Republican National Committee: Perhaps alleged shooter Jared Lee Loughner's YouTube page, while it is up.
PHOTOS: Republican National Committee in pictures
The videos are full of paranoid and nonsensical statements . . .
VIDEOS: Republican National Committee in videos
Go Rob Gleason, chairman of the Pennsylvania GOP, supports Reince Priebus for chair of the Republican National Committee. Gleason’s Endorsement brings . . . Go A Glimpse Into Our Future? My interview of Tim Pawlenty is now posted. Among the highlights: Expect a decision on the Presidential Campaign sometime in spring . . . Go No, not The Onion -...
RNC Chair Race Update
A majority of the 168 RNC members (88 of them) have now publicly endorsed a Candidate in the Chairman/woman race. Hotline has the updated counts, and I’ve included in parentheses the gains for each Candidate over the past week:
1. Priebus - 34 (+4)
2. Steele - 17 (+2)
3. Wagner - 14 (+2)
4. Anuzis - 14 (+4)
5. Cino - 9 (+3)
Despite 15 new Endorsements over the past week, no one Candidate seems to be enjoying overwhelming momentum in this race. The most inter...
Updating Hotline's RNC Chairman's Race Whip Count
More than half the voting members of Republican National Committee have declared their support for one of the five contenders seeking the chairmanship, and with just a week to go before the January 14 vote, the race has a clear front-runner in Wisconsin Republican Party chairman Reince Priebus. Still, Priebus has about a third of the 85 votes he would need to win, meaning any of the contenders have a path to victory. RNC history shows that the front-runner doesn't always win in the end (Check ou...
Truth and Liberty and Freedom: The Journey Of My American Odyssey As An American In This Great American Land Of Ours. Also. Free
If you’re like me, you are very excited that Tim “Black Hole of Charisma” Pawlenty has a new book coming out that, aw shucks, may or may not be a harbinger of his inevitable failed run for the presidency.
An Evangelical Christian who has been an outspoken voice for the GOP, Pawlenty sat down exclusively with “Nightline’s” Terry Moran to talk about running for president in 2012, his chief potential rival Sarah Palin and President George W. Bush’s legacy...
Increased police presence at delayed Arizona game
There was a noticeable increase in police presence at the Stanford-Arizona Basketball game, postponed from Saturday because of the shooting that critically wounded U.S. Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and killed six others outside a suburban Tucson Supermarket. Fans at Sunday's game noted a more thorough search of their belongings than usual. University President Robert Shelton spoke to the big crowd at McKale Center from mid-court. He thanked Stanford for cooperating in the delay and praised d...
Moment of silence observed before game
A moment of silence was observed before Sunday's game between Arizona and Stanford, which was pushed back a day after the shootings of Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and others outside a Tucson Supermarket. Before the game, University of Arizona president Robert Shelton spoke from midcourt to the crowd at McKale Center. He thanked Stanford for cooperating with the postponement and he praised doctors at nearby University Medical Center, where the Shooting Victims were taken Saturday mor...
Rest in peace Christina Green
It's an ugly shame that more people will know the name of Jared Lee Loughner than of Christina Green, the nine-year-old girl he killed yesterday. Born on 9/11/01, she was interested in politics already, active in her school's Student government. She was at Rep. Giffords's event to see "government in action," as we've heard. Little did anyone know yesterday morning that Christina would be the teacher, as Children often are. From its precious beginning to its premature end, her life stands as a co...
Boston University defeats Vermont 74-65
Darryl Partin and John Holland each scored 24 points as Boston University defeated Vermont 74-65 Sunday, snapping the Catamounts' four-game Winning Streak. With the win, the Terriers (7-10, 2-1 America East Conference) have achieved back-to-back victories for only the second time this season. They did it by outrebounding the Catamounts (11-4, 2-1) by a 42-30 margin as Partin and Jeff Pelage grabbed eight apiece. Holland got most of his points at the free-throw line, where he made 15 of 18 shots....
Police: Driver shot after ramming MD officer's car
Anne Arundel County Police say an officer shot and wounded a driver following a chase that ended inside Prince George's County. Police say the unidentified officer attempted to stop the driver of a van about 6:40 p.m. Saturday on Route 3 near Crofton for a registration violation. Police say the officer had broken off the chase after crossing into Prince George's County when his vehicle was struck by the van. Police say the van was pushing the officer's vehicle into traffic when the officer fired...
Docs: US Attorney charges alleged gunman
A U.S. attorney in Arizona charged Jared Lee Loughner with five counts on Sunday, including Murder and attempted Assassination. The complaint is here. An accompanying release is up here.
According to the complaint, federal investigators found a letter in a safe of Loughner's thanking him for attending a “Congress on Your Corner” event hosted by Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in 2007, alongside an envelope with handwritten notes that read “I planned ahead,” “my assassinat...
Federal complaint against Loughner filed
Dennis K. Burke, US Attorney for the District of Arizona, filed a federal complaint against Jared Lee Loughner, the alleged assailant of of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. The full complaint is available here.
Burke lists five counts against Loughner, including Attempted Murder of a member of Congress.
According to a release by the US Attorney's office, Loughner is due in a Phoenix courtroom tomorrow.
All five counts are listed after the jump.
On or about January 8, 2011, at or near...
Some interesting shooting-related links | Michael Tomasky
I just wrote my big take on the shooting for tomorrow's newspaper. I assume it will be posted here this afternoon some time US time. Rebecca Traister wrote a fine piece at Salon on Giffords. Michele Goldberg had an interesting-as-usual take at the Tablet. Ditto Adele Stan at Alternet (she closely chronicles the right, and frankly I don't know how she can stand doing it). Max Blumenthal has a wonderful piece, also in Salon, about the slain judge, who seems a man of great distinction. Max once t...
Arizona shooting suspect charged with murder
WASHINGTON | Sun Jan 9, 2011 4:30pm EST
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Sunday charged Jared Lee Loughner, the man suspected of killing six people and wounding a congresswoman in Arizona, with five criminal counts, including attempted Assassination.
Loughner, 22, faces one count of attempted assassination of a member of Congress; two counts of killing an officer of the United States; and two counts of attempted killing of an officer of the United States.
The charges were filed in ...
Jared Lee Loughners video rant
This is the video rant posted by Jared Lee Loughner, the would be assassin who gravely wounded Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords....
C&L;'s Late Night Music Club With Beck
I always like it when Beck showcases his more sensitive 'songwritery' side, and this song ranks up there in the pantheon of great break up songs. What's your favorite break-up song/record? I love this song. Comments are restricted to Registered Users only. Anderson Cooper Brings on 'Left Behind' Actor Cameron to Discuss Bird and Fish Deaths in Arkansas -- Seriously? Anderson Cooper Brings on 'Left Behind' Actor Cameron to Discuss Bird and Fish Deaths in Arkansas -- Seriously? Anderson Cooper Bri...
Open Thread
Ordinarily, I run The Professional Left Podcast here on Saturday nights. The Podcast was posted yesterday before the horrific tragedy in Arizona. In the podcast, we note that only a few days ago the RNC Chairman debate included the question "how many guns do you own?" I have consulted with Driftglass, and because we make light fun of that question in our earlier recording, and in the shadow of the tragic events of today, we've asked that C&L not front-page the Podcast this week. It was poste...
Evening eats
a. Mitch Daniels surges with insiders.
b. Pawlenty goads the RNC.
c. Bill Kristol pines for Ryan-Rubio in 2012.
d. Herman Cain will speak at CPAC.
e. Romney focuses on The Economy.
f. Mitch Daniels makes the rounds.
Remembering A Founding Father
Remembering a Founding Father
One of the key men responsible for nurturing both the modern Republican Party in the South and the post-war national Conservative Movement, including HUMAN EVENTS, died December 31. Roger Milliken, extraordinarily successful textile Magnate and vigorous backer of conservative causes and Candidates, was 95.
The scion of a Northeastern textile family and a Yale graduate, the man that generations of Conservatives called only “Mr. Milliken” took over his f...
The Fix: Pawlenty defends Palin
Tim Pawlenty takes aim at critics of Sarah Palin in his new book, which is set to released Tuesday and a copy of which was obtained by the Fix.
And in doing so, the former Minnesota Governor seems to be saying something about his own blue-collar appeal as he weighs a run -- perhaps against the former Alaska Governor and 2008 vice presidential nominee -- for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination.
The book, called " Courage to Stand," represents the latest in a series of steps ...
Jared Lee Loughner Youtube channel
Jared Lee Loughner YouTube channel
The AP released the name earlier of Jared Laughner was the suspect in the Gabriel Giffords shooting earlier today in Tucson, Arizona. However, a youtube channel belonging to someone named Jared Lee Loughner has been discovered. According to the youtube channel, Jared Lee Loughner is from Tucson. So we will see if this is the proper spelling of the shooter’s name. Right now, we still assume the AP report and spelling of Laughner is the proper version.
Alleged Shooter of Rep. Giffords Lists The Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf in his YouTube Profile
On his YouTube Profile , Jared Lee Loughner - the alleged shooter of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and several other people in Tucson - lists “The Communist Manifesto” and “Mein Kampf” as among his favorite books:
Shooter of Rep. Giffords Burns U.S. Flag in YouTube Video; Lists Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf as Favorite Books
Updated 3:52 PM CT
Gateway Pundit has posted this video , which may be of the alleged shooter of Democrat Rep. Gabrielle Giffords - Jared Lee Loughner. The video is favorited in Loughner’s YouTube account , but the origin of that video has the same format and feel of Loughner’s page. It shows a bizarre figure wearing a trashbag and a coat, with a mask over his face while he sets a United States Flag on fire.
On his apparent YouTube page , Loughner also lists the “Commun...
This week in science
Crazy Doc McElroy pens an op-ed and the Bad Astronomer takes a whack at it so I don't have to. Who is McElroy you ask? The former head of the Texas Board of Education:
Mind you, this is the one and the same Texas BoE that has been fighting teaching kids about evolution tooth and nail, which downplayed the Big Bang Theory, which took Thomas Jefferson out of the standards, which praised Joseph McCarthy, which screwed up the state standards so massively California issued a warning that it would b...
Alexander & Goldman Show to discuss shooting of Gabrielle Giffords tonight
Join us tonight on our Phoenix Radio Show, the Alexander & Goldman Show tonight as we discuss the shooting of Arizona’s Democrat Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords earlier today. We’ll be giving live updates and analysis of this tragic event here in Arizona. While Giffords has been given an optimistic chance of recovery, Federal Court Judge John Roll, a Bush-appointee, and at least one other person have been reported dead. The shooter, Jared Lee Loughner, lists The Communist Manife...
Shooter ID'd
The shooter is apparently one Jared Lee Loughner. His YouTube channel is here. He appears quite troubled.
We need to know more about this guy and what his background is, but I don't know many lefties who are goldbugs and have a fixation on guns and the US Constitution.
No matter, Wingnuts are already saying SEE HE'S A LEFTIST!
Jared Loughner, Via Youtube
Disclaimer: I cannot immediately confirm that this is the same person.
Update: Being confimed now in media.
As might be expected, the net is way ahead of the news guys. Via twitter a photo of Jared Loughner.
Obama Seeks Steep Cuts in Heating Oil Assistance for Poor
Snow Storm Batters Southeast
Congressman Chris Lee Resigns for Sending Flirtatious Email
Domestic Radicalization Poses Greatest Terror Threat to US
Gabrielle Giffords Recovering at 'Lightning Speed'
Capitol Hill All Set to Begin Debate on Abortion Bill
U.S. Asks Egypt To End Emergency, Hails Role of Army
Rick Perry Hopeful Amid Budget Crisis
Government Proposes Spending $53 Billion on Rail Projects
House Rejects Extension for Patriot Act
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