Marco Rubio: Washington (CNN) - There are many reasons to place Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida, at the top of any 2012 vice presidential shortlist.
PHOTOS: Marco Rubio in pictures
He's young, telegenic, a talented Fundraiser, and appealing to the Conservative Base.
VIDEOS: Marco Rubio in videos
And perhaps most importantly, he's a Hispanic hailing from the nation's largest Battleground state. But Rubio, who has yet to take a vote as a U.S. Senator, was eager to shoot down the speculation in a Radio Interview Monday. "Are you at least open to the possibility?" asked Panama...
Rubio Puts the Lid on VP Speculation
CNN reports:
Washington (CNN) - There are many reasons to place Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida, at the top of any 2012 vice presidential shortlist. He’s young, telegenic, a talented Fundraiser, and appealing to the Conservative Base. And perhaps most importantly, he’s a Hispanic hailing from the nation’s largest Battleground state.
But Rubio, who has yet to take a vote as a U.S. Senator, was eager to shoot down the speculation in a Radio Interview Monday.
“Are you at...
US Senator Marco Rubio (FL-R) Says He Has No Interest in Being Republican VP
Tea Party favorite and new Florida US Senator Marco Rubio says he has no interest in being a Republican VP nominee in 2012 . And why should he? Fresh off his landslide victory in the 2010 Florida Senate race over Crist and Meeks, the political world is Rubio’s oyster. Marco Rubio is a star in the GOP and has a shining carrer ahead of him. There is no reason why the conservative Rubio should spend 2 years in the Senate and bolt for the useless position of VP. The 39 year old Rubio has
Marco Rubio: Obama administration putting out feelers on changes to U.S.-Cuba policy
Newly minted Florida Sen. Marco Rubio went on friendly airwaves Tuesday Morning, in a Spanish-language Radio Interview to discuss U.S. policy toward Cuba.
Speaking on WAQI-710 AM -- better known as Radio Mambí -- Rubio said the Obama Administration was already putting out "trial balloons" to feel out new members of Congress on their feelings toward loosening U.S. economic and travel restrictions on Cuba.
But the feelers won't go anywhere, Rubio said, because he and other like-mi...
Rubio Not Interested in V.P.
Newly elected Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, whose meteoric rise has made him a star in Republican circles, said Monday that he isn't interested in being the GOP's 2012 vice presidential nominee. "Are you at least open to the possibility?" Panama City Radio host Burnie Thompson asked Rubio Monday, referring to a vice presidential run....
Marco Rubio rejects talk of a veep bid
The new Florida senator did a round of Radio Interviews in Florida today, telling one Talk Show host that he wouldn't accept an offer to run as vice president -- should someone offer.
"No," Rubio said to Trey Radel in Fort Myers. "I don't spend anytime thinking about it. I'm flattered people would ask that question cause I think that they mean it in a complimentary way. But by the same token, I recognize that this...
Marco Rubio Not Interested in 2012 Vice-Presidential Slot
Marco Rubio is the highly-regarded new pro-life Hispanic U.S. senator from Florida who many political observers say is on the short list for a vice-presidential slot in 2012. No longer. Rubio, who is attractive because of his social and fiscally conservative views and his status as a Latino with excellent communications skills who could appeal to Hispanic voters against pro-abortion President Barack Obama, says he’s not interested in being the Running Mate for a presidential hopeful in the...
US Congresswoman Gunned Down at Constituents Meeting
Sarah Palin’s call to arms, “Don’t Retreat, Reload” finally results in a tragic shooting of an Arizona Congresswoman. Three term Representative Gabrielle Giffords, representing Arizona’s 8th district and caught in Palin’s cross-hairs, was gunned down today and shot in the head. One of her aides was killed and at least 12 others injured. In March, Sarah Palin posted this ad on her Facebook page and tweeted, “Commonsense Conservatives & lovers of...
I've Got Your "Inflammatory Rhetoric" Right Here
If you were logged in to Facebook on Saturday after the shooting in Arizona, you may have noticed a trend in your newsfeed. I did, anyway. Many of my leftist Facebook friends were collectively engaged in assuming and articulating the Tea Party's culpability. More specifically, they blamed, as the media eventually did as well, the "inflammatory Rhetoric" of the Right Wing.
The arguments scrolling down my newsfeed went something like this: Of course, there are psychotic nutjobs on both the left an...
Jeb Quietly Eyeing 2016?
It seems to me that if someone as close to the Bush inner circle as Mark McKinnon is referring to Jeb as “45,” there’s a good chance that the GOP may see yet another Bush presidential run as early as 2016:
The first Governor ever re-elected in Florida’s history, Jeb focused intensely on reform of education, the Budget process, civil service, and Health Care. These are issues that need to be addressed on the national level. He appeals to the establishment and the Tea Party m...
Sen. Rubio not tempted by '12 VP nod
Florida Sen. Marco Rubio would turn down the chance of being on the 2012 Republican presidential ticket.
The newly elected Republican said he has no interest in being his party's vice presidential nominee.
He explained his reasoning to Panama City radio host Burnie Thompson: "To be the senator from Florida is a big job. In addition to the votes you take in Washington of national importance, our state has a multitude of issues.
"I mean, it will soon be the third largest state in the count
Marco Rubio on oil drilling report: We should drill as long as it can be done safely
Marco Rubio on today's release of the final report of the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling:
"I recently met with Sen. Bob Graham and we discussed his work as chairman of the oil spill commission, among other matters. I thank him and the other commission members for their service in researching last year’s tragic oil spill to determine what steps can be taken to prevent a similar tragedy from ever happening again.
Lining Up Against Levy
A reader forwarded an e-mail sent today by Rep. Tim Bishop seeking contributions to Babylon Town Supervisor Steve Bellone, who has been not-so-quietly raising campaign cash for a likely challenge to his former fellow Democrat, Suffolk County Executive Steve Levy. “I support Steve Bellone as a leader who can unite Suffolk County residents,” Bishop wrote. “He has a strong, proven record in Babylon as someone who can hold down taxes and spending while maintaining core services. ...
Disarm the Mundanes!
New York Republican Congressman Peter King, Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee and long-time Fundraiser for the so-called Irish Republican Army, reportedly plans to introduce Legislation making it a federal crime for Mundanes to carry Firearms within 1000 feet of a federal official. That proscription wouldn’t apply to the armed goons employed to protect such sanctified personages, of course.
Barbour remains involved with Priebus campaign
Despite vigorous denials on the part of RNC chair Candidate Reince Priebus that Haley Barbour and his nephew Henry Barbour are not providing "material" support for his candidacy, Henry Barbour remains heavily involved in defending Priebus in the closed-door email chatter between RNC members about the race.
And after Rhode Island RNC chair Giovanni Cicione endorsed a Priebus rival, Barbour fired back, writing "??Nice try, but your analysis belongs at Disney World."
"I a...
On Violent Metaphors
Paul Krugman in today's NY Times:
The point is that there’s room in a Democracy for people who ridicule and denounce those who disagree with them; there isn’t any place for eliminationist Rhetoric, for suggestions that those on the other side of a debate must be removed from that debate by whatever means necessary.
And it’s the saturation of our political discourse — and especially our airwaves — with eliminationist rhetoric that lies behind the rising tide of violence. Where
Christian Outreach a blessing to Isle of Wight County
By James Thomas Jr.
Started as a soup and sandwich Fundraiser to help seniors pay home heating bills 20 winters ago, the Christian Outreach Program has become one of the most effective social safety nets for needy families in Isle of Wight County.
It all started in 1990 when the county's fuel assistance program went broke and local churches Christ Episcopal and Good Shepherd Catholic joined forces to launch the first Souper Saturday, said Becky Farmer, chair of the Souper Saturday ...
Hudson headlines Emanuel fundraiser
That was fast: Democrats use Arizona shooting for fundraiser, and as excuse to crush 2nd amendment
The bodies were still warm as Democrats ironically targeted an explicit individual right in the US Constitution. From The Politico via memeorandum: Carolyn McCarthy readies Gun Control bill
One of the fiercest gun-control advocates in Congress, Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.), pounced on the shooting massacre in Tucson Sunday, promising to introduce Legislation as soon as Monday targeting the high-capacity ammunition the gunman used.
McCarthy ran for Congress after her husband was gunned down an...
Politico Polishes Boehners Knob
The shooting and Boehner’s handling of the response has served to underscore just how tightly run the GOP House operation has been so far. 2. Both took the oath “via the teevee machine” while attending a Fundraiser at the Capitol Visitors Center organized by the campaign of one of them, a location with a mission that expressly forbids political events. 4. The constitution reading the GOP leaders were so proud of, done at the behest of their Teabagger base, skipped entire pages ...
Jennifer Hudson headlines Emanuel fundraiser
Jennifer Hudson headlined a Fundraising concert for Mayoral Candidate Rahm Emanuel tonight at the House of Blues.
He introduced the Chicago native, Academy Award winner and new face of Weight Watchers, but Emanuel did not appear on stage with Hudson. She wore a svelte black dress and opened the brief show with her hit single "Spotlight."
Read more in Clout Street.
College kids feeling passion for conference
By Steve Almasy , CNN
The Passion conference is more than just a huge gathering of college-age kids, organizers say. the recent Atlanta conference was a call for the next generation to make Jesus a focal point in their lives and to share that passion with others, they said.
"Church was never meant to be an island of self-indulgence, but a missional community of Jesus-followers so in love with Him that they can do nothing else but carry His name to the world," pastor Louie Giglio sa...
Shock, anger and finger-pointing in Washington
On opposite sides of the political spectrum, President Barack Obama and new House Speaker John Boehner suddenly face the same challenge: rise above the anger, suspicion and hostility of their liberal and conservative bases to help a rattled nation deal with the deadly outburst of violence in Arizona. But what comes after the easy moment of silence? For now, both men are stepping past the question of what role, if any, the vitriol of the past election campaign played in Saturday’s shooting ...
Rep. Garcia wears passport to protest immigration bill
As Conservatives push forward with a plan to bring an Arizona-style Immigration law to Florida, Miami Rep. Luis Garcia has donned a form of Protest in the State Capitol: His passport.
Garcia said the proposal, which would require police in some circumstance to check a suspect's Immigration status, is tentamount to ethnic or Racial Profiling that eventually will make Hispanics, Haitians and other immigrants feel unwelcome and subject to search. So he's walking around with his papers on ...
WaPo Favors the 'Undocumented' Alien
Most Journalists use "Illegal Immigrant" despite pressure from Hispanic Activists, both inside and outside the media. (They often avoid the term "Illegal Alien.") Alexander argued the Post "would be wise to join the discussion over the best vocabulary, even if it ended up reinforcing its current directives." He acknowledged that choosing terms can be choosing sides: "Those that abandoned 'illegal immigrant,' for example, surely would be accused of softe...
WaPo Favors the 'Undocumented' Alien
Most Journalists use "Illegal Immigrant" despite pressure from Hispanic Activists, both inside and outside the media. (They often avoid the term "Illegal Alien.") Alexander argued the Post "would be wise to join the discussion over the best vocabulary, even if it ended up reinforcing its current directives." He acknowledged that choosing terms can be choosing sides: "Those that abandoned 'illegal immigrant,' for example, surely would be accused of softe...
Mr. Obama: Whither Your Anti-Bush Foreign Policy
How An Ex-President Gets Into A Mayoral Election
Camden, N.J. Cuts Overworked Police Force In Two
Barack Obama And Hu Jintao Set For Talks On China
Joe Lieberman, Having Gone Indie, Now Going Home
Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations
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