Law Firm: There's been a shake up in the name of a well-known Alaska Law Firm.
PHOTOS: Sarah Palin in pictures
Clapp, Peterson, Van Flein, Tiemessen & Thorsness LLC has dropped the "Van Flein" and added a "Johnson." (To be clear, the firm's new name is Clapp, Peterson, Tiemessen, Thorsness & Johnson.) Blame it on Thomas Van Flein's latest career move.
VIDEOS: Sarah Palin in videos
In addition to departing from the firm, he's saying goodbye to his stint as a paid advisor for SarahPAC, Sarah Palin's political action committee, and as the Palin family's and Sen...
From oil taxes to Public Garden Day, legisative proposals are starting to pour in
Your state lawmakers are already hard at work and they're not even in Juneau yet. The session starts Jan. 18 but legislators on Friday pre-filed dozens of bills they are hoping to push through. A perusal of proposals shows they are already serious about revamping the state Oil tax system and trying to get an in-state Natural Gas line off the ground. There are plenty of education ideas, tweaks to things involving Public Employees and changes to taxes and fees collected by government. And then the...
Alaska Senate race at the heart of proposed legislation
You knew this one was coming. Two lawmakers say they will file a bill on Friday that makes it clear a voter's intent is to get the benefit of the doubt when they write in someone's name on a ballot. Please, no more quibbling over minor misspellings and dotting an i with a smiley face. Sen. Hollis French of Anchorage and Sen. Joe Thomas of Fairbanks, both Democrats, are teaming up to pre-file the bill which is expected to be read on the Senate Floor on the first day of session. That's coming...
Alaska Senate race at the heart of proposed legislation
You knew this one was coming. Two lawmakers say they will file a bill on Friday that makes it clear a voter's intent is to get the benefit of the doubt when they write in someone's name on a ballot. Please, no more quibbling over minor misspellings and dotting an i with a smiley face. Sen. Hollis French of Anchorage and Sen. Joe Thomas of Fairbanks, both Democrats, are teaming up to pre-file the bill which is expected to be read on the Senate Floor on the first day of session. That's coming...
Assassination Concerns Stir as a Federal Judge Dies, a Democratic Congresswoman Is Shot in Arizona
Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, a moderate Democrat who stirred the wrath of right-wingers with her vote for Health Care reform but was narrowly reelected in November, was shot by a gunman Saturday in what appears to have been as Assassination attempt at a community event in Tucson. Giffords was in critical condition after the attack. But others, including a Federal Judge, lay dead. Federal judge John Roll was killed in the rampage outside a Tucson Supermarket. Roll,who was appointed t...
Conflicting Reports: Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, 6 Others Possibly Killed in Shooting; Left Blames Sarah Palin
NPR confirms the shooting death of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) and at least 6 others: Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and six others died after a gunman opened fire at a public event on Saturday, the Pima County, Ariz., sheriff’s office confirms. The 40-year-old Democrat, who was re-elected to her third term in November, was hosting a “Congress on Your Corner” event at a Safeway in northwest Tucson when a gunman ran up and started shooting, according to Peter Michaels, news di...
SarahPACs Removes Hit List Image Of Giffords District, Her Facebook Page And DailyKos Post Remain
Shortly after reports surfaced that Rep. Gabrielle Giffords had been shot point-blank range during a meet and greet event in a Tuscon area Safeway Parking Lot, the managers of the website for Sarah Palin’s website SarahPAC took down some Controversial imagery that included Gun sight symbols over various Congressional Districts in political play. One of the targets on the map was that of Rep. Giffords. At the time, SarahPAC received criticism, even from some Conservatives, over the imagery....
Special Public Podcast: Intv w Rebecca Mansour
Rebecca Mansour joins me for a 30-minute special Podcast addressing the horror in Arizona today, and the obscene efforts by many of the left to politicize mass Murder by a clearly deranged individual. Rebecca works for Governor Palin’s SarahPAC and while she joins me personally and not on behalf of the PAC, she does address the shocking effort by depraved liberals to somehow blame Governor Palin for today’s atrocity. You must log in to post a comment. Previous post: UPDATED: Rep. Ga...
Attempted Assassination of Congresswoman Giffords in Arizona
As fast as fingers can fly the news has gone from bad to worse, Democratic Congresswoman Giffords was shot at a public event. She is now reported in surgery, though earlier she had been reported dead. Fox News reports at least 12 were shot. This is not an isolated incident. Napolitano was the target of a mail attack earlier this week. The Right Wing is in revolutionary mode, they are now close to gain a seat in Congress if the shooting becomes a successful Assassination, and they have already p...
An Democratic Congresswoman is Shot in Arizona
Arizona Congressman Gabrielle Giffords, a moderate Democrat who stirred the wrath of right-wingers with her vote for Health Care reform but was narrowly reelected in November, was shot by a gunman Saturday in what looks to have been as Assassination attempt at a community event in Tucson. A target of former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin's wrath during the 2010 campaign, Giffords was one of the twenty House members whose district was marked with a target in a SarahPAC campaign message that had Pali...
SarahPAC Website Removes Hit List Image That Included Target On Giffords District, Kos Post Remains
Shortly after reports surfaced that Rep. Gabrielle Giffords had been shot point-blank range during a meet and greet event in a Tuscon area Safeway Parking Lot, the managers of the website for Sarah Palin’s website SarahPAC took down some Controversial imagery that included Gun sight symbols over various Congressional Districts in political play. One of the targets on the map was that of Rep. Giffords. At the time, SarahPAC received criticism, even from some Conservatives, over the imagery....
From oil taxes to Public Garden Day, legisative proposals are starting to pour in
Your state lawmakers are already hard at work and they're not even in Juneau yet. The session starts Jan. 18 but legislators on Friday pre-filed dozens of bills they are hoping to push through. A perusal of proposals shows they are already serious about revamping the state Oil tax system and trying to get an in-state Natural Gas line off the ground. There are plenty of education ideas, tweaks to things involving Public Employees and changes to taxes and fees collected by government. And then the...
The great healthcare showdown: Round One
The debate over Healthcare Reform will be a fascinating one, and already its unexpected twists and turns illustrate that no one can tell exactly where this showdown is ultimately headed.
As Republicans prepare to vote next week (Jan. 12) on a full Repeal of the entire law enacted last March, Democrats are gearing up for a public-relations blitz, hoping to defend the program and reframe it in time for the next election. No matter that it was radioactive during the recent election just two mon...
OVERNIGHT HEALTH: $230 B repeal estimate sparks debate over deficit
Welcome to The Hill's evening roundup of the day's health policy news and advance look at tomorrow's schedule.
Thursday’s health news:
Repeal bill adds $230 billion to Deficit: Congressional Budget scorekeepers said Thursday that Republicans' effort to repeal Healthcare Reform would increase the deficit by about $230 billion over the first 10 years, adding fodder to Democrats' argument that House Republicans are backtracking on a campaign promise to reduce the deficit. Republicans next week ...
Treadwell tapped for Arctic advice
Gov. Sean Parnell seems to be making good on at least one of his promises: To give Lt. Gov. Mead Treadwell the lead on all things Arctic. The Governor has named Treadwell as the state's representative to the U.S. Arctic Commission, the panel Treadwell used to head before he decided to seek political fame and fortune and run for state office. Parnell gave the scoop to the Fairbanks Daily News Miner while in town Thursday to speak to the Rotary Club there. It's a smart move. Treadwe...
Spill talk is spilling over in Congress
The Deepwater Horizon report may be the catalyst for new oil Oil Spill and Energy Legislation. With the scathing first chapter of the President's National Oil Spill Commission hot off the presses and more to come next week, Capitol Hill is abuzz with talk of a renewed effort to pass substantive Oil Spill Legislation and an Energy Bill. This according to The Hill's E2 energy and environment blog which says the talk may be new but the same old problems remain, namely: Who must pay for damages...
Treadwell tapped for Arctic advice
Gov. Sean Parnell seems to be making good on at least one of his promises: To give Lt. Gov. Mead Treadwell the lead on all things Arctic. The Governor has named Treadwell as the state's representative to the U.S. Arctic Commission, the panel Treadwell used to head before he decided to seek political fame and fortune and run for state office. Parnell gave the scoop to the Fairbanks Daily News Miner while in town Thursday to speak to the Rotary Club there. It's a smart move. Treadwe...
Spill talk is spilling over in Congress
The Deepwater Horizon report may be the catalyst for new oil spill and Energy Legislation. With the scathing first chapter of the President's National Oil Spill Commission hot off the presses and more to come next week, Capitol Hill is abuzz with talk of a renewed effort to pass substantive oil spill Legislation and an Energy Bill. This according to The Hill's E2 energy and environment blog which says the talk may be new but the same old problems remain, namely: Who must pay for damage...
Cheers and Jeers: Rum and Coke FRIDAY!
From the GREAT STATE OF Maine...
Late Night Snark: Guaranteed Deficit Neutral!
"Republicans took control of the House for the first time in four years. They say they’re going to stick to a strict interpretation of the Constitution. I hope you didn’t like voting, women and non-whites."
---Jimmy Kimmel
"Republicans will be pure to their deficit-reduction vows. Kind of like the way a groom on his Wedding day may vow to be faithful except for carving out a few exceptions for peopl...
Jane Fonda Blames Giffords Shooting on Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck and the Tea Party
Jane Fonda has blamed Saturday's tragic Shooting Spree in Tucson, Arizona, on former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, conservative Talk Show host Glenn Beck, and the Tea Party movement. Actually, Giffords is not a Progressive. Wikipedia lists her as part of the Blue Dog Coalition. It would be nice if Fonda knew how to spell Beck's first name, but since she's likely never seen his show or read anything he's written, it's not surprising. Nice job, Jane. You're quite a rocket sc...
No Sequel to "Sarah Palin's Alaska"
A second season is out, says "Entertainment Weekly," raising speculation (yet again) of a presidential run by Palin. Lynette Rice writes, "If she and her family chose to shoot more episodes, it would surely be interpreted as a sign that she had no plans to run for office. By not doing a second round, Palin would spare TLC the trouble of having to provide her fellow Candidates with equal-access time of their own in t...
Assassination Concerns Stir as a Democratic Congresswoman Is Shot in Arizona
Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, a moderate Democrat who stirred the wrath of right-wingers with her vote for Health Care reform but was narrowly reelected in November, was shot by a gunman Saturday in what appears to have been as Assassination attempt at a community event in Tucson. The target of a highly Controversial campaign for her defeat in 2010 by former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, Giffords was one of 20 House members whose district was marked with a gunsight target in a SarahPA...
Tragedy Strikes Arizona: Fuck off, Sarah Palin. Seriously. Just Fuck Off.
I hope you’re happy, you vile malevolent joke of a human being.
I just got a panicked call from my mother asking me if I had heard what happened. I hadn’t checked the news yet today because I’m frantically working on a brief. She said that there had been a shooting. My first thought was “Oh my god, they got him.” So I checked the news and found out that Democratic Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head, a Federal Judge, a...
Romney Leads First New Hampshire GOP Primary Poll
The New Hampshire primary is just over a year away and will be here before you know it. However, the action hasn’t even gotten underway as far as Candidates officially positioning themselves, so take this for what it’s worth : Former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney holds a commanding lead in New Hampshire in the early stages of the race for the 2012 Republican Presidential nomination, according to a new survey commissioned by NH Journal and conducted by Magellan Strategies. The survey is the ...
AZ killer a nut job
Doug Ross did his research and has discovered some disturbing details about Jared Lee Loughner, the alleged killer of six who also critically wounded Rep. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) outside a Safeway store in Tucson Arizona. Here is his apparently YouTube Suicide note, one laced with bizarre numerology and dream references. Liberals were quick to blame the Tea Party movement and the sometimes-militant Rhetoric employed by its standard-bearers. On Twitter, Activists repeatedly referred to th...
Daily scoreboard
1. The attempted Assassination of Democratic Congresswoman is evil.
Pray for her. Pray for her family. Pray for our nation.
2. From the London Daily Mail, President Obama: “We’ve got a big hole that we’re digging ourselves out of.’”
What do you mean “we,” paleface?
3. From the CBO: Repealing ObamaCare will reduce spending by $540 billion — and it will cut taxes by $770 billion.
4. The Washington Post reported this as a $230 bill...
Richard Holbrooke Remembered For China, Bosnia, Afghanistan
Top Priority For Republicans: Cutting Federal Spending
Sarah Palin Follows Own Advice In Media Dealings
Tracheotomy Lets Surgeons Remove Giffords' Feeding Tube
Reince Priebus Gets To Find $22 Million For RNC
Governor Pat Quinn Signs Off On Massive Tax Hike
Want A Republican President? How About Herman Cain
Kay Bailey Hutchison Promises To Call It Quits
Christina Green, Youngest Tucson Victim, Laid To Rest
Glenn Beck Supports Barack Obama. Seriously.