Poll: Emanuel front-runner in Chicago mayoral race

Chicago : (CNN) - As Rahm Emanuel attempts to prove that he's a Chicago resident, a new poll indicates that the former White House Chief of Staff is far ahead of his rivals in the battle to be the city's next mayor.

PHOTOS: Rahm Emanuel in pictures

According to a Chicago Tribune/WGN survey, 32 percent of Chicago voters support Emanuel, with former Chicago City Colleges Board Chairman Gery Chico and Rep. Danny Davis each at nine percent, state Sen. James Meeks at six percent, former Sen.

VIDEOS: Rahm Emanuel in videos

Carol Moseley Braun at six percent, City Clerk Migu...

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Emmanuel García posted 13th Dec 2010 (via twitter)

Interviewing Chicago City Clerk, Miguel del Valle today (Radio Arte). What are you questions for the mayoral candidate?

ericrunyan posted 9th Dec 2010 (via twitter)

Miguel del Valle , candidate for Chicago mayor, at our block club meeting.

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