Gabrielle Giffords: In early June, Lynda Sorenson, 52, had gone back to community college in Tucson in hopes of getting back on the Job Market.
PHOTOS: Gabrielle Giffords in pictures
One of her classes was a basic algebra class--and one of her classmates was Jared Loughner, now identified by authorities as the man who killed six people and critically wounded Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) in a shooting rampage Saturday.
VIDEOS: Gabrielle Giffords in videos
You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our lives, and attemp...
Candidate's name spells trouble on Alaska's ballot forms
As votes were counted in America's tumultuous Midterm last night, nowhere was there more scope for chaos in the complex counting process than in Alaska, where Election supervisors were warning that declaring a winner in the US Senate race may not take a few hours, but perhaps days or even longer.
The problem is the Republican Incumbent Lisa Murkowski and her exotic name. After losing the Republican Primary contest to the Tea Party Candidate Joe Miller, she decided to keep running as a "write-i...
Today Show: Alaska Senate Race A Referendum On Sarah Palin; Murkowski Win Will Be A Black Eye for Palin Video
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about The Economy
The Today Show is already starting to attack Sarah Palin over the Alaska Senate race, claiming the race is a “Referendum” on Palin and will be a “black eye” for her if Lisa Murkowski wins. Alaska’s Senate Candidates making their final push, Joe Miller, the Republican Tea Party favorite is struggling against write-in Candidate Incumbent Candidate Lisa Murkowski, if the Republican vote is spli...
Alaska write-ins lead Miller, McAdams
Initial tallies out of Alaska show write-in votes – presumably for Sen. Lisa Murkowski – to be in the lead.
With 27.6 percent of precincts reporting, write-in votes received 39 percent, while Republican Joe Miller had 34 percent and Democrat Scott McAdams had 25 percent.
If the write-in votes lead at the end of the evening, it’s going to take several weeks before Alaskans know who their next Senator is. Officials will start counting ballots on Nov. 18 – a process they...
OC's AdTracker on the Bizarre Alaska Senate Race
As you watch the election results roll in tonight, keep an eye on the race to represent Alaska in the U.S. Senate. Lisa Murkowski narrowly lost her primary this spring against newcomer and Tea Party Candidate Joe Miller. She then decided to run as an Independent, but Alaska election law keeps her off the ballot because she lost a primary, so she’s having to run as a write-in (which isn’t easy with a last name like Murkowski). Miller now has the Republican nomination and a lot of Tea ...
How's this for GOTV?
ANCHORAGE, Alaska -- Supporters of Incumbent Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R) are wearing bracelets with Murkowski's name on them. Murkowski is running a write-in campaign, because she lost to Joe Miller (R) in the primary. Domenico Montanaro writes: NBC's Adam Verdugo reports from Anchorage, Alaska, that voters are going to the polls with bracelets (pictured at right) and T-shirts with Lisa Murkowski's name on them. Team Murkowski has been handing them out at rallies. One side says, "Lisa Murkowski". Th...
How Murkowski Could Fare as a Write-In
By Vauhini Vara
In Alaska, polling places are set to close at 8 p.m. (midnight on the East Coast), with early election results expected soon afterward. To understand how Lisa Murkowski could fare in her write-in candidacy to keep her Senate seat, consider Ernest Gruening.
Mr. Gruening, a Democrat known as the father of Alaska statehood, served as one of the states first senators from 1959 to 1969. Like Ms. Murkowski, Mr. Gruening decided on a write-in bid to keep his seat after losing in
“Corrupt Bastards” out of work after Joe Miller phonegate
If you think we can’t make a difference, think again. Thanks to Dan Riehl, the Breitbart team, and Sarah Palin, (who appropriately called them “corrupt bastards”) justice came to Joe Miller and the people of Alaska. The KTVA producers who tried to concoct stories against Joe Miller, to sway the election against him, were let go of their positions. Justice, how sweet it is! “At no time did any of the elements associated with the recorded comments become part of any coverag...
Corrupt Bastards out of work after Joe Miller phonegate
- Jennifer of Cubachi
If you think we can't make a difference, think again. Thanks to Dan Riehl the Breitbart team, and Sarah Palin, (who appropriately called them "corrupt bastards") justice came to Joe Miller and the people of Alaska.
The KTVA producers who tried to concoct stories against Joe Miller, to sway the election against him, were let go of their positions.
Justice, how sweet it is!
Corrupt Bastards out of work after Joe Miller phonegate
Posted by Jennifer Caballero on Nov 2 2010 Filed under News & Opinion, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry
If you think we can’t make a difference, think again. Thanks to Dan Riehl the Breitbart team, and Sarah Palin, (who appropriately called them “corrupt bastards”) justice came to Joe Miller and the people of Alaska.
The KTVA producers who tried to concoct stories against Joe Mil...
HuffPost Pollster's Final Predictions For 2010
Washington - The final round of public polls brings us to prediction time: In Senate contests, while three states remain well within toss-up range, Democrats currently lead by at least nominal margins in sufficient seats to maintain a 51-seat majority. Our estimates based on polls conducted in 125 individual U.S. House races project Republican gains of 48 seats, more than enough for majority control, although the aggregate of national polling on "generic" House vote preference suggests an even...
Reid Wins in Nevada, Dashing GOP Hopes of Capturing Senate
Nevada Sen. Harry Reid won a tough re-election fight on Tuesday in a race that proved extra-sweet for him and his Party, as it enabled Democrats to block a potential Republican takeover of the U.S. Senate and allowed the Majority Leader to keep his post. Reid was winning with 51 percent of the vote against Tea Party favorite Sharron Angle, who had 44 percent. Reid's return to the Senate gives him a fifth term but a diminished Majority, as Republicans picked up at least six seats. The only races ...
NY Daily News Digs Up 2 RINO Dinosaurs
From the New York Daily Worker News:
GOP bigs: If Republicans fail to win Senate, blame Tea Party & Christine O’Donnell, Sharron Angle
By Michael Mcauliff
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
WASHINGTON - If Democrats keep control of the Senate, the Republicans can blame it on the Tea Party.
"The Tea Party has helped in the House - [but] probably cost us the Senate," said longtime GOP Campaign guru Stu Spencer .
Mr. Spencer is a dino...
Producers Involved in Alaska "Phonegate" Fired
A pair of producers involved in the "Phonegate" Scandal in Alaska have been fired. The former employees of the CBS affiliate in Anchorage left an accidental Voicemail for an aide to GOP Senate Candidate Joe Miller, in which they joked about the possibility of reporting on the appearance of Sex Offenders at a Miller rally. "KTVA today released findings of its internal assessment of allegations that the "News director for CBS Anchorage affiliate KTVA, along with assignment editor Nick McDermott, a...
Craps: AP Calls It for Reid
Sen. Harry Reid (D.) is projected to cling to his seat in Nevada. He leads Republican Sharron Angle 50.8 percent to 44.5 percent — some 32,000 votes — with 41 percent of precincts reporting. If the lead holds, it represents a major victory for Democrats on an otherwise bad night. Now, the question remains. Reid keeps his seat, but does he keep his job? We have lived in Northern Nevada for almost 40 years. The rural counties have not tallied votes yet. It's not a guaranteed win for Re...
Today Show: Alaska Senate Race is a Referendum on Sarah Palin
In this Today Show report they are hoping for a Joe Miller loss so it can be pinned on Sarah Palin, they say Miller is 'faltering' and that this 'will be a black eye for Sarah Palin
TODAY: "Well, Sarah Palin has certainly inserted herself into this Senate race which has many wondering what the results could mean for her future. Alaska's Senate Candidates making their final push, Joe Miller, the Republican Tea Party favorite is struggling against write-in Candidate Incumbent Candidate Lisa Murko...
Murkowski Would Caucus With GOP
Politico writes:
Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski told Politico unequivocally that she plans to Caucus with the Republican Party if she wins her write-in campaign Tuesday.
“I have caucused with the Republicans in the past; I will be caucusing with the Republicans when I go back in January,” said Murkowski in a phone interview, responding to recent news reports speculating about whether she’d buck the party and comments Murkowski made over the weekend saying that, if elected, she would represen
Why liberals and the establishment fear a Joe Miller win
I never thought Alaska will be such a pinnacle in the Election cycle, but the state has turned out to be so vital in this Election Day. We have a battle on our hands over the direction of not only this country, but of the republican Party. Although the NRSC claims to have Joe Miller’s back, we know better. Not stripping Lisa Murkowski of her duties in the Senate, as well as backbiting, anonymous leaks of giving up on Miller, is indicative of how much the establishment fears the man. Sarah ...
Campaign winds down; vote count nears
Alaska's polls close at 8 p.m. and the Candidates in the U.S. Senate race throughout the day were waving signs, calling voters, and doing what they could to win last minute Votes in a race that's considered a tossup.
Joe Miller: Rand Paul win is a mandate
- Jennifer of Cubachi
Rand Paul was the first big winner for the conservative and Tea Party movement.
It was a a decisive Victory sending a message to Washington that we're not for business as usual. Paul's Victory Speech evoked that message.
Joe Miller, the Alaska Senate Candidate called the Victory a mandate.
Joe Miller: Rand Paul win is a mandate
Rand Paul, the optomologist and Libertarian leaning, Sarah Palin-endorsed early on, was the first big win for the Tea Party movement election night. The Tea Party supported his message of limited government, a Balanced Budget, term limits, and no spending. He gave a great and brief Speech envoking the greatness of America and the beauty of our capitalist system, which liberal Washington was glad to forget. Paul is one man you will not question on his principles nor his votes. You know where he s...
Two TV producers involved in Miller phone recording gone
Two TV producers involved in a phone recording that Sarah Palin claimed showed Media Bias against Republican Senate hopeful Joe Miller are "no longer with" the Anchorage station.
About War Room
There are scores of Tea Party-backed Candidates running for all sorts of offices across the country, but we've picked the 10 whose races we think are most worth monitoring tonight.
Current tally:
Tea Party winners: 4 (Paul, Toomey, Rubio, Bachmann)
Tea Party losers: 2 (O'Donnell, Paladino)
To be decided: 4
Nevada Senate (65% of expected vote reported)
Sharron Angle (R) 44%
Harry Reid (D) 52%
Scott Ashjian (I) ...
Public school kids favor incumbents, getting paid for grades
From Bill White in Anchorage --
Anchorage area Students in grades 5-12 cast ballots in their own mock election coordinated by the League of Women Voters of Anchorage.
In the U.S. Senate race, Incumbent Sen. Lisa Murkowski got 41 percent of the Vote from the 9,854 Students from 56 Schools, Joe Miller got 33 percent and Scott McAdams received 18 percent.
In the U.S. House race, Incumbent Rep. Don Young came in first, with 75 percent of the Vote against Harry Crawford.
In the race for Governor, in...
GOP Senate candidates among global warming's biggest skeptics - Politics AP -
WASHINGTON -- Scientists say evidence from around the globe clearly shows that human activity is changing the Climate. Conservative Republican Candidates in U.S. Senate races nationwide, however, don't agree.
It's a point that scores well with "Tea Party" Activists, but contradicts what NASA, the National Academy of Sciences and other prominent science organizations have been telling readers on their websites.
Victories by these Candidates Tuesday could make Senate action on reducing emission...
Ever outlandish, Alan Grayson tops himself with Sarah Palin rant
Actual campaign e-mail from U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson, D-Orlando. On Friday night, Sarah Palin came to Orlando, and attacked Rep. Alan Grayson. This is what she said: "I got to meet quite a few Candidates who are lining up in a contested primary who want to take out Alan Grayson. And I think Alan Grayson -- what can you say about Alan Grayson? Piper is with me tonight, so I won't say anything about Alan Grayson that can't be said around Children. [Good one, Sarah!] But thank you, Flori...
Richard Holbrooke Remembered For China, Bosnia, Afghanistan
Top Priority For Republicans: Cutting Federal Spending
Sarah Palin Follows Own Advice In Media Dealings
Tracheotomy Lets Surgeons Remove Giffords' Feeding Tube
Reince Priebus Gets To Find $22 Million For RNC
Governor Pat Quinn Signs Off On Massive Tax Hike
Want A Republican President? How About Herman Cain
Kay Bailey Hutchison Promises To Call It Quits
Christina Green, Youngest Tucson Victim, Laid To Rest
Glenn Beck Supports Barack Obama. Seriously.
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