Tea Party: The Tea Party of Tennessee wants to revise American history, cleaning it up so the Founding Fathers are not implicated in Slavery and Genocide.
PHOTOS: Sarah Palin in pictures
Indeed, the Tennessee Tea Party wants to pretend Slavery and genocide is not part and parcel of the American experience.
VIDEOS: Sarah Palin in videos
Earlier this week Tea Party Activists held a news conference, and met with lawmakers individually to present their list of demands for the 2011 legislative session. Regarding education, the material they distributed said, “...
COULD TENNESSEE HAVE its own Jesse Ventura? Lets hope hes better than that. Related: Tea part
COULD Tennessee HAVE its own Jesse Ventura? Let’s hope he’s better than that.
Related: Tea Party takes agenda, concerns to Tennessee lawmakers. “Tennessee tea party Activists took to the halls of the State Legislature Wednesday, warning Republican leaders not to misinterpret the results of the November election as a sign of implicit tea party support. . . . Activists were on the Hill to let GOP lawmakers know the tea party’s next step in Tennessee is to influence legisl...
Enough With Teaching The History of Minorities
Tennessee tea partiers lay out their demands to State Legislators about what should and should not be taught in public schools, including:
"No portrayal of minority experience in the history which actually occurred shall obscure the experience or contributions of the Founding Fathers, or the majority of citizens, including those who reached positions of leadership."
For Tennessee, does that mean sanitizing Andrew Jackson's role in the Seminole Wars? Or maybe it just means we have to go back t...
Jared Loughners Genocide, Torture Video
The blatant attempts by the Pima County Sheriff to blame Tea Party Conservatives is a “deflection.” Clarence Dupnik is trying to hide his own negligence in not arresting, detaining, or committing Jared Loughner for Mental Health treatment. This will come out, though maybe not right away. In the meantime, the Los Angeles Times has received a rambling, freaky video filmed by Tucson shooting suspect Jared Loughner, which shows how “far gone” he ...
Tea partyers push to remove criticisms of Founding Fathers from textbooks
Stumble This! Tea Party Activists in Tennessee are pushing State Legislators to amend Curriculum in a way that eliminates criticisms of the Founding Fathers' treatment of Native Americans and holding of slaves, according to a news item. Roughly two-dozen tea partyers demanded that their state lawmakers modify textbook standards to "compel the teaching of Students in Tennessee the truth regarding the history of our nation and the nature of its government," the Memphis-based The Commercial Appeal...
Tennessee Tea Party Demands School Curriculum Not Focus Too Much On The Minority Experience
Tennessee Tea Party Activists presented State Legislators yesterday with a list of “demands” for the 2011 legislative session, which opened earlier this week, including, “educating Students [about] the truth about America.” “Neglect and outright ill will have distorted the teaching of the history and character of the United States,” according to a document the two dozen Activists distributed to reporters. “We seek to compel the teaching of Students in Tennessee th
Tennessee Tea Parties demand textbooks contain no mean things about Founding Fathers
For a bunch of people who worship the Founders and like to play dress-up American Revolutionary War, Tea Partiers sure hate knowing anything remotely reality-based about the Founding Fathers. Tennessee Tea Party groups have introduced a proposal to take what few Minorities there are in American history textbooks out of American history textbooks, along with any negative portrayals of the wealthy white men who led this young nation in its infancy.
At a Press Conference, two dozen Activists presen...
New Tea Party Caucus launches in Senate with three members
I didn’t quite understand why Bachmann felt the need for one in the House and I understand this even less. It’s good retail politics to wave the TP flag, I guess, but the point of a Caucus is to try to keep the members together to vote as a bloc as a way of maximizing ideological leverage over Legislation. There ain’t much leverage with only three members, though, particularly when all three of these guys are already mortal locks to vote the same way on every fiscal matter to...
Loughners Disturbing Video Released
Talking Points Memo reports:
“Alright, so here’s what we’re doing,” says the man behind the camera as he navigates through a dark Parking Lot. “We’re examining the Torture of Students. We’re looking at students who have been tortured. Their Low Income pay in two wars. The war that we are in right now is currently illegal under the Constitution. What makes it illegal is the currency. The date is also wrong. It’s impossible for it to be that date, ...
Loughner video with 'genocide' and 'torture' ramblings is released
Source: LA Times
A YouTube video that prompted the suspension of Tucson shooting suspect Jared Lee Loughner in September was released Friday by officials at Pima Community College and included rambling statements such as "We are examining the Torture of Students" and "This is Genocide in America."
The video, no longer on the website, was released to The Times following a Public Records request and offers the extended example of Loughner's voice.
A campus Police Officer who saw the video "positiv...
Laughner Video Released: Rambles on Out Genocide, Illegals Wars, and Mind Control
A campus Police Officer who saw the video “positively recognized the voice and the reflection in the window as Student Jared Loughner,” according to a school Police Report. That same officer had removed Loughner from his biology class Sept. 23 after a disruptive outburst. …In the video, Loughner states, “The war that we are in right now is currently illegal under the Constitution”; “This is my Genocide school. Where I’m going to be Homeless because of th...
Loughner Video Released: Yes, He Was Nuts
He mentions we're in an illegal war. That sounds so familiar.A YouTube video that prompted the suspension of Tucson shooting suspect Jared Lee Loughner in September was released Friday by officials at Pima Community College and included rambling statements such as "We are examining the Torture of Students" and "This is Genocide in America." The video, no longer on the website, was released to The Times following a Public Records request and offers the extended example of Loughner's voice. A camp...
Lincoln on the blood libel of 1860
Posted by Scott at 7:43 AM
Reader Mike Sterling writes that "[e]vidence of Lincoln's greatness abounds, but the fact that his speeches and sentiments can so often be applied to contemporary events is the greatest proof that he was, perhaps, the greatest person ever to walk the planet. Take the screeching of buffoons like Krugman -- Lincoln disposed of such idiots in his Cooper Union Speech while addressing efforts to link John Brown to Republicans." Mr. Sterling refers to this passage of the Co...
Priebus steps into the spotlight
Reince Priebus, the new low-key chairman of the Republican National Committee, helped lead Michael Steele’s successful 2009 campaign for RNC chairman. He ran Steele’s transition and became General Counsel of the RNC. Then the two had a falling out.
On Friday night, in a move few could have foreseen two years ago, the 38-year-old diminutive chairman of the Wisconsin Republicans vanquished Steele to himself become national chairman.
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It was the re...
The Times Loses It
Among the worldly, however, there is a temptation to make nonsense. Thus it was that on Sunday, January 9, the New York Times provided a further grief, much less important than the death and mutilation of innocents but shameful nonetheless. The Times ran, as its second lead, above the fold on the front page, a story about the Tucson shootings headlined “Bloodshed Puts New Focus on Vitriol in Politics.” The article, by Carl Hulse and Kate Zernike, contains almost nothing newsworthy. N...
Michael Steele's many blunders led to defeat in RNC chair reelection campaign
Republicans emerged from a 2008 electoral drubbing not only lacking a telegenic spokesman for the party but virtually any major officials who were not white, a major void after the election of the nation's first black president. Michael Steele seemed like the right man at the right time: an African-American Republican who loved going on television.
This Story
GOP picks Reince Priebus to lead as it regroups
New RNC chairman ran as the anti-Steele
Michael Steele's many blunders led to defeat in...
Another setback for conservatives' minority outreach
ANOTHER SETBACK FOR Conservatives' MINORITY OUTREACH.... When far-right Activists took over the Texas Board of Education, one of their first tasks was trying to downplay the contributions of Civil Rights leaders. Board Members insisted that Cesar Chavez and Thurgood Marshall receive too much credit in Texas classrooms.
These attitudes are spreading. This week, Tea Party Activists in Tennessee announced a series of demands to State Legislators, one of was "educating Students the truth about Ame...
Brown won’t back a new weapons ban
Senator Scott Brown, who has described himself as a supporter of Massachusetts’ tough Gun Laws, said yesterday he would not support federal Gun Control Legislation and does not know if anything can be done to prevent a repeat of last week’s Mass Shooting in Arizona.
In a wide-ranging, 20-minute interview, one of several Brown gave yesterday as he gears up for his Reelection campaign in 2012, the Republican said he would not support a renewal of the federal assault weapons ban, which...
NYT Film Critic Accidentally Writes Column About Politics
As I was reading Friday’s movie reviews in the NYT, the headline “Defy the Elite! Wait, Which Elite?” jumped out at me. Since I’ve always been fascinated by the right’s success in appropriating that term, I clicked over to read A.O. Scott’s essay. Looks like movie and entertainment critics are in the same boat we are:
[Neal] Gabler begins with the assertion that, “as anyone who has ever wiggled in his seat at a classical music concert or stared in disb
Maher: Founding Fathers Would Have Hated Teabaggers Guts
Listen closely and you might hear a subtle hint of elitism in this monologue....
At least he's honest
At Least He's Honest
by digby
I give Tea Party Senator Mike Lee a lot of credit. He says what the rest of them won't say (or don't understand)
Congress decided it wanted to prohibit [Child Labor], so it passed a law—no more child labor. The Supreme Court heard a challenge to that and the Supreme Court decided a case in 1918 called Hammer v. Dagenhardt. In that case, the Supreme Court acknowledged something very interesting — that, as reprehensible as child labor is, and as much as it ough...
"This is my genocide school."
A Jared Loughner video.
If the Student is unable to locate the external universe, the Student is unable to locate the internal universe....Insane? Or Manufacturing evidence of insanity?
Group: Oldest living African-American dies at 113
A Louisiana woman who is believed to have been the oldest living African-American in the U.S. and the seventh oldest living person in the world has died. The Caddo Parish Coroner's Office confirms that Mississippi Winn died Friday afternoon at age 113 at a nursing home in Shreveport. Investigator Milton Carroll said he could not release Winn's cause of death. Robert Young of the Gerontology Research Group says Winn was one of two known people in the U.S. whose parents were almost certainly born ...
Hannity And McGuirk Forget About Violent Comments At Palin Rallies As They Continue To Attack The Left
Hannity set the tone early as he whined about Robert Kennedy, Jr. referring to him as a “merchant of hate.” And then in the next breath, Hannity said, “It was a committed Marxist that killed his uncle, Lee Harvey Oswald, not a conservative.” Panelist and Civil Rights Activist Ron Daniels cited “all of the venom… all of the hatred” that erupted at some of the McCain rallies. Hannity interrupted. “What? You’re giving me generalities. I never sa...
Reince Preibus New is RNC Chair Michael Steele: Now I Exit Stage Right.
In the end, it has all worked out beautifully for the Republican National Committee. The personally-likable but Scandal-dogged Michael Steele bowed out gracefully during voting. Replacing him will be someone who was kind and loyal to Steele, but who also served as the listening post for GOP Conservatives who were restive for regime change. Reince Preibus is from Wisconsin, which staged the most amazing blue-to-red transformation of any state this year. ON WISCONSIN! ...
Succs Fou
Hessel’s diatribe is a meandering collection of a half-dozen slack-minded high-school-newspaper-level op-eds. It draws its popularity in part from Hessel’s extraordinary biography. Born into a literary family in Berlin, he moved to France with his parents as a boy. His Jewish father was a friend of Walter Benjamin and Marcel Duchamp. Hessel himself joined the resistance, was captured, and survived Deportation to two concentration camps (Buchenwald and Dora). After the war he became ...
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House GOP Passes Healthcare Reform Repeal, Urges Debate
Philly Abortion Doc Killed 7 In Barbaric Fashion
Obama Orders Rules' Review To Boost Job Creation
Mr. Obama: Whither Your Anti-Bush Foreign Policy
How An Ex-President Gets Into A Mayoral Election
Camden, N.J. Cuts Overworked Police Force In Two
Barack Obama And Hu Jintao Set For Talks On China
Joe Lieberman, Having Gone Indie, Now Going Home
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