Jared Loughner: Forty-five percent of Americans believe that Jared Loughner's political views were "probably" a factor in the shootings in Tucson Saturday, a new CBS News poll shows.
PHOTOS: Jared Loughner in pictures
One in three say they probably were not a factor, while 22 percent say they do not know.
VIDEOS: Jared Loughner in videos
Loughner has not cooperated with investigators in the wake of the shooting, and evidence suggests he held muddled political views far outside the mainstream. Many partisans have nonetheless tried to link the alleged shooter to the right or lef...
Central College students turned away at polls, problem allegedly solved
Several Students at Central College in Pella were not allowed to vote Tuesday due to an issue with proof of residency, a problem that a spokesman for the Iowa Secretary of State’s office says has been resolved. Students who were hoping to register to vote at the polls, mostly new Students since the last election in 2008, were told they could not vote because they were unable to provide proof of residence, according to Bonnie Dahlke, director of Student involvement and orientation at Centra...
Republican Winners of the November 2, 2010 Elections
The following are the State winners National and State races for Wisconsin for Election Day November 2, 2010. *denotes Incumbent Examiner.com is looking for writers, photographers, and videographers to join the fastest growing group of local insiders. If you are interested in growing your online rep apply to be an Examiner today! Now the Real Work Begins! Is a Republican Blowout in the Works? Wisconsinites failed to finish the job on Nov. 2 Sanity restored? Young People still did not vote enoug...
GOP landslide proves historic for Galveston County
GALVESTON — The Republican tide that swept through Galveston County on Election Day had as much to do with the local Political landscape as with nationwide dissatisfaction with The Economy or the tea party movement, according to Political scientists.
Republicans took control of every county office and gained a majority on Commissioners Court for the first time since the Reconstruction Era after the Civil War when the Union army set up governments in conquered Southern states.
Until Tuesd...
Republicans Sweep Virginia?
In my home state of Virginia, which has two Democratic Senators and went for Barack Obama in 2008, Republicans are poised to take four House districts held by Democrats in the last Congress. They’ve already taken the 2nd (Rigell 53, Nye 43), 5th (Hurt 51, Perriello 47), and 9th (Griffith 51, Boucher 47). The question mark is my own 11th District, in which First-term Incumbent Democratic Incumbent Gerry Connolly and challenger Keith Fimian are tied at 49% with 99% of precincts reporting....
Results of my Election Picks.
Well the Midterm Election is now over. Republicans have recaptured the House and made gains in the Senate, but I know everyone is really wondering one thing...How accurate were my Election picks? Without wasting anymore time let us take a look. #1 The Republicans will gain 35 seats in the House. I know some polls believe they will regain the house I will be conservative and say a net gain of 35 seats. I hope it will be more but we shall see. Well I was a bit conservative with that pi...
Three Iowa Justices Ousted Over Gay Marriage Ruling
In the States that have them, judicial Elections are usually pretty staid affairs. Quite often, a sitting Judge running for re-election isn’t strongly opposed, and, usually, they’re re-elected. That’s one reason why the news that three members of the Iowa Supreme Court were voted out of office yesterday is so surprising: Three Iowa Supreme Court Justices lost their seats Tuesday in a historic upset fueled by their 2009 decision that allowed same-sex couples to marry. Vote total...
Bob Etheridge Calling for a Recount
The NC-2 Race, in which Renee Ellmers is poised to take down manhandling Bob “Who’re You” Etheridge, has gotten complicated. Last night, it looked like a clear victory for Ellmers and she claimed victory. The Gap tightened, however, and now he wants a Recount.
Etheridge is a 6 term Incumbent in what was considered a very safe seat for the Democrats. Unfortunately for Bob, it looks bad when you put a College Student in a headlock for asking question, and his constituents sudde...
Looking at the reasons Democrats did poorly last night, one key measure was the Youth Vote. Once again, the Democrats won the Youth Vote -- in fact, under-30 was the only age demographic that broke Democratic, according to an Exit Poll analysis from Rock The Vote. The graph above, produced by CIRCLE, tracks Youth turnout during Midterm Elections. You can see that Young voters actually took a step back from a 2006 high, when they made up 12 percent of the electorate as opposed to this year's 11 p...
Aldermen propose banning alcohol-caffeine drinks
Chicago would ban the sale of beverages that contain the potent mix of Alcohol and caffeine, under a crackdown proposed Wednesday by a pair of influential aldermen.
Finance Committee Chairman Edward M. Burke (14th) and License Committee Chairman Eugene Schulter (47th) are joining forces to cut off the sale of drinks Young People use to give themselves a jolt.
» Click to enlarge image
The Food and Drug Administration is reviewing whether high-alcohol energy drinks like Four Loko drinks a...
Billy Wimsatt: Youth Vote Against Republican Tsunami by 19 Points
National Exit Polls of more than 17,000 voters show a remarkable trend: Adults age 18-29 voted against the Republican Tsunami by 16 points (56-40). Younger adults age 18-24 were even more progressive, voting against Republicans by 19 points (58-39). The Exit Polls, conducted by Edison Research in association with AP and CNN found that: These are remarkable numbers for a couple of reasons. First, the sample size of the poll was 17,506 respondents, chosen based on scientifically-randomized methodo...
Elections are always the beginning
posted by Doctor Science
The following was published in a different venue by an e-friend who'd like to be known here as "Lizzie". I'm posting a slightly-edited (by her) version here with her permission, because I think she says some important and frequently-overlooked things particularly well.
I used to work in politics.
I started local, running GOTV for my county, and I ended local, running a successful county-wide campaign. In between I worked two presidential cycles and a congressional camp...
Keith Olbermann Assures Bill OReilly He Did Not Commit Suicide On Election Day
On Monday, Bill O’Reilly issued a viewer warning against MSNBC, suggesting that their programming would not be suitable for Children as their commentators would be committing Suicide on the air. Not that they were all sunshine and rainbows, but O’Reilly’s prediction fell short, and at least one MSNBC host, Keith Olbermann , went out of his way today to point out that he boldly chose not to fulfill O’Reilly’s prediction.
Olbermann played the clip of O’Reilly...
Your Sticker Makes a Lot of Sense
Election Day means there are a lot of people walking around proudly carrying a sticker on their collar or lapel: I Voted. It bothered me at first that they would take pride in such ugly, immoral, and destructive behavior and that they so urgently wanted me to see that they had cast a ballot. I do not particularly like that these ignorant people pretend to be morally superior to me through supporting government, and I especially dont like to have this unfounded and evil view of ...
Don't Flash Cash, Or Queens Gang Will Abduct You
We're going to go ahead and assume that quite a few criminals get their ideas about pulling crimes from movies. But what was the last movie you saw where Kidnapping a rich kid for ransom works? Their parents are always in with the FBI, or some other secret gang, and the bad guys are never quietly sent the money like they are asked. But apparently, one gang in Queens hadn't caught up on Rush Hour.
A Boston College Student from China was recently taken hostage for four days and ransomed for $3.5...
Steve Li, City College student, awaits deportation
Steve Li was living up to his - and his parents' - American Dream until his untold past caught up to him.
The 20-year-old City College of San Francisco Student was chasing his goal to open a medical clinic serving the immigrant community, when U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials knocked on the door of his Ingleside apartment more than a month and a half ago.
Now he faces Deportation to a country where he has no friends or family. While experts say his situation is not unusual, h...
Endowment Rebound Reduces Need for College Layoffs
The pressure on many private Colleges to Cut Budgets and lay Off staff will likely ease now that college endowments have regained much of the money they lost in the investment bubbles, says John Walda, president of the National Association of College and University Business Officers. The typical college endowment rebounded by 12.6 percent in the year ending June 30, according to a survey of a sample of 80 Colleges released Nov. 3 by NACUBO and Commonfund, a nonprofit that manages many colleges'...
What's Happening
United Methodist Church Women:Meeting, 7 p.m.today,church choir room. Phyllis Doane, Ortha Sibbitts and Jan Greiner discuss the 2010 assembly. Lorene Royce hosts. Contact: 386-4500.
Blood drive:11 a.m. to 4 p.m.today,Massena Memorial Hospital Community Education Room. Contact: 769-4262.
Concert:7:30 p.m.today,Helen M. Hosmer Concert Hall, SUNY Potsdam. Joint concert of tuba-euphonium ensemble and trombone ensemble. Free.
Annual book sale:Sponsored by Fri...
Aggression from games can linger, study finds
WASHINGTON — Action-packed, Violent Video Games — those rated M for mature — may make people feel aggressive, but how long does this feeling last after players put down the controls?
For young men asked to think about their performance after playing a Violent Game, belligerent feelings lasted as long as 24 hours after the game ended, according to a study published online by the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science.
“These effects persist much longer than ...
Afghan female students carve out their own dance space at Halloween party in Kabul
Halloween, the American ritual with pagan origins tied to the agricultural harvest in Northern Europe, was celebrated on the dance floor by young male College Students, all Afghans, in costume dancing to a ear-pounding mix of techno tunes featuring traditional Persian and Pashtun rhythms. Global cultural hybridization was the subject of my lecture the following day.
Kabul, Afghanistan—Gendered relations here are endless fascinating, remarkably prescribed, and subject to obsessive and oppr...
Best Colleges: Ethnic Diversity Among Top Schools
Many prospective College Students and their parents believe that an ethnically diverse Student body enhances the education of every pupil on campus. A university is truly diverse if there are many different Ethnic Groups enrolled on campus and those Groups have around the same percentage of Students enrolled. In other words, if a College has only one Ethnic group that makes up the vast percentage of its entire Student body, it's not very diverse, even though it might have many other Ethnic group...
Best Colleges: Campus Ethnic Diversity
Many prospective College Students and their parents believe that an ethnically diverse Student body enhances the education of every pupil on campus. A university is truly diverse if there are many different Ethnic Groups enrolled on campus and those Groups have around the same percentage of Students enrolled. In other words, if a College has only one Ethnic group that makes up the vast percentage of its entire Student body, it's not very diverse, even though it might have many other Ethnic group...
Class Size and Class Heterogeneity
We study how class size and class composition affect the academic and labor Market performance of College Students, two crucial policy questions given the Secular increase in College enrollment. Our identification strategy relies on the random assignment of Students to teaching classes. We find that a one standard deviation increase in class-size results in a 0.1 standard deviation deterioration of the average grade. Further, the effect is heterogeneous as it is stronger for males and lower inco...
Students engaging in fewer risky behaviors
Published: Nov. 3, 2010 at 6:24 PM East Lansing, Mich., Nov. 3 (UPI) -- College Students are making healthy decisions about high-risk behaviors such as drinking and driving or smoking, a U.S. survey indicates. Dennis Martell, health education coordinator at Olin Student Health Center at Michigan State University in East Lansing, says Students are making healthy decisions on drinking and driving, excessive drinking and tobacco use. As a result, Martell says, fewer Students are reporting adverse ...
SF College Student Faces Deportation
Steve Li , a 20-year-old City College of San Francisco Student, was chasing his goal to open a medical clinic serving the immigrant community, when U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials knocked on the door of his apartment. Now he faces Deportation to a country where he has no friends or family. "One day I was getting ready to go to school to see my friends and teachers, and the next day I was locked in jail with criminals and gangsters and being treated like I wa...
Corona, Queens, 5:07 A.M.
Josh Haner/The New York Times
DeyJauneh Billups, a poll worker from Corona, Queens, enters the Polling Station at Louis Armstrong Elementary School, Public School 143, blocks from her home. Ms. Billups, 21, a Student at LaGuardia Community College, was one of many College Students recruited by LaGuardia in an effort to build civic awareness and involvement, while at the same time helping voters by placing tech-savvy Students in Polling sites. LaGuardia officials received a grant from the United...
Mr. Obama: Whither Your Anti-Bush Foreign Policy
How An Ex-President Gets Into A Mayoral Election
Camden, N.J. Cuts Overworked Police Force In Two
Barack Obama And Hu Jintao Set For Talks On China
Joe Lieberman, Having Gone Indie, Now Going Home
Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations
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