Weight Loss: Losing weight may be the new Fountain of Youth: It makes you look and feel younger.
PHOTOS: USA Today in pictures
So say several dieters who have been featured in the USA Today Weight-Loss Challenge and Obesity experts who study Weight Loss.
VIDEOS: USA Today in videos
Tom Slater, 42, of Olmsted Falls, Ohio, who now weighs 162 pounds, down from a high of 288, says his face looked "swollen" when he was heavier, "almost like I had been stung by 1,000 bees. "When you have so much excess weight, your face shows it most," Slater says. He started to look you...
The inheritance of obesity: Thanks, Dad
THAT a gestating mother’s environment can have a permanent effect on the physiology of her offspring is well established. The Children of Dutch women who were pregnant during the “Hunger Winter” of 1944, for example, suffer much higher rates of Obesity, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease than those born a year or two earlier. Similar observations in other famines, together with experiments on rodents, suggest this is an accidental consequence of an evolutionary adaptation to f...
The Best ThingYou'll Read All Day
"I think one of the biggest misconceptions when we talk about Obesity in general is that obese people are obese largely because of their lifestyles and because of the way that they live," Dr. Arya Sharma of the University of Alberta, told CBC News. [Sharma is the chair of Obesity research and management at the University of Alberta and medical director of the Weight Wise program at Edmonton's Royal Alexandra Hospital.] Sharma points to studies where people's eating and activity are carefully mon...
New Evolution Diet: Eat Like a Caveman
Consume less, burn more isn’t the only way to keep that New Year's Weight Loss resolution: Two new books take aim at conventional dieting wisdom, with one targeting Insulin and the other advocating a return to our ancestors' eating and exercise habits....
Study finds what bodybuilders have known for 60 years: Protein key in dieting
How much money must be spent on these studies before researchers start talking to the bodybuilding community that has known these facts for the better part of a century now? From the AP via The Detroit News: Study: Protein key in dieting
More turkey, less white bread and mashed potatoes. Just in time for holiday feasting, a large study found that diets higher in protein and lower in Carbohydrates can help overweight adults who have managed to drop some weight keep it off...
Carole Carson: The Skinny on Fitness Trends in 2011: Strategies for Tackling Obesity
What's your reason for getting fit and dropping a few pounds? Like Ashton Kutcher, are you worried about a "massive world-crushing event" where only the fittest survive? Or are your concerns more immediate, such as an oversized number on the scale and a thinning wallet?
Nearly 75 percent of Americans will be overweight or obese by 2019. That's the projection of Economists in a report, "Obesity and the Economics of Prevention: Fit Not Fat," issued by the Paris-based 33-member Organisation of E...
Newark Mayor Cory Booker Vows to Lose 57 Pounds, Will Facebook and Tweet All About It
Just a week ago Newark Mayor and "Social Media darling" Cory Booker was digging out his own citizens a tweet at a time, subsisting on Diet Coke and Advil, and becoming the hands-down hero of Snow-pocalypse 2010. Now he's taken to Facebook and Twitter with another cause: He plans to hit 240 (down from his current 287 pounds) by April 27, his birthday, and ultimately to reach his "healthy goal weight" of 230.
Booker serves as honorary co-vice chair of Michelle Obama's anti-obesity campai...
Illinois Spending $428 Million Per Year To Keep Elderly Inmates Behind Bars
Chicago Reader:
Bill Heirens, infamous as Chicago's "Lipstick Killer," is the longest-serving inmate in the Illinois Prison system. He's been behind bars since the age of 17, when he confessed to three gruesome murders that dominated the news headlines throughout the summer of '46.
Housed at Dixon Correctional Center, the 82-year-old Heirens can't get out of bed or bathe himself, and his cataract-plagued eyes have left him unable to read. He has severe Diabetes and gets shots of i...
Birch bark may contain healing benefits
SHANGHAI, Jan. 6 (UPI) -- An ingredient in birch bark may have an array of metabolic benefits, researchers in Shanghai say. Researchers at Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, led by Bao-Liang Song, found the compound -- betulin -- affected sterol regulatory element-binding proteins involved in the biosynthesis of Cholesterol, Fatty Acids and triglycerides that are known as SREBPs. "Our study shows that the SREBP pathway is a good target for several metabolic diseases," Song said in a st...
City Will Not Raise Recreation Center Fees
Fans of the city’s recreation centers can breathe easy, at least for the moment: The city has decided to delay a plan that would have doubled admission fees at 32 centers.
The decision was part of a deal between the Bloomberg administration and the City Council that was announced Thursday. The city agreed to avoid certain cuts in the current Fiscal Year, including the elimination of 200 Child Welfare positions and programs for Homeless youth.
The city had proposed raising annual fees for recr...
Don't worry, we'll die early
Don't Worry, We'll Die Early
by digby
For those who continue to believe that people are unexpectedly liking longer than the creators of Social Security ever imagined or that there will never be enough workers to support all those hundred and twenty year old Retirees this article explains why raising the Retirement Age is an important benefit cut for working people.
But this is something I hadn't considered.
In the next 25 years, the number of Americans living with Diabetes will nearly double...
Health Benefits of Smoking Tobacco
Thanks to Surgeon General's Warning Labels, public Smoking Bans, strict Regulation of advertising, excise taxes, and public service messages, nearly everyone in America is fully aware of the many health risks associated with Cigarette Smoking. Ongoing research has continuously proven that smoking causes lung dysfunction, Cancer, SIDS, Heart Disease, Birth Defects, preterm birth, and other serious Health Problems. Knowing this, the idea that Cigarette smoking may offer health benefits may seem ...
VIDEO: Ted Williams, Man With The 'Golden Voice,' Reunites With His Mom
What is this? We've got one more heart-warming video today involving Ted Williams, who in just a couple days has gone from living on the streets in Columbus, Ohio, to national fame for his "golden voice." Today he saw his mother, Julia, for the first time in about 20 years. MSNBC.com has the video: What is this? Please note that all comments must adhere to the NPR.org discussion rules and terms of use. See also the Community FAQ. You must be logged in to leave a comment. Login / Register More in...
Ex-pastor could get up to 5 years for sex with teen
Source: Columbus Dispatch
Newark, Ohio The former pastor of a Millersport church pleaded no contest and was found Guilty yesterday of having sex with a 16-year-old member of his congregation.
In Licking County Common Pleas Court, Daniel L. Monk, 47, of Hebron, was indicted in September on two felony counts of sexual battery and a Misdemeanor count of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. He was arrested after a woman called police and told them Monk had been having an inappropriate relat...
VIDEO: Ted Williams, Man With The 'Golden Voice,' Reunites With His Mom
What is this? We've got one more heart-warming video today involving Ted Williams, who in just a couple days has gone from living on the streets in Columbus, Ohio, to national fame for his "golden voice." Today he saw his mother, Julia, for the first time in about 20 years. MSNBC.com has the video: What is this? Please note that all comments must adhere to the NPR.org discussion rules and terms of use. See also the Community FAQ. You must be logged in to leave a comment. Login / Register More in...
Ted Williams, 'Golden-Voiced' Homeless Man, Reunites With Mother After 20 Years
The last couple days have been emotional for Ted Williams, the 'golden-voiced' Homeless man from Ohio who's won the country over with his story -- and vocal talents.
But the most momentous part of the transition from Homeless to YouTube darling came when Williams reunited with his mother Thursday in New York, after 20 years of separation.
NBC's "The Today Show" captured the tearful reunion.
Visit MSNBC.com for breaking news, world news, and news about The Economy
Read more about how t...
Ted Williams Reunited With Mom After Networks Cause Delays
Expect to see and hear much more of Ted Williams (the “golden voiced” - or, for the sake of mixing things up, “platinum vocal chorded” - Homeless man who has been all over the news as of late); Williams has been given yet another job offer: voicing a commercial for Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, filmed right after this morning’s Today Show appearance.
And it seems that Williams’ good fortune is personal as well as professional: The Bed-Stuy, Brookly...
82 year old vet still good shot, captures alleged theives
Image via Wikipedia
Military Times:
An 82-year-old retired High School math teacher and business owner with Diabetes and Leukemia shot out a tire on a pickup truck loaded with stuff allegedly stolen from his house and held two men at gunpoint until police arrived.
New Castle County police took William G. Rafter, 41, of Clayton, Del., and Mark Sturgill, 30, of Bridgeton, N.J., into custody. They were charged with felony theft and Conspiracy by State Police, who said they stole a generator and m...
HealthWatch: Skin Treatment
NEW YORK (CBS 2) - If you’re like most people, you rang in the new year with a long list of new resolutions, and a lot of them probably have to do with turning back the clock and looking younger. However, even if you lose weight, exercise more and eat healthier, sometimes Mother Nature needs a helping hand to turn back the clock, Dr. Max Gomez reports. For a younger-looking face, there’s always surgery, but new technology is actually making it possible to rejuvenate without cut...
US packaging shrinks, prices don't as fuel costs soar
A man shops a t Manhattan Grocery Store in 2009. Blaming everything from hi... Blaming everything from high Oil Prices to low temperatures, US manufacturers are shrinking product sizes but not cutting prices, which amounts to a sneaky price hike, a report released Tuesday said. Popular products like Tropicana orange juice, Ivory dishwashing soap and Kraft American cheese slices "are all playing the shrinking package game, and manufacturers are attributing it to rising costs for ingredients and ...
Riva Greenberg: A Resolution to Stick With: Be a Contribution
I have not made any new year's resolutions. I never do -- not since turning old enough to realize they're a cruel joke we play on ourselves.
There are three reasons why I don't make resolutions:
If I don't keep them, I'll feel like a failure.
If there's something I really want to do, I'll do it.
There's a much better way to make lasting changes.
Last week, reporters were asking everyone on the streets of New York City, "What are your new year's resolutions?" and then experts on those same mor...
Make Your Body a Calorie-Burning Machine
NEW YORK, Jan. 4, 2011 Like this Story? Share it: (CBS) It's a new year and a lot of people have resolved to lose weight. A healthy diet is one aspect of getting there. Another: exercise. The first thing you should do is think about what you want to achieve and set healthy short-term goals -- goals you can achieve in 30 days, as opposed to visualizing the perfect body at the end of the year. Lots of little steps will lead up to your ultimate goal. Try to envision very short-term goals -- losin...
Snooki Talks Weight Loss, Sex Toy
E! Online:
Q: You said Jersey Shore isn't your main goal in life. What is?
Snooki: To brand myself and to make enough money where, if I have a big family, I can support them and never work again because...I can't work after this.
Read the whole story: E! Online
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Cory Booker's Newark Weight-Loss Plan Is Already Working
What can't this guy do? Seriously. After announcing on Tuesday his new plan to lose 57 pounds by April, Newark Mayor-of-the-People Cory Booker is already being deluged with Twitter followers supporting and joining him in his efforts. Folks are kickboxing, spending practically an entire hour on the elliptical, and just generally participating and chanting "eye of the tiger" and thanking him for the motivation. It's rather amazing.
Is Newark becoming some sort of new digital-era h...
WEIGHT-LOSS ADVICE from author Gary Taubes.
WEIGHT-LOSS ADVICE from author Gary Taubes.
We're out of control . . .
Wonder why you have already broken all your New Year's resolutions? Do not blame yourself -- heaven forbid. Enlist modern sophistication, and blame your brain's frontal cortex, affluence, the Internet (the ``collapse of delay between impulse and action'') and ``the democratization of temptation.'' Those phrases are from Daniel Akst, a novelist and essayist whose book We Have Met the Enemy: Self-Control in an Age of Excess notes that the problems of freedom and affluence -- of ``managing desire ...
Governor Pat Quinn Signs Off On Massive Tax Hike
Want A Republican President? How About Herman Cain
Kay Bailey Hutchison Promises To Call It Quits
Christina Green, Youngest Tucson Victim, Laid To Rest
Glenn Beck Supports Barack Obama. Seriously.
The Unemployment Rate's Not Going Down Anytime Soon
More Threats To Congress Keep Popping Up
Obama To Arizona, Congress In Mourning
Sarah Palin Does Exact Wrong Thing After Giffords Shooting
U.S. Budget Gap Narrows, Deficit Still High