Sarah Palin's Re-Tweet Makes News

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Sarah Palin, Tammy Bruce
Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Repeal

Sarah Palin: Sarah Palin is obviously an amazing media phenomenon, evidenced by the fact that she can make news simply by re-Tweeting something. (Re-tweeting is when you take something one person tweeted, and essentially forward it on to your network of Twitter followers).

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In this instance, Palin re-Tweeted something originally sent out by gay conservative radio host Tammy Bruce, angered by Republican opposition to the Repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, wrote: "But this hypocrisy is just truly too much.

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Clams Casino posted 7 days ago (via twitter)

Thank you, Sarah Palin for retweeting something from Tammy Bruce that I literally don't understand. Something about homos? Good job, ladies.

Colleen Fraser posted 7 days ago (via twitter)

Tammy Bruce and Sarah Palin cut from the same anti-gay cloth? Whoda thunk it! ( Sarah Palin you're the worst)

MC Mega Cat posted 7 days ago (via twitter)

There is no way Sarah Palin understands what Tammy Bruce is saying. She is latching onto a fellow conservative using the word "hypocrisy".

Shravan Kumar posted 6 days ago (via twitter)

Sarah Palin Tammy Bruce Retweet: Former Alaska Governor Revealing A Pro-Gay Stance?: Sarah Palin stirred the Twittersphere Monday eve...

Calendar Girl posted 6 days ago (via twitter)

Hey, Tammy Bruce , you & Sarah Palin are fucking homophobes, bitch!

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