WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) -- In his latest effort to find common ground with Republicans in Congress, President Barack Obama said today that he was willing to agree that he is a Muslim. Differences over his religious orientation have been…
Read more >>Fla. Woman Sues Collector for Stalking Her on Site to Recoup $362; Senators Push Bill to Thwart "Unscrupulous" Harrassment Like this Story? Share it: (AP) A Florida woman claims a Debt Collector went far beyond the usual phone calls in an attempt …
Read more >>ST. PETERSBURG, FLA. — A Florida woman claims a Debt Collector went far beyond the usual phone calls in an attempt to recoup $362 for an unpaid car loan by sending her Messages on Facebook — and by telling family on the social netw…
Read more >>Political campaigns are stuck on Facebook, and one Washington, D.C.-based digital consultancy aims to help them put engagement on the social site to use in more ways than simply collecting "likes." Republican agency Engage has developed a set of t…