Unemployment : The top Democrats in the Indiana Legislature say Republican Gov. Mitch Daniels misplaced the priorities in his State of the State Speech by not talking more about Job Creation.
PHOTOS: Mitch Daniels in pictures
House Minority Leader Patrick Bauer says the state's Unemployment problems need to be the Legislature's top priority at a time when the state has nearly 300,000 people out of work.
VIDEOS: Mitch Daniels in videos
Daniels used much of Tuesday's Speech to promote changes to the state's education system, but Senate Minority Leader Vi Simpson said the bigge...
Roderick Spencer: A Rushed Response
It is hard to maintain ones balance after a terrible event. People say and do things that they might wish to take back, so it's important to not add to the damage by responding impulsively. Men and women of good will should stay calm, and perhaps even offer one another opportunities for retraction, if they feel that someone has thoughtlessly said something awful, or irresponsible, or false.
For example, yesterday I listened to a clip of Rush Limbaugh saying, on the radio, th...
Mitch Daniels compares Illinois to The Simpsons (Daily Caller)
Read more stories from The Daily Caller
Training wheels to license plates? New Jersey may soon require teens and adults to register bikes or face fines
Tucker Carlson and Neil Patel: What Obama shouldn’t say tonight
Ron Paul will vote for House resolution condemning attack in Arizona
Colin Cowherd: The United States of Brady [VIDEO]
House Speaker John Boehner: 'We will have the last word'
Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels isn’t as worried about his own state’s reputation as he is wi...
Liveblogging the presidents speech (Daily Caller)
Read more stories from The Daily Caller
Krauthammer on debating Palin's use of 'blood Libel': 'Have we completely lost our minds?'
Liveblogging the president's Speech
Dershowitz, others defend Palin's use of 'blood Libel'
Sen. Mark Udall: Let's all sit together during the State of the Union Address
NJ Governor Chris Christie surges in statewide poll
The President will address the nation tonight from Tucson, Ariz. Obama spoke about Saturday’s shooting in its immediate aftermath, but thes...
Obama leads Arizona memorial service
TUCSON, Arizona (Reuters) - Thousands of people crowded an arena on Wednesday to hear President Barack Obama comfort Americans shaken by a shooting rampage that killed six people and wounded U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords.
A memorial service that began with an American Indian blessing by a tribal elder was to conclude with a Speech by Obama who led a large contingent of dignitaries to the memorial service for the six killed and more than a dozen wounded.
Obama began his visit to Arizona...
Mitchell Finds It Relevant to Highlight on NBC How MSNBC.com Users Reject Palins Retort
Sarah Palin’s use in a video commentary of the “blood Libel” phrase, against those exploiting the Tucson shooting in order to discredit her, inflamed television Journalists with NBC’s Andrea Mitchell ridiculously highlighting on Wednesday’s Nightly News how “more than 375,000 people have expressed their views in an online poll on MSNBC.com” and “nearly 59 percent do not agree with Palin.” As if MSNBC.com attracts any kind of representative au...
Kitzhaber to begin creating jobs immediately in droves
Oregon's once and present Governer has already started in on the Job Creation task he outlined in his campaign. The effort, which Kitzhaber announced yesterday, will take a couple million dollars from "left over" stimulus funds and send about twenty people around to audit Oregon's public schools. Which is great and amazing. According to the most current data, Oregon ranks dead last for the number of High School graduates among states with populations 3.5 - 4.5 million (there ar...
Breaking...memorial service in Tucson turns into political rally
Even before the first words were spoken at this evening's memorial service for the Victims of Saturday's massacre in Tucson, the atmosphere turned overtly political. White House operatives passed out t-shirts to the crowd with Obama's new campaign logo, 'Together We Thrive.' The words were also taped to the seats in which mourners would sit during the service. During Wednesday night’s memorial service of the fallen and wounded in the Arizona shooting tragedy attendees received a free...
Full Text of Speech
If, like me, you were just thinking, "Hey, he's keeping the focus on the Victims, that's good" (and by good I mean awful, because they were real living people, once), brace yourself, he's about to turn bad.
He doesn't so much make accusations as continue to pander to deranged leftists who insist that Sarah Palin is an accomplice to Murder. But who knows -- given that the left is now determined to avenge the shootings via some eliminationist Rhetoric and possibly actions of their own, maybe it's...
Dershowitz, others defend Palins use of blood libel (Daily Caller)
Read more stories from The Daily Caller
Krauthammer on debating Palin's use of 'blood Libel': 'Have we completely lost our minds?'
Liveblogging the president's Speech
Dershowitz, others defend Palin's use of 'blood Libel'
Sen. Mark Udall: Let's all sit together during the State of the Union Address
NJ Governor Chris Christie surges in statewide poll
American Jews are debating Sarah Palin’s use of the term “blood libel” Wednesday after she used the term to describe discussion...
Colorado senator calls for Republicans and Democrats to sit together at SOTU
Sen. Mark Udall (D-Colo.) proposed that the Speaker of the House as well as the majority and Minority Leaders of both houses of Congress sit together during President Obama's State of the Union Speech later this month, in a letter dated Wednesday.
Udall, the senior senator from Colorado, writes in the letter — addressed to Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)...
Abdication of duty
Abdication of Duty
by digby
So much for Bipartisan healing:
Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) turned down an offer by President Barack Obama to travel on Air Force One to Arizona for a memorial service on behalf of the Victims of Saturday’s shooting, a decision that has upset some Democrats.
Boehner is instead scheduled to attend a reception on Wednesday night on behalf of Maria Cino, a former top House GOP aide who is seeking the Republican National Committee chairmanship. Boehner is backing C...
You asked for it says Richmond Tea Party
“You asked for it” says an email to Richmond Tea Party supporters this week who have been asking for monthly meetings with James A. Bacon, author of ‘Boomergeddon’ to be the first Keynote Speaker. According to Richmond Tea Party organizers, supporters have been asking for the “opportunity to mingle with like-minded folks” and be educated on a variety of topics from taxation to education as well as making themselves heard and become more involved. Bacon, a Rich...
Leave it to Sarah Palin restore order
In the accompanying video on the left side bar, Governor, Sara Palin gives thoughtful reasoned comments of the recent acts of horror committed by a deranged young man resulting in the death and injury of innocents. Governor Palin discusses the issue in light of the exceptional nature the US Constitution, and how Americans transfer power through spirited debate and not blood shed, the U.S. is an example to the entire world. The media of course is first to attempt to politicize ...
The Education Reformation
Let the school reform begin! That’s all I could think of when I heard Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels State of the State address Tuesday night. Daniels spoke for about 32 minutes and half that time was spent outlining his plans to reform education in Indiana. Create more school choice by permitting a portion of school funding to follow current Public School Students to attend accredited private schools. Create more Charter Schools by creating a new statewide charter school autho...
Mitch Daniels inclusion at CPAC draws criticism from conservative groups
The annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) has drawn the ire from sections of the socially conservative community over their decision to allow gay-rights groups to take part in the event. But now, outside organizations found a new reason for boycotting CPAC: Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels’ speaking slot. American Principles Project sent out a Press Release Tuesday Morning attacking Daniels’ inclusion at CPAC as a banquet speaker. “Gov. Daniels’ selection is an...
Daniels' annual speech could reach wider audience
See all 2 photos »
Indianapolis (AP) -- Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels may have a bigger audience for his State of the State address as political observers around the country search the Speech for clues on whether the Republican will run for president in 2012.
Daniels told reporters Monday that he hopes people watch Tuesday night's address because he wants them to pay attention to Indiana. He says people have already noticed the progress the state has made in terms of financial respo...
Possible 75% Illinois Tax Increase
From Gateway Pundit
One Person Excited About the 75% Tax Increase in Illinois… Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels
by Jim Hoft
Besides Democrats, there’s one person who is excited about the proposed 75% increase in Illinois state taxes…
Republican Governor Mitch Daniels from Indiana.
Illinois Review reported:
Gov. Mitch Daniels thinks Illinois’ proposed 75 percent hike in its corporate and Personal Income Tax Rates will be great — for Indiana.
In an exclusive interview Friday with
Really? Mitch Daniels must not be allowed to speak at CPAC?
Arriving in my e-mailbox:
The American Principles Project today blasted the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) for giving a major platform to potential 2012 Presidential Candidate Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, who recently called on Republicans to make a “truce” on Social Issues, abandoning a key tenet of the Conservative Movement.
“Unfortunately, while Governor Daniels is slated to speak at CPAC’s ‘Reagan Dinner,’ he has failed to understand how ...
Indiana governor compares Illinois to 'The Simpsons'
Homer Simpson has a message for Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels: D'oh! Daniels, a Republican who is thinking about running for president, compared his neighboring state of Illinois to The Simpsons, from Fox's animated TV show. "Oh, you guys are nothing if not entertaining over there," Daniels said in an interview this morning with Chicago's WLS-AM. "It's like living next door to 'The Simpsons,' you know, the dysfunctional family down the block?" Daniels was making a point about Illinois' Tax Increase...
Afternoon Fix: Barbour, Daniels deliver "state of the state" addresses; Ensign would lose to Heller in primary match-up
Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour (R) and Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels (R) deliver their "state of the state" addresses tonight; Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.) would lose to Rep. Dean Heller (R-Nev.) in a Senate primary match-up; and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) heads back from Latin America to Arizona. Fast Fix: Tougher Gun Laws? * A new survey from Democratic-leaning automated pollster Public Policy Polling shows that 53 percent of Nevada Republicans approve of Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.) while 30 percent ...
Christie Says Palin Needs to Go Unscripted to Contend for 2012
Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey says it’s way too early to handicap the field of his fellow Republicans who might run for president in 2012, but on Wednesday he voiced a few sharp words about the most famous one.
He argued that unscripted, even adversarial exchanges with reporters and the public are essential to judging a Candidate, and that if Sarah Palin continues to avoid them, “she’ll never be president.”
At a lunch with New York Times Journalists and the newspaper’s pub
Eating Their Own
At the rate things are going, there won't be anyone to show up at this year's right-wing conference in February. The organizers, CPAC, have already ticked off a bunch of groups like the Family Research Council and the Concerned Women of America by inviting GOProud, the gay conservative group, and now there's another threatened Boycott because the hosts have invited that flaming liberal and possible 2012 Presidential Candidate, Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels.
It turns out the social conservativ...
Daniels, Barbour, Christie deliver State of States tonight
The Indianapolis Star's Mary Beth Schneider previews Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels' State of the State Speech tonight.
Daniels laughed about the possibility that his State of the State address will be of as much interest in Washington, D.C., as in Washington, Ind.
"You know, I hope they do, because I want them to notice Indiana," Daniels said. "We want people to notice Indiana so they'll bring more jobs here. That's the whole point, and I guess anything that gets them to tune in, I'm for it."
CPAC knocked for inviting Mitch Daniels
Source: CNN
A growing number of outfits are planning to Boycott this year's Conservative Political Action Conference, the annual gathering of right-leaning Activists in Washington known as CPAC, in part because organizers are welcoming a pro-gay Republican group into the fold.
And one of the groups pushing the CPAC boycott, the American Principles Project, took fresh aim at the conference Tuesday for inviting Indiana Republican Gov. Mitch Daniels, who angered many social Conservatives last year ...
Setting aside hyper-partisanship now
Tomorrow is gone, there's nothing anyone can do to change it. The only time when change is possible is right now or some time in the future that will then be "right now." I received a comment on my last article, "Sen. Lieberman decries 'tribalism,' hopes for tipping point" that read, "I respect Sen. Lieberman's remarks but for many many years he was a part of the system that led to Partisanship. It was only after he was defeated in a Democratic primary that he became an Independent." That commen...
Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations
Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
Wisconsin's Reince Priebus Already Shaking Up RNC
Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body
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