Law School: Derb - Not to open old wounds, but it’s almost as if you now think parents can make a difference in the kinds of people their kids become.
PHOTOS: Ed Begley in pictures
Meanwhile, I fall somewhere closer to the Uncle Buck school (apologies for bad video quality) than Ms.
VIDEOS: Ed Begley in videos
Chua. Excellent prognosis from Dr. Peter Rhee at University Medical Center: Rep. Gabrielle Giffords is "100 percent" certain to survive, said Dr. . . . Go One commenter asks whether lawyers really need to go to Law School at all. Prior...
Mitch Daniels inclusion at CPAC draws criticism from conservative groups
The annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) has drawn the ire from sections of the socially Conservative Base over their decision to allow gay-rights groups to take part in the event. But today, outside organizations found a new reason for boycotting CPAC: Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels’ speaking slot. American Principles Project sent out a Press Release Tuesday Morning attacking Daniels’ inclusion at CPAC as a banquet speaker. “Governor Daniels’ selection is ...
CPAC Boycott No Deterrent For Prez Hopefuls
The Conservative Political Action Conference won't see some social conservative organizations at their annual gathering, but one important constituency still plans to show up: Prospective White House contenders. CPAC, the annual gathering that attracts thousands of young Conservatives to Washington each year, is facing a Boycott by some socially conservative groups upset over the organization's decision to allow a group of gay Conservatives to set up a booth. The Family Research Council, the Her...
CPAC knocked for inviting Mitch Daniels
Source: CNN
A growing number of outfits are planning to Boycott this year's Conservative Political Action Conference, the annual gathering of right-leaning Activists in Washington known as CPAC, in part because organizers are welcoming a pro-gay Republican group into the fold.
And one of the groups pushing the CPAC boycott, the American Principles Project, took fresh aim at the conference Tuesday for inviting Indiana Republican Gov. Mitch Daniels, who angered many social Conservatives last year ...
Eating Their Own
At the rate things are going, there won't be anyone to show up at this year's right-wing conference in February. The organizers, CPAC, have already ticked off a bunch of groups like the Family Research Council and the Concerned Women of America by inviting GOProud, the gay conservative group, and now there's another threatened Boycott because the hosts have invited that flaming liberal and possible 2012 Presidential Candidate, Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels.
It turns out the social conservativ...
Mitch Daniels inclusion at CPAC draws criticism from conservative groups
The annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) has drawn the ire from sections of the socially conservative community over their decision to allow gay-rights groups to take part in the event. But now, outside organizations found a new reason for boycotting CPAC: Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels’ speaking slot. American Principles Project sent out a Press Release Tuesday Morning attacking Daniels’ inclusion at CPAC as a banquet speaker. “Gov. Daniels’ selection is an...
Opinion: Daniels, Barbour Should Heed RNC Candidates Pro-Life Unity
The president of a pro-life women’s group has a message for potential Presidential Candidate Mitch Daniels and Haley Barbour, the Governors of Indiana and Mississippi. Marjorie Dannenfeler, the head of the Susan B. Anthony List, noted that each of the Candidates for the chairmanship of the national Republican Party said they were pro-life on Abortion and endorsed Legislation to de-fund the Planned Parenthood Abortion business. Writing in an opinion column at National Review, Dannenfelser s...
Afternoon Fix: Barbour, Daniels deliver "state of the state" addresses; Ensign would lose to Heller in primary match-up
Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour (R) and Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels (R) deliver their "state of the state" addresses tonight; Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.) would lose to Rep. Dean Heller (R-Nev.) in a Senate primary match-up; and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) heads back from Latin America to Arizona. Fast Fix: Tougher Gun Laws? * A new survey from Democratic-leaning automated pollster Public Policy Polling shows that 53 percent of Nevada Republicans approve of Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.) while 30 percent ...
CPAC Attacked For Inviting Mitch Daniels
The right has found yet another reason to hate CPAC: The decision to invite potential 2012 Presidential Candidate Gov. Mitch Daniels (R-IN).
Daniels infuriated many social Conservatives when he told the Weekly Standard in June that he thinks the country should have a "truce" on Social Issues until economic and National Security problems are solved.
CPAC has already seen some pushback from the right over its decision to include the gay conservative group GOProud in the February conference. Sev...
SBA Lists Marjorie Dannenfelser Claims Victory Over Social Issues Truce
The debate was completely devoid of the kind of Fireworks that political commentators love. As SBA List and National Organization for Marriage Skype pre-interviews had suggested, each of the five Candidates affirmed without hesitation their determination to support the Republican platform’s social-issue stands and to honor that support in the party’s programs, from recruiting Candidates to buying ads to micro-targeting votes. The aura of unity sorely exasperated professional cynics ...
It's Go Time for Pawlenty
Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty 's book tour launches Thursday, and it marks a major opportunity for the little known Governor's nascent Presidential Campaign. As we mentioned in Morning Fix on Tuesday, Pawlenty comes into the presidential sweepstakes as one of the least known Candidates in a field packed with well-known candidates. A book tour/media blitz is a great way to introduce yourself to voters -- which is why so many prospective Candidates write books -- and Pawlenty is hard at work after h...
Despite snowfall on Broadway, the shows go on
NEW YORK (AP) — A winter blast dumping snow as it makes its way up the East Coast hasn’t shuttered Broadway theaters. The Broadway League says it doesn’t expect any closings Wednesday despite several inches of snow in New York City. Some shows are even trying to lure theatergoers with special offers. “The Importance of Being Earnest,” ”La Cage aux Folles,” ”Mamma Mia!”, “The Milk Train Doesn’t Stop Here Anymore” and “M...
CPAC knocked for inviting Mitch Daniels
Washington (CNN) - A growing number of outfits are planning to Boycott this year's Conservative Political Action Conference, the annual gathering of right-leaning Activists in Washington known as CPAC, in part because organizers are welcoming a pro-gay Republican group into the fold. And one of the groups pushing the CPAC boycott, the American Principles Project, took fresh aim at the conference Tuesday for inviting Indiana Republican Gov. Mitch Daniels, who angered many social Conservatives las...
Things Getting Freaky at CPAC
Every year the American Conservative Union and its subsidiary CPAC put on CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference. The organization and the event are sort of the organizational core of what people used to call Movement Conservatism. But this year there's been a mini-rebellion over CPAC's invitation to GOProud, a gay conservative group. And they're real players -- like the Family Research Council. Now a bunch of the same groups are threatening a Boycott for inviting Mitch Daniels.
House to condemn 'horrific attack' in Arizona
House Speaker John Boehner, struggling to hold back tears, opened a day of speeches on the resolution saying: "We are called here to mourn an unspeakable act of violence ... these are difficult hours for our country."
Representative Gabrielle Giffords, a third-term Democrat from Tucson, suffered a gunshot wound to the head and remains hospitalized in critical condition.
Thirteen others were wounded in addition to the six killed. The dead included one of Giffords' Washington aides, Gabriel Zimme...
House to condemn 'horrific attack' in Arizona
WASHINGTON | Wed Jan 12, 2011 11:56am EST
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A saddened House of Representatives on Wednesday observed the Arizona shooting that left one of its members gravely wounded as it discussed a resolution condemning the "horrific attack" and honoring the six people killed.
House Speaker John Boehner, struggling to hold back tears, opened a day of speeches on the resolution saying: "We are called here to mourn an unspeakable act of violence ... these are difficult hours for our co...
Ind. Democrats say jobs should be top priority
The top Democrats in the Indiana Legislature say Republican Gov. Mitch Daniels misplaced the priorities in his State of the State Speech by not talking more about Job Creation. House Minority Leader Patrick Bauer says the state's Unemployment problems need to be the Legislature's top priority at a time when the state has nearly 300,000 people out of work. Daniels used much of Tuesday's Speech to promote changes to the state's education system, but Senate Minority Leader Vi Simpson said the bigge...
The Education Reformation
Let the school reform begin! That’s all I could think of when I heard Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels State of the State address Tuesday night. Daniels spoke for about 32 minutes and half that time was spent outlining his plans to reform education in Indiana. Create more school choice by permitting a portion of school funding to follow current Public School Students to attend accredited private schools. Create more Charter Schools by creating a new statewide charter school autho...
GOP lawmaker says he hopes Barbour will run for president
If Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour (R) runs for president, he'll have the support of at least one Republican member of Congress.
Rep. Gregg Harper (R-Miss.) was so impressed by Barbour's "State of the State" address on Tuesday night that he said he hoped the two-term Governor would run for president.
Harper, who was in the audience for the Speech, according to Mississippi Public Broadcasting, said on Twitter:
I hope @HaleyBarbour will run for president. Great speech at the State of the State....
Barbour: Build civil rights museum
Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour wants state lawmakers to help him build a Civil Rights museum in downtown Jackson, as he attempts to move past rhetorical slip-ups that have landed him in hot water when he talks about issues of race.
Barbour, a two-term Governor and potential GOP Presidential Candidate, made the appeal during his final state of the state address Tuesday evening, just a few weeks after he found himself on the defensive for comments that seemed to minimize the racial strife of sou...
Mitch Daniels prepares for 2012 race at Illinois' expense
Did you hear the one about Illinois? "You guys are nothing if not entertaining. It's like living next door to The Simpsons, the dysfunctional family down the block." So observed Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels on Chicago's airwaves Tuesday Morning. Daniels is taking a standup comedy tone these days as he tests a few new lines at the expense of his neighbor to the west. Based on his non-answers to the question about running for President of the United States in 2012 in recent profiles on Dan...
Country Strong and Country Winter
1. Here’s the first installment of my appreciation of yet another good film of the season.
2. Although I only have patience for one link per post, let me say that I agree with Pistol Pete at NO LEFT TURNS that Mitch Daniels might be the best Republican Candidate next year. The reason, of course, is it’s not enough to shout Repeal and READ THE CONSTITUTION to get folks to vote out the president. They have to really understand that a market-based alternative would actually make thei...
Daniels Compares Illinois to "The Simpsons"
In an interview on WLS-AM, Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels (R) compared the state government of neighboring Illinois to the television show The Simpsons.
Said Daniels: "Oh you guys are nothing if not entertaining over there. It's like living next door to The Simpsons, you know the dysfunctional family down the block? Watching you guys, I mean I shouldn't make too light of it, I think this is really a bad situation."
Daniels, Barbour, Christie deliver State of States tonight
The Indianapolis Star's Mary Beth Schneider previews Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels' State of the State Speech tonight.
Daniels laughed about the possibility that his State of the State address will be of as much interest in Washington, D.C., as in Washington, Ind.
"You know, I hope they do, because I want them to notice Indiana," Daniels said. "We want people to notice Indiana so they'll bring more jobs here. That's the whole point, and I guess anything that gets them to tune in, I'm for it."
Possible 75% Illinois Tax Increase
From Gateway Pundit
One Person Excited About the 75% Tax Increase in Illinois… Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels
by Jim Hoft
Besides Democrats, there’s one person who is excited about the proposed 75% increase in Illinois state taxes…
Republican Governor Mitch Daniels from Indiana.
Illinois Review reported:
Gov. Mitch Daniels thinks Illinois’ proposed 75 percent hike in its corporate and Personal Income Tax Rates will be great — for Indiana.
In an exclusive interview Friday with
Daniels' annual speech could reach wider audience
See all 2 photos »
Indianapolis (AP) -- Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels may have a bigger audience for his State of the State address as political observers around the country search the Speech for clues on whether the Republican will run for president in 2012.
Daniels told reporters Monday that he hopes people watch Tuesday night's address because he wants them to pay attention to Indiana. He says people have already noticed the progress the state has made in terms of financial respo...
Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
Wisconsin's Reince Priebus Already Shaking Up RNC
Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body
Richard Holbrooke Remembered For China, Bosnia, Afghanistan
Top Priority For Republicans: Cutting Federal Spending
Sarah Palin Follows Own Advice In Media Dealings
Tracheotomy Lets Surgeons Remove Giffords' Feeding Tube
Reince Priebus Gets To Find $22 Million For RNC
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