Andrew McCarthy: My hat's off to Andrew McCarthy at NRO for taking on those on the right, Charles Krauthammer, Jonah Goldberg, Paul Mirengoff and, by extension, Glenn Beck (on Wilders), who are not as smart or informed as they think they are.
PHOTOS: Andrew McCarthy in pictures
Their fundamental misunderstanding of Islam and the leftist Islamic alliance is dangerous.
VIDEOS: Andrew McCarthy in videos
The leftist/islamic alliance could well lead to national Suicide. Who is going to fight the bad guys if there is a fundamental misunderstanding of the bad guy's ideology by...
Our possessions in North America
This is a point that shouldn't be difficult but it appears that it is. Andrew McCarthy in the Wall Street Journal essentially accusing lawyers who represent Terrorism suspects of treason --
The nation is at war, and the Detainees are unprivileged alien enemy combatants. By contrast, the United States was not at war with England at the time of the Boston Massacre, and the British Soldiers were lawful police, not nonuniformed terrorists.
This refers to the opponents of the treason argument...
Thanks to Pamela for posting this, Right But Wrong , the argumentation that there is a major difference between Islamism and just plain Islam 101, is a well treaded path filled with good intentions, but full of major pot holes and a dead end. The Tundra Tabloids used to believe such a distinction existed, but in reality, it doesn't, and will lead the US and the West to eventual ruin if people do not make sudden U-turn.
There is an excellent exchange happening between Andrew McCarthy and Jonah...
The Spurious Slurs of Andy McCarthy
In his latest posts at <i>The Corner</i>, Andrew McCarthy continues to write as though every detainee ever held at Guantanamo Bay is a member of al Qaeda. Nowhere does he acknowledge that some people designated as enemy combatants by the Bush Administration were actually innocent, or that some of the lawyers he is maligning deserve credit for helping to free innocent men. Had Mr. McCarthy’s preferred policies remained in effect, these innocent men would still be rotting in a...
Defending Gitmo's Lawyers
Joe McCarthy lives, and his name is Liz Cheney. Such has been the overreaction of the Left, and much of the establishment media, to the now-famous " Al-Qaeda seven " Internet ad aired by Keep America Safe, the political group which the former vice president's daughter co-chairs.
Despite being denounced as a McCarthyite smear job, the ad's content was relatively tame. It called on Attorney General Eric Holder to reveal the identities of seven of the nine Justice Department lawyers who...
Who Framed Jesus? -- By: Jonah Goldberg
A friend writes about the new Discovery Channel special.
Discovery Channel: Who Framed Jesus?
Logline: New suspects emerge in the death of Jesus.
I'm pretty much speechless. I was unaware the case was open. That said, good luck getting the Procurator of Judæa to prosecute. Guy's got a serious conflict of interest.
Based on my knowledge of cable tv, I hypothesize the new suspects are:
1. Freemasons
2. Ghosts
3. Bigfoot
4. Midgets or dwarfs (TLC only)
5. Nostradamus
6. Hitler
7. A...
When It Raines It Pours -- By: Jonah Goldberg
I willfully ignored Howell Raines' Outlook section piece until I read Mark Steyn's post about it. Thanks a lot, Steyn.
Raines' cri de coeur is beyond parody.
In addition to the bit Mark excerpted, there's the lede:
One question has tugged at my professional conscience throughout the year-long congressional debate over Health-care reform, and it has nothing to do with the Public Option, portability or Medical Malpractice. It is this: Why haven't America's old-school news organizations blown...
Re: The Legacy Media and the Right -- By: Jonah Goldberg
Andy, on this score I agree entirely.
Bleg -- By: Jonah Goldberg
Hey French speakers, I could swear there's a French phrase that means, in effect, "more French than French" or super-French. You'd use it about certain traditional dishes or customs that most modern French people don't really do any more save perhaps as kitsch or to please their grandparents. Ringing any bells?
Is the Gitmo bar pro-Islamist? A response to Andy McCarthy
Posted by Paul at 3:12 PM
At the Corner, Jonah Goldberg took issue with the suggestion that the so-called al Qaeda Seven, i.e., current Justice Department lawyers who in the past defended terrorists and terrorist suspects, are pro al Qaeda. He wrote:
I don't think these lawyers are traitorous or anything like that (which is not to say that it's impossible). I think they subscribe to a coherent ideological view about the War on Terror and priesthood of the lawyer class. I think that view is...
Is the Gitmo bar pro-Islamist? Andy McCarthy replies
Posted by Paul at 3:46 PM
Andy McCarthy has replied to my post called "Is the Gitmo Bar Pro-Islamist?" and to a post on the same issue by Jonah Goldberg . Among Andy's points is that the Gitmo bar is not a monolith and that, indeed, there are important differences among that bar's former members at DOJ.
I agree with this. And, though I still haven't seen evidence that would justify calling any of these lawyers pro-al Qaeda or pro-Islamist, my future writing on the Gitmo bar will probably...
All-Star Panelists
Behind the Scenes with Bret 3/15/10 Hope everyone had a great weekend! Tonight on the panel...Fred Barnes, Juan Williams and Charles Krauthammer and we will be discussing Health Care. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter at bret_baier! Tuesday on Special Report We'll follow the Health Care reform process in the House, where Democrats are working on the Senate version of the bill. So far the math doesn't add up. Shannon Bream will look at where Speaker Nancy Pelosi might find enough votes to win...
Andrew McCarthy on Islam vs. "Islamism"
Islamism is a much broader and more mainstream (in Islam) ideology than suggested by the surprisingly ill-informed comments Charles Krauthammer made about a week ago (see Dr. K's commentary here ; Mark Steyn's reaction, with which I agree, is here .) Jihadist terrorists are a subset of the Islamists, but many Islamists disagree with the terrorists' means — they are mostly on the same page as far as ends are concerned. Personally, I don't think there is much difference, if...
Krauthammer: Why they hate ObamaCare so
In his column today , Charles Krauthammer simply decimates the administration’s weak, partisan talking point, that Americans approve of the individual changes in ObamaCare even if they oppose the package as a whole: Imagine a bill granting every American a free federally delivered ice cream every Sunday morning. Provision 2: steak on Monday, also home delivered. Provision 3: a dozen red roses every Tuesday. You get the idea. Would each individual provision be popular in the polls? Of...
ABC Links Health Care Town Hall Protesters to Hate Groups
Rush Limbaugh: That the Obama Health Care logo is damn close to a Nazi Swastika logo. ROSS: And the Internet is full of references to the president as Hitler, or as a socialist, or as a racist. Glenn Beck: This guy is, I believe, a racist. What Ross left out is that Limbaugh was responding to a comment that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made on August 5, where she accused anti-ObamaCare protesters of “carrying Swastikas and symbols like that.” After hyping how there was apparently...
Glenn Beck Brings the Drama to Fox News
Stands with a fist: Glenn Beck strikes a defiant pose during his speech at CPAC 2010. Glenn Beck has certainly drawn bigger audience numbers with his unique, and often baffling, brand of showmanship since he made his big switch from CNN to Fox News in early 2009. But, as The Washington Post’s Howard Kurtz notes, his act hasn’t always scored with network bigwigs or with fellow heavies from the right-wing media world. —KA Howard Kurtz in The Washington Post: Rush...
Jim Wallis to Brody File: "Christians Should Leave Glenn Beck"
When you hear the words "Christian social justice" what do you think? Glenn Beck says Christians should leave those Churches in a heartbeat. As you might imagine, his comments have created quite a firestorm.
Jim Wallis, the President and Founder of Sojourners spoke to The Brody File about these comments and is calling on Christians to stop watching Glenn Beck's Fox News show.
Video: Glenn Beck blames uninsured woman not going to see a doctor and her subsequent death
Today Glenn Beck gave his own take on the story of Marcelas Owens and as usual he generated some controversy with his comments. Marcelas is an 11 year-old boy who recently made news through his Lobbying efforts in Washington D.C for Health Care reform . Marcelas' mother, Gina, died after getting sick and losing her Health Care Insurance.
After saying the story was sad Beck made many comments which actually put the blame on Gina Owens for her own death. First Beck claimed...
Glenn Beck 'has teared up' during rehearsals, staffers say
Glenn Beck received a mix of mockery and intrigue last year after crying several times on camera during his Fox News program. Now, the conservative lightning rod's assistants reportedly say he sheds the occasional tear even while rehearsing for the show. In a Post feature story about the controversial Fox host, Howard Kurtz writes, "Some staffers say they have watched rehearsals, on internal monitors, in which Beck has teared up or paused at the same moments as he later did during the show."...
David Barstow Wins February Sidney for Story on Tea Party
NEW YORK: The Hillman Foundation announced today that David Barstow has won the February Sidney award for " Tea Party Lights Fuse for Rebellion on Right ," his searing portrait of the Tea Party movement in The New York Times . The story details how the pressures from a severe Recession have melded with Propaganda repeated by Glenn Beck and other right-wing broadcasters to produce broad fears of an imagined plan by the Federal Government to seize guns and suspend basic liberties....
Glenn Beck wants economic and social injustice
Leave it to right wing blowhard Glenn Beck to open his mouth and plant his foot firmly in it at every opportunity.
An example occurred a few months back when Beck accused President Barack Obama, who is half-white, of hating white people. What white people did Beck have in mind? Obama's white mother? Perhaps Obama's white grandparents, who raised him for a good part of his childhood? Then last week, Beck did it again by urging Christians to leave churches...
Success, Envy and Glenn Beck
With his celebrity fueled by a Time cover story, best-selling books, Cheerleading role at protest rallies and steady stream of divisive remarks, Beck is drawing big ratings. But there is a deep split within FOX between those — led by Chairman Roger Ailes — who are supportive, and many journalists who are worried about the prospect that Beck is becoming the face of the network. . . . Beck has become a constant topic of conversation among FOX journalists, some of whom say they believe...
Sales of 'The Coming Insurrection' Helped by Glenn Beck
“Revolutionary movements do not spread by contamination but by resonance,” write the anonymous authors of “The Coming Insurrection,” a call to overthrow Capitalism that first appeared in France in 2005 and was recently published in translation in the United States. Writers, however, do not get to pick how and where their work resonates: Among the first in America to be stirred by the manifesto’s explosive words was a Fox News host, Glenn Beck . In July, Mr. Beck...
Time blog provocatively asks "Why does Glenn Beck Hate Jesus'
Last week Glenn Beck created some controversy when he asked his followers to start investigating their church website and told them flatly to "leave" any church with the words "social justice" or "economic justice" on their site . Beck's message was that these words were "code words" for a more progressive agenda and his followers should run away from these ideas even if it means leaving their place of worship. The more progressively-minded churches...
Glenn Beck called hurricane survivors in New Orleans "scumbags," said he "hates" 9-11 families
Nationally syndicated Clear Channel radio host Glenn Beck referred to survivors of Hurricane Katrina who remained in New Orleans as "scumbags." Also, after acknowledging that nobody "in their right mind is going to say this out loud," Beck attacked victims of the disaster in general and the families of victims of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, saying: "I didn't think I could hate victims faster than the 9-11 victims." From the September 9 broadcast of The Glenn Beck Program : ...
Is Beck's brand to big for Fox?
Over the summer came the first indication that some within Fox News and Glenn Beck's own camp weren't exactly on the same page.
In August, Fox sources told TVNewser that Beck's long-planned vacation was actually a reprimand for the controversy brewing since calling President Obama "a racist." However, Matthew Hiltzik -- Beck's personal PR guy , who doesn't work for Fox News -- then came out and proved the "forced vacation" rumors were to be false. So Beck's people,...
Step Aside Schwarzenegger: Brown's Back in Town
Former Pentagon Official's Body Found in Landfill
Accidental Frequency Switch Leads to Evacuation of U.S. Capitol
Brazil's First Female President Looks to Gas & Oil for Future
Schwarzenegger May Return to Movies
Three Dead After New Year's Eve Tornado
Alcohol-Related Emergency Room Visits Spike During New Year's
Schwarzenegger Rejects Parole for Dentist who Dealt in Death
Criticism of Bloomberg Mounts as Snow Mountains Remain
Porn King Offers Relief to Octomom
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