Reince Priebus: The Republican National Committee has a new leader, although most insiders weren't expecting Reince Priebus to have that much difficulty in taking the slot from shamed former head Michael Steele.
What will be interesting to watch is how Priebus will try and re-establish the credibility of the organization that used to set the tone and fundraise for a number of major Campaigns throughout the United States for Republicans, notes
For one, Priebus, like most U.S. politicians, has to deal with a substantial Deficit, in this case some $22 million.
But, he may be the last major leader of an organization that no longer has the cachet that it used to.
Thanks to the Supreme Court ruling in the Citizens United case, Campaign Finance law has forever shifted to private organizations.
And it means that it's no longer necessary for corporations to try and funnel money into the RNC, since they can now just set up their own Non-profit groups.
New RNC chairman faces host of challenges (AP)
WASHINGTON – The new Republican Party chairman's celebration may be short-lived.
From Day One, Reince Priebus faces a host of formidable tasks following Michael Steele's troubled tenure.
He must dig the party out of a $22 million hole. He must prepare the GOP to take on President Barack Obama. He must unite a GOP in the midst of an identity crisis fueled by the Tea Party.
And, perhaps most of all, he must restore credibility to a GOP whose power has diminished over time, and particularly...
Reince Priebus Elected as New RNC Chair; Says GOP can Defeat Barack Obama in 2012 Video 1/14/11
Here is video of Reince Priebus speaking to the Republican National Committee following his election as the new RNC Chair, replacing defeated Incumbent chair Michael Steele. Priebus said Republicans must unite, and declared they could work together to defeat President Barack Obama in 2012.
#rsrh StarKhan* Reince Priebus to avoid spotlight.
He’s going to concentrate on the boring things that RNC chairs do, like amassing resources for Elections. And that’s perfectly fine by me: my major objection to Michael Steele’s tenure as RNC chair was that the RNC ended the 2010 election cycle with no GOTV drive and twenty million dollars in the hole. One or the other could have been… explained; both at the same time is pretty much intolerable.
Also: I don’t give a tinker’s dam what Reince Priebus’...
The Reince Priebus era begins at the RNC
THE Reince Priebus ERA BEGINS AT THE RNC.... It took seven ballots, but Republican National Committee members chose a new chairman late yesterday afternoon, replacing Michael Steele with Reince Priebus. The 38-year-old Wisconsinite takes over at a difficult time for the RNC -- the committee is $21 million in Debt, is struggling to pay its bills, and is burdened by two years of widespread mismanagement.
Priebus, a former Steele ally, appears to have been chosen for the job precisely because he ...
Who the hell is Reince Priebus?
By Michael J.W. Stickings
Why, he's your new RNC chair!
With Michael "gaffe-fest" Steele out of the way, after a memorable two-year term of one embarrassing (for him and his party) moment after another, Priebus, previously the GOP party chair in Wisconsin before working for Steele at the RNC, stormed to a win in the seventh round of voting yesterday afternoon to capture the top spot at the Republican National Committee.
So let the Reince Priebus era begin!
Think Progress has a helpful overvie...
More Competent Than Steele? New GOP Chair Reince Priebus Confused Obama and Osama
Theoretically, the whole point of replacing Republican National Committee chair Michael Steele was to put a face on the GOP that was perhaps just a smidgeon less buffoonish. RNC's Steele Says: 'The One Thing You Don't Do Is Engage in a Land War in Afghanistan.' Uh-Oh, Now He's in Trouble! John Nichols, a pioneering political blogger, has written the Beat since 1999. His posts have been circulated... The former senator talks about money and politics, connecting with voter...
Reince Priebus Elected New RNC Chairman
Goodbye Michael Steele, hello Reince Priebus: The Republican National Committee selected a new leader on Friday, with its choice, Reince Priebus of Wisconsin,...
Short-lived celebration for new RNC chairman?
WASHINGTON—The new Republican Party chairman's celebration may be short-lived.
From the get-go, Reince Priebus faces a ton of tough tasks in the wake of Michael Steele's troubled tenure.
Priebus must dig the party out of a $22 million hole. He must prepare the GOP to take on President Barack Obama. He must unite a GOP in the midst of an identity crisis fueled by the Tea Party.
He must restore credibility to a national party whose power has diminished over time, and particularly in the pas...
The First Task for Chairman Priebus
First off, congratulations are in order for Reince Priebus, the new Chairman of the RNC. The Chairman ran a great campaign, gathering momentum basically every day he was in the race. Secondly, he got rid of Michael Steele, which was what was really needed at the RNC. Now, Chairman Priebus has a big job ahead of him; the RNC is $20,000,000.00 in Debt, which needs to be retired now if the RNC is to perform a critical role in the 2012 election. Chairman Priebus needs to restore confidence amongst...
Steele's legacy of wins a challenge for Priebus
The unceremonious ouster of Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele leaves his newly-elected successor, Reince Priebus, with a most unusual mandate: to replicate Steele’s remarkable winning record while moving in an entirely different direction.
The task ahead of Priebus, the Wisconsin GOP chairman, serves as a reminder that while the drama surrounding Steele’s tenure alienated many RNC members, the former chairman produced exceptional results at the ballot box in his...
Changing of The Guard at RNC
Celebrity Endorsements: Money for Nothing? The new elected Republican National Committee (RNC) Reince Priebus holds up a gavel after winning the post during the Republican National Committee Winter Meeting. A new sheriff is in town for the Republican Party. Ousted chairman Michael Steele has been replaced by Reince Priebus, the former RNC chair for the state of Wisconsin known most for claiming the RNC is “part of” the Tea Party movement. —JCL For Reince Priebus, the new chair...
Priebus to clean up convention panel
Newly minted Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus is planning to clean house at the party’s beleaguered convention planning arm.
Priebus told lawmakers at the House Republican Retreat in Baltimore on Saturday that he would fly to Tampa, Fla., early next week to secure the Resignations of the officials former RNC Chairman Michael Steele had running the Committee on Arrangements. The panel has been the subject of some high-profile criticism and was one of the issues that d...
New RNC chairman tells House Republicans he'll listen
(CNN) - Appearing Saturday at a retreat for Congressmen in his party, newly elected Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus spelled out his goals and philosophy in his effort to overhaul the committee, according to two GOP aides. At the session in Baltimore, Maryland, Priebus said, "I believe what we need at the RNC, in my case, is less of self and more of everybody else," according to a House Republican aide. Priebus, a former Wisconsin GOP chairman introduced to the group by Wisc...
Steele Out, Priebus In At RNC
Wisconsin GOP Chairman Reince Priebus has won election as chairman of the Republican National Committee in a drawn-out balloting process Friday, ousting Incumbent Chairman Michael Steele after what can best be described as a rocky two-year tenure. Steele dropped out of the fourth round of voting after seeing his support steadily decline through the process, reports The Hill. His two years as RNC Chair kicked off with an awkward start on degenerate dirtbag Curtis Sliwa’s Talk Radio show, wh...
Michael Steeles Last Minute Deal May Have Swung RNC Race to Priebus
RNC delegates voted for a new chairman on Friday. Yesterday, the RNC elected Reince Priebus as its new chair. Hotline On Call described the maneuverings on the floor that led to his victory. Michael Steele was wheeling and dealing with the Candidates before he eventually endorsed RINO Maria Cino, an ObamaCare Lobbyist who has donated to and supported a pro-abortion GOP group. Former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele dropped his bid for a Second Term on Friday after being offe...
A reince not a RINO
Posted by Paul at 11:02 PM
Yesterday, the Republican National Committee elected Reince Priebus as its chairman. I tried to follow the hotly contested race for this post, but couldn't sustain an interest; this was truly inside Baseball.
I know three things about Priebus, all positive. First, he isn't Michael Steele. Second, he was successful as head of the GOP in Wisconsin and received the backing of newly elected Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson. Third, he gained the confidence of the Committee th...
Republican Party chair Reince Priebus: What's his record in Wisconsin?
A year ago, Wisconsin’s political landscape would have been described as a healthy purple, overseen primarily by Democrats who prided themselves on being socially progressive but fiscally conservative. No more. After the November Midterm Elections and Friday’s elevation of native son Reince Priebus to chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC), Wisconsin is getting a makeover to deep red. Not only does Mr. Priebus, who hails from Kenosha, Wis., and is the former chairman of ...
Romney Congratulates Reince Priebus on Republican National Committee Chairmanship
From the official release:
“I congratulate Reince Priebus for his election to chairman of the Republican National Committee, and look forward to working with him on policies that will create jobs and get our economy moving again. With 15 million people out of work, Americans are looking to Republicans to offer an alternative to the job-stifling agenda of the Obama Administration. If we do that, we can build on our recent victories, increase our numbers in Congress and reclaim the White H...
The glory that is Reince Priebus
"Think Progress" has been keeping tabs on the new Republican National Committee chair. Let's just say he's not into civility. Or even Democracy, get right down to it...
While Priebus was chair of the Wisconsin GOP, the state party engaged fomented voter Fraud conspiracies and hatched a voter caging plot with well-funded right-wing allies to suppress minority votes. One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross said, “When voter suppression allegations ...
"Uncommonly nasty" RPOFer chair fight
"An uncommonly bitter fight for the chairmanship of Florida's victorious but battered Republican Party comes to a showdown this weekend in a five-way contest.""This is not your father's Republican Party," said Sid Dinerstein, chairman of the party in Palm Beach County.True that.Rick Scott, a total newcomer to politics, has publicly avoided endorsing anyone. The race has been uncommonly nasty, in some quarters.
Cox Roush was hurt by revelations of a 2004 drunk-driving arrest along with criticism...
Michael Steele loses bid for re-election as RNC chair
Michael Steele is out as RNC chairman. Reince Priebus, former chairman of the Wisconsin GOP, unseated Steele in Friday's vote among GOP memebers and will be taking over the number one spot on the Republican National Committee. Steele withdrew his name from consideration after the fourth round of voting after he realized he had little chance of winning another term. Priebus has aligned himself with the Tea Party movement, which Republicans credit with their recent takeover of the House of Represe...
RNC puts Steele out - Prebius in: 'Defeat Barack Obama 2012' campaign starts
The Republican National Committee voted Michael Steele out, Reince Prebius in and vows that a mega money campaign to "Defeat Barack Obama 2012" has officially started. After seven ballots, the 168 members of the National Republican Committee replaced their much embattled national Committee Chairman, Michael Steele, with a new GOP chief, Reince Prebius, the Chairman of the Wisconsin Republican Party. The one Prebius' post victory remark that really counts to t...
With the loss of Michael Steele Republicans become even less diverse
Last week the GOP effectively threw Michael Steele out of his post as Chairman of the Republican National Committee. Steele forced the members to vote him out multiple times before finally giving up. In his place, the Republicans picked Reince Priebus. With the loss of Steele the Republicans will lose the only significant African-American voice they had in leadership. Steele’s replacement, is a white male, which may only add to the reputation of Republicans, right o...
Who is Reince Priebus?
After winning the RNC election to replace Michael Steele, Reince Priebus doesn't exactly have big shoes to fill.
But he does have experience leading Republicans to big gains, at least in Wisconsin, where he was the chairman of the Wisconsin Republican Party during the 2010 Elections.
Priebus, a 38-year-old lawyer who resides in Kenosha, Wisc., helped his party's Candidate, Ron Johnson, defeat longtime Senator Russ Feingold for a Senate seat in November, grabbed the Governor's house for Republi...
The Name Game
For most of the last 20 years, two men dominated the role of America's designated enemy. Two names were constantly at the top of "greatest foe in the world." Those two men were Saddam Hussein, dictator of Iraq, and Osama bin Laden, leader of the Terrorist group Al Qaeda.
So, in response, in 2008, Americans elected as president a black Democrat named Barack Hussein Obama.
Obviously, the Republicans had to fight back. They needed a leader of their own who could counter the obvious advantages Obam...
Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
Wisconsin's Reince Priebus Already Shaking Up RNC
Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body
Richard Holbrooke Remembered For China, Bosnia, Afghanistan
Top Priority For Republicans: Cutting Federal Spending
Sarah Palin Follows Own Advice In Media Dealings
Tracheotomy Lets Surgeons Remove Giffords' Feeding Tube
Reince Priebus Gets To Find $22 Million For RNC
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