Jessica Szohr, star of The CW’s ‘Gossip Girl,’ bares all in a new SoBe Lifewater ad. The actress shows off her carefully painted-on scales in the new campaign shot in Costa Rica. According to Celebuzz, the photos will also appear…
Read more >>During a Congressional Hearing in March 2009, manmade Global Warming skeptic Rep. John Shimkus (R-Ill.) referred to God's promise in the the book of Genesis to never again flood the entire Earth as one reason why he is dismissive of Global War…
Read more >>U.S. Rep. Joe Wilson said Democratic challenger Rob Miller’s charges that the Springdale Republican’s more than 40 overseas trips were junkets is the same as accusing U.S. combat Troops of being on Vacation. Wilson made his remarks …
Read more >>In a new twist in the fight over Arizona’s Immigration law, Republican Gov. Jan Brewer on Tuesday asked a Federal Court to disallow foreign Governments from joining the U.S. Department of Justice Lawsuit to overturn the law. The…
Read more >>Update: This post recently picked up by WUWT. Tony Brown - The author of Historic Variation in Arctic Ice Tony B has authored a guest post on the recent history of Climate Change. This post is extraordinarily well referenced. There are…
Read more >>Progressive financier George Soros' $100 million donation to the Human Rights Watch Advocacy Group couldn't have come at a better time — the Human Rights cause is losing ground worldwide. It may be that the three-year-old world economic Cr…
Read more >>Waterboarding. Abu Ghraib. Detaining Terrorists at Guantanamo Bay. Dissing Hans Blix. These, as seen by the Left, are the cardinal sins of George W. Bush’s Administration. Set aside the fraternity party-like nonsense that took place at Abu G…
Read more >>Rush Limbaugh railed against proposed New York Tax hikes last year, and vowed to leave the city for good. It took a little while , but Limbaugh has now unloaded his ritzy Manhattan condo for about $11.5 million, the Wall Street Journal repo …