John Cornyn: Texas Sen. John Cornyn at odds with spending bill because of Earmarks 09:30 AM CST on Thursday, December 16, 2010 By TODD J.
PHOTOS: John Cornyn in pictures
GILLMAN / The Dallas Morning News [email protected] WASHINGTON - Texas' senators sought Wednesday to distance themselves from a $1.1 Trillion spending package that contains hundreds of millions in earmarks they requested, including $20 million for Dallas' Trinity River Project.
VIDEOS: John Cornyn in videos
Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, with fellow Republican John Thune of South Dakota, ...
Many Senators Who Voted to Ban Earmarks Also Pushed Pet Projects
WASHINGTON — Dozens of senators who voted to ban the practice of earmarking nevertheless requested nearly $1 billion for pet projects in the spending bill released Tuesday. The latest on President Obama, the new Congress and other news from Washington and around the nation. Join the discussion. The $1.2 Trillion measure includes more than 6,700 Earmarks totaling $8.1 billion, according to data from Taxpayers for Common Sense, a Washington Watchdog group, including millions from 24 of the ...
Senator Coburn Lists Every Bit of Pork In New Omnibus Spending Bill
Drew just mentioned this, and Bennett (Appropriator, UT) attempting to get all the sweet sweet pork he can before leaving office.
Coburn's database has all the pork for your inspection.
Here are two that Slublog has called out so far:
$500,000: Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate, Boston, MA, for educational program development, including an endowment
Requested by Marky in the House and Kerry in the Senate.
From Debbie Stabenow:
$800,000:Crim Fitness Foundation, Flint, MI ...
Cornyn: Karl, This Is Not Just About Earmarks!
Filed under Blog, Politics. Tagged Earmarks, John Cornyn, John Thune, Omnibus 2010. ABC News’ Jon Karl, one of the best reporters in Washington, asks the questions that need to be asked when it comes to putting hypocritical politicians on the spot. Sad to say, he had to do that today with two senior Republican Senators, John Cornyn and John Thune, about their hypocrisy on the earmark issue. Check out how uncomfortable everybody gets in this video: Text of the exchange below the break. Se...
John Cornyn Up In Arms Over All The Earmarks Not Requested By John Cornyn
The Lame Duck session of Congress wends on and on! Today, the bitter battle is enjoined over the omnibus Budget bill, and the chief complainant is Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas). See, Cornyn is very upset about all of the Earmarks that are in the bill. And it's easy to see why! A few weeks ago, he was one of 39 senators who voted to ban the practice entirely, in an effort that was ultimately unsuccessful.
Of course, as I've already documented, many of the people who have long complained about earm...
Senators vote to ban earmarks _ then grab them
Twenty-five senators, most Republicans, who recently voted to ban homestate projects are claiming hundreds of Earmarks in an almost $1.3 Trillion bill to fund most federal programs and agencies until next year. Republicans are calling the 1,924-page bill a pork-filled mess and accusing Democrats of trying to jam it through Congress with minimal debate and little if any opportunity to make changes. Some GOP senators voiced outrage but made no effort to dump their own Earmarks from the Legislation...
Senators vote to ban earmarks _ then grab them
WASHINGTON (AP) — Twenty-five senators, most Republicans, who recently voted to ban homestate projects are claiming hundreds of earmarks in an almost $1.3 trillion bill to fund most federal programs and agencies until next year. Republicans are calling the 1,924-page bill a pork-filled mess and accusing Democrats of trying to jam it through Congress with minimal debate and little if any opportunity to make changes. Some GOP senators voiced outrage but made no effort to dump their own earma...
Senators vote to ban earmarks _ then grab them
WASHINGTON (AP) - More than two dozen senators, most Republicans, who recently voted to ban homestate projects are claiming hundreds of Earmarks in an almost $1.3 Trillion bill to fund most federal programs and agencies into next fall. Republicans are calling the 1,924-page bill a pork-filled mess and accusing Democrats of trying to jam it through Congress with minimal debate and little if any opportunity to make changes. Some GOP senators voiced outrage but made no effort to dump their own ear...
Bill Hemmer hammers RINO John Cornyn asking him to defend his own earmarks in the pork filled omnibus bill
Bill Hemmer hammers RINO John Cornyn asking him to defend his own Earmarks in the pork filled omnibus bill
You know, I love Texas, but their RINO Senators like John Cornyn and Kay Bailey Hutchinson need to go. Bill Hemmer of Fox News interviewed RINO and hypocrite John Cornyn and discussed the pork filled omnibus spending bill proposed by Harry Reid. The bill is loaded with over 6,000 Earmarks from both Democrats AND Republicans and is needed to be passed by Saturday in order to keep the gover...
Wow. We Won. Spending Bill Dead
That's right. Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid abandoned efforts to pass a $1.1 Trillion spending bill and instead extend current funding. He simply didn't have the votes. The most wonderful thing about this is that the billion dollar funding of ObamaCare is gone. The new Congress will have a much easier time defunding it now. Not to mention that I don't think Earmarks will have a chance at being included. SEN. Mitch McConnell (R-KY): "And so what we ended up with, Mr. President, was this, ...
ANALYSIS: A Look At Republicans Who Are Blasting An Omnibus Bill Laden With Their Own Pork
As ThinkProgress noted yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell requested and received millions of dollars in Earmarks for this year’s omnibus spending bill, but has now denounced the measure and plans to vote against it. Overall, Republican Senators have gotten nearly $2 billion in Earmarks into the omnibus, and yet because of concerns over “wasteful spending,” they are threatening to block the entire bill — which contains not only funding for their own projec...
Why the GOP is in trouble over earmarks
Although Earmarks account for less than 1 percent of the Budget, they have become a political hot potato. They are important because they serve as the "sugar" that allows massive and often toxic bills to pass. When members of Congress see massive spending bills and break down the packages, they find it difficult, if not impossible, to support them. In order to get these bills through they attach billions in spending for bills that go to benefit specific members districts or sta...
Attention GOP Porkers: Hatch Had His Earmark Requests Stripped From Spending Bill
Republican Senators whose earmark requests pepper the much-maligned omnibus spending bill are having a really hard time explaining how they went from requesting Earmarks earlier this year to decrying the Legislation... because of all the earmarks. But never let it be said that those requests were baked into the spending package before the anti-pork wave hit in November.
After the Republican Caucus voted to impose an earmark Moratorium last month, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) -- who's likely to face...
Harkin includes 152 earmarks in omnibus bill, 4th most in Senate
The Senate Appropriations Committee released an omnibus federal spending bill on Tuesday. The bill essentially sets the Budget for the Federal Government to continue operating into the next year, and Congress must take action on it or a similar bill before the end of the year in order for the Federal Government to keep its doors open after Jan. 1. More than 6,000 Earmarks were included in the omnibus worth more than $8 billion in spending for 2011, though they represent only a small fraction of ...
Lawmakers dump $1.3T spending bill
WASHINGTON - Democrats controlling the Senate yesterday abandoned a huge catchall spending measure combining nearly $1.3 Trillion worth of unfinished Budget work, including another $158 billion for Military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The 1,924-page bill collapsed of its own weight after an outcry from Conservatives - including Massachusetts Republican Sen. Scott Brown - who complained it was stuffed with more than $8 billion in homestate pet projects known as Earmarks and w...
NYT editorial: Round Up the Usual Prospects
To no one’s shock, the lame-duck session is offering daily profiles in hypocrisy by lawmakers who made loud campaign vows to “change the culture” of Washington. In the Senate, prominent Republicans who took the anti-earmark pledge as part of the Tea Party crusade against Deficits now must deal with a mammoth $1.2 Trillion Government Spending bill that happens to be routinely packed with their own customized pork. What to do?
“The simple answer is: I’m going to vote against th
Ding Dong the 1,924 Page Omnibus Spending Bill Is Dead Harry Reid Pulls Bill
America, tonight you just witnessed the power of the people and the aftermath of the political Tsunami and avalanche of the 2010 Midterm Election. Elections have consequences. Democrats and those Republicans who did not quite get the message, finally did over the last couple days as WE THE PEOPLE made their outraged voices heard and along with Senators Jim DeMint, Mitch McConnell and John McCain … Reid’s bill is toast. As state...
Earmark Hypocrisy? GOP Leaders Grilled on Spending
Sens. John Cornyn, R-Texas, and John Thune, R-S.D., held a Press Conference today to rip the Democrats' new 1,924-page, $1.1 Trillion omnibus bill for containing $8 billion worth of Earmarks.
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Earmark Hypocrisy? GOP Leaders Grilled on Spending
Sens. John Cornyn, R-Texas, and John Thune, R-S.D., held a Press Conference today to rip the Democrats' new 1,924-page, $1.1 Trillion omnibus bill for containing $8 billion worth of Earmarks.
More Video
Senators wanting earmark ban end up grabbing them
WASHINGTON (AP) - More than two dozen senatorsmost of them Republicansput hundreds of homestate projects in the $1.3 Trillion bill to fund the Federal Government even though they recently voted to ban so-called Earmarks. The effort to pass the 1,924-page bill collapsed Thursday night after complaints by Conservatives over its complexity and size and the relatively few days to be devoted to debating its merits. Anti-spending Tea Party Activists were angry, too, especially since they ...
Reid pulls back from yearlong omnibus, aims for short-term CR
Without an agreement in hand, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said he'd work to complete a short-term continuing resolution instead of a yearlong bill before the current funding expires Saturday night.
Instead of proceeding, Reid decided he wouldn't file Cloture on a $1.108 Trillion yearlong omnibus spending bill on Thursday night after realizing he didn't have the votes.
Reid said he had the backing of nine Republicans on the measure but they defected, leaving the measure short...
Reid Drops Omnibus Spending Bill
Politico reports:
Senate Democrats abruptly abandoned an omnibus Budget bill for the coming year, pushing major spending decisions into the next Congress and giving Republicans immense new leverage to confront President Barack Obama priorities.
The decision Thursday night sweeps away months of Bipartisan work by the Senate Appropriations Committee which had crafted the $1.1 Trillion bill to meet spending targets embraced by Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R—Ky.) himself prior to the electio...
Florida Congressional Repubs Piled Pressure on Dems Over Now-Deceased Spending Bill
The deeply unpopular, $1.1 Trillion spending bill -- including its more than 6,700 Earmarks -- went down in flames Thursday night. And Florida Republicans in Congress can claim their opposition as some of the ammunition that shot it out of the sky. In truth, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid yanked the bill after he discovered Democrats didn't have the support to get it passed. Reid said he will begin immediately to work with Republicans on a Compromise popular enough for at least a short-term f...
With $384M In 2010 Pork In Hand, Sen. Wicker Swears Lard Will Be Gone Next Year
If Sens. John Thune (R-SD) and John Cornyn (R-TX) thought they had a rough go of it at their Press Conference yesterday morning, they should be glad they didn't bring Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS) along with them. (Reporters raked Thune and Cornyn over the coals for the apparent hypocrisy of criticizing Earmarks in the omnibus bill after "larding it up" with around 70 separate Earmarks of their own.) Wicker, it turns out, requested $384,124,000 in 165 separate Earmarks so far this year, according to ...
Spending bill studded with earmarks from Murray, Dicks
WASHINGTON -- In a year marked by anti-earmark fervor, lawmakers still managed to lard $8 billion worth of pet projects into the massive spending bill now wending its way through Congress.
Chief among them is Sen. Patty Murray, who got $219 million in Earmarks into the $1.2 Trillion Omnibus spending bill released Tuesday, according to preliminary analysis by the Taxpayers for Common Sense, a Washington, D.C., watch dog group. That amount once again appears to make the Washington Democrat and a...
John Cornyn's Earmark Hypocrisy
On Wednesday afternoon, as House and Senate Democrats were trying to handle the end-of-session passage of an $1.1 Trillion omnibus spending bill to fund the Federal Government, Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tex.) sent out a blistering email Fundraiser for the National Republican Senatorial Committee, which he heads. In the note, Cornyn decried the 6,600 Earmarks totaling $8 billion contained in the bill: Will you help send a message to Senate Democrats? Go here and tell them that you will not stand for bu...
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WTF? ~~ "We will reject any earmarks requested by us." Sen John Cornyn (R,Texas) & Sen John Thune (R,S.Dakota)
Republican Senators John Cornyn and John Thune got ate alive by the press over them being against earmarks, but requesting 85 between them.
John Cornyn and John Thune ...Have yourselves some merry little earmarks. Incredible hypocrisy from supposed fiscal watchdogs.
If you want to see a truly uncomfortable moment for John Cornyn and John Thune at a press conference, tune in to The Last Word on MSNBC.
John Cornyn of Texas and Rep. Thune vow to vote down the nasty earmarks in the spending bill - Over 80 of which THEY SPECIFICALLY REQUESTED
Sen John Cornyn (R-TX) has 45 earmarks, Sen John Thune (R-SD) 26; they said they'll vote against their projects
Hypocritical Reps Sen John Cornyn & John Thune has 45 & 26 earmarks (respectively) in the Omnibus bill; how do they have any credibility?