristic of many modern minds. The craving is for banishing randomness and the inexplicable from human experience. Time was, the gods were useful. What is thunder? The gods are angry. Polytheism was explanatory. People postulated causations. And sti...
FNCs Brit Hume rips left-wing habit of equating disagreement with liberalism with hate (Daily Caller)
Read more stories from The Daily Caller
FNC's Brit Hume rips left-wing 'habit' of equating disagreement with Liberalism with hate
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Will Gates address Chinese rare earth strong arming?
Tea Party Express raising money in aftermath of Arizona shooting
Barbara Walters: 'I'm feeling bad for Sarah Palin'
Among the most astonishing things to come out of the attempt on the life of Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords have been the knee-jerk reac...
Video: FNCs Brit Hume rips left-wing habit of equating disagreement with liberalism with hate
Well of course they do. It's a massive case of projection. From the Daily Caller: FNC’s Brit Hume rips left-wing ‘habit’ of equating disagreement with Liberalism with hate
“It has become a habit of the American left to equate disagreement with liberals and Liberalism with hate. So convinced do they seem of the virtue of their cause that the only possible explanation for resistance to it must be hatred. In the past week, at least two prominent liberal commentators spoke o...
Limbaugh: Loughner has Democrats full support
Rush Limbaugh continued to push back against Democrats’ criticism of violent Rhetoric in connection with the Tucson shootings, suggesting that the suspected shooter, Jared Loughner, was smirking in his latest photo for a reason.
"What Mr. Loughner knows is that he has the full support of a major political party in this country. He's sitting there in jail. He knows what's going on, he knows that...the Democrat party is attempting to find anybody but him to blame. He knows if he plays...
Figures George Soros Has A Hand In Anti-Fracking Movement
If it’s good for America, George Soros is against it.
In this case, it’s shale on our own land that’s rich with Natural Gas. Recently a friend of mine informed me she decided she’s against hydro-fracking (fracking) in the Marcellus shale after watching the film Gasland. She told me everything they said was true and she was very concerned about fracking in her area because her water source is a well. Although I had heard about the film, I hadn’t seen it but I encou...
Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations
Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
Wisconsin's Reince Priebus Already Shaking Up RNC
Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body
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