The last week has been the greatest learning experience in modern America for those who ever questioned the wretched excess of Leftism in practice. Not since Pol Pot sought out its Victims has a political philosophy so demonstrated its willingness…
Read more >>Read more stories from The Daily Caller Washington's top five most ridiculous reactions to the Arizona shooting Jared Loughner and the ins and outs of the insanity defense Mark Sanford exits the stage 5 House freshmen to watch: a nurse, an FBI …
Read more >>WASHINGTON, DC – There's no shortage of media speculation as to why Jared Loughner chose to attack Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. Commentators have suggested possible roles for overheated political Rhetoric, mental illness, and even Sarah Palin'…
Read more >>As you may know by now, in a tragic act of insane violence, Arizona Rep. Gabby Giffords was targeted for Assassination, but survived the point-blank gunshot allegedly fired by Jared Lee Loughner, a 22-year-old man whose rambling Internet paranoi…
Read more >>Here are a couple of more optimistic takes on a possible Gary Johnson presidential candidacy: Daniel Larison says he might "have a salutary effect on the primary contest," Jack Ross argues Johnson could become the anti-Palin Candidate and actual…
Read more >>Dude, I think this might be the guy. After pointing out that the United States accounts for half of worldwide spending on defense, Johnson suggests the defense Budget might need to be slashed by as much as 44 to 90 percent from current levels. &…
Read more >>Get alerts when there is a new article that might interest you. Gary Johnson, the former New Mexico Governor and a likely 2012 Republican Presidential Candidate, hasn’t been shy about his support for Marijuana legalization or his personal us…
Read more >>SACRAMENTO, Calif. - It doesn’t seem to bother Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger that many Californians would prefer he just fade away. Instead, with his days in office numbered and the limelight shifting to his newly elected successor, the former …