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Have you consumed myths about diet and nutrition? Take these quizzes to find out. (CBS) Most people at the Grocery Store like to think they're filling their baskets with healthy choices, reports CBS News correspondent Michelle Miller. "I don't buy a lot of goodies," said one customer. "I keep away from the cake and the chocolate and stuff li...
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Digital tools can help put fitness goals on track
Websites, health-related applications for Web-enabled cellphones and gadgets such as heart rate monitors may help some people toward goals to improve their health.
Of course, technology won't change your habits for you. Mike Krauklis, 29, of Penfield said phone apps to track Workouts and what he ate were helpful when he was doing well, but he skipped them when he didn't see significant Weight Loss.
Dr. Betty Rabinowitz, medical director of the 22 Primary Care practices affiliated with University...
The Best ThingYou'll Read All Day
"I think one of the biggest misconceptions when we talk about Obesity in general is that obese people are obese largely because of their lifestyles and because of the way that they live," Dr. Arya Sharma of the University of Alberta, told CBC News. [Sharma is the chair of Obesity research and management at the University of Alberta and medical director of the Weight Wise program at Edmonton's Royal Alexandra Hospital.] Sharma points to studies where people's eating and activity are carefully mon...
Study finds what bodybuilders have known for 60 years: Protein key in dieting
How much money must be spent on these studies before researchers start talking to the bodybuilding community that has known these facts for the better part of a century now? From the AP via The Detroit News: Study: Protein key in dieting
More turkey, less white bread and mashed potatoes. Just in time for holiday feasting, a large study found that diets higher in protein and lower in Carbohydrates can help overweight adults who have managed to drop some weight keep it off...
Fat Babies Are Offending the Dietitians of America
Nobody likes a skinny baby. Babies are supposed to be cute and chubby, the perfect size for stashing in medium-sized flowerpots! There's a reason the phrase "baby fat" exists as its own pudginess qualifier, and it's also why there's no need to categorize "adult fat." Adult fat = bad. Baby fat = good. To a point. But as we trend toward an increasingly obese, and Obesity-paranoid, society, chubby babies have come under fire as a new scourge of these modern times.
According to the latest ...
Warning Labels Urged for Sugary Drinks
(NewsCore) - A group of health scientists, government agencies and consumer advocates sent a letter to the commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration Monday asking that Warning Labels be put on cans and bottles containing sugar-sweetened drinks. They asked that the FDA consider requiring sugary drinks carry labels warning of the connection between soda and Weight Gain, Obesity, Diabetes and other Health Problems. “In light of the overwhelming evidence linking soft drinks to seriou...
Americans Claim Healthy Diet
(The New York Post) - Almost nine in 10 Americans claim they have a healthy diet, but only about a quarter limit their sugar and fat intake each day, the New York Post reported Tuesday. A total of 89.7 percent of Americans rated their own diets as "somewhat" (52.6 percent), "very" (31.5 percent) or "extremely" (5.6 percent) healthy, a Consumer Reports poll of 1,234 Americans found. But a mere 28 percent said they limited sweets and sugar every day, and just 26 percent said they curbed fat consum...
Christina Pirello: Healthy Cookbooks to Start Your New Year Off Right
We live in scary times. If you look at the statistics, we are in serious trouble when it comes to our health and the environment. With each new form of Processed Food that is manufactured and marketed to us (25 percent bigger burgers at Wendy's!) we lose a little more of our collective health. We need a dramatic shift in the way we eat if we are to get out of this life alive, so to speak.
People are paralyzed with confusion. On one hand, we have experts telling us to stop eating so much meat, ...
Beth Weinstock: Gloria Steinem Is Alive and Well, Reminding Us 'That Perfect Is Boring' and 'Beauty Is Irregular'
"Perfectionism attaches to what is valued in the culture," said Gloria Steinem in a recent keynote address. In our culture, perfection means a thin body shape for women. Our societal value holds that "if I can attain the perfect body, i.e. the thin body, then I am OK. If I am heavier than the cultural ideal, I am in danger of not being good enough." The scale announces more than poundage; it measures the distance to perfection and is then the legislator of self-esteem. When the number on the s...
Dysfunctional Duo's Undoing
"Unfortunately, partisan politics has immobilized Washington," New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg told Time Magazine in 2007. Bloomberg, according to Michael Grunwald's cover story, was the diminutive half of a dynamic duo revolutionizing American politics. The other partner: California's then still shiny Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Together, they were "The New Action Heroes" who, according to Grunwald, were "doing big things that Washington has failed to do."
The article was m...
California Bill Introduced to Move Presidential Primary Back to June
California State Assemblymember, Paul Fong (D-Mountain View) introduced a bill (AB 80) yesterday which would shift the state's presidential primary in 2012 and in future presidential cycles from the first Tuesday in February back to June. Details are scant at this point (as you might have been able to tell from the bill link above), but there are few things that can be said of this despite not having the text of the bill at which to look.
First of all, California did this during the 2008 cycle...
"it wouldnt be a Republican majority if they werent taking an African-Americans voting rights away"
From David Dayen of Firedoglake, whose election coverage I enjoyed, comes what may be the first Race Card played during the Boehner era (emphasis mine):
The new House of Representatives will be sworn in at noon today. We have a pretty good sense of their schedule of events for the first few weeks before the State of the Union address, and because the Senate is leaving town (another brilliant Democratic tactical decision), they will have Congress all to themselves.
First we’ll have the ado...
Indebted to Reality
Nothing snaps prodigal slackers out of their cash-flushing ways quite like the repo man’s arrival. Seeing one’s former possessions lugged out of one’s domicile impacts a spendthriftaholic in ways that a third notice never could. If states were people, New York would be watching helplessly as the flat screen television was being loaded on the truck. Gov. Andrew Cuomo, holding a press gaggle in the hall of Governors outside his office this afternoon, repeated his pledge to not ba...
Public sector workers earn less
Last year, EPI published a paper by Rutgers University Professor Jeffrey Keefe, which supplied overwhelming evidence that public-sector workers, on the whole, earn less than those in the Private Sector.
Keefe also offered some suggestions for why these Public Employees are often perceived to be overcompensated. For starters, Public Sector workers are, as a group, more highly educated, work in more highly paid occupations and tend to work moderately fewer hours than those in the Private Sector....
John Bambenek promoting 2 State of Illinois Bills
Amends the Veterinary Medicine and Surgery Practice Act of 2004. Provides that no person may practice veterinary medicine in the State except within the context of a Veterinarian-client-patient relationship. Changes the definition of "veterinarian-client-patient relationship" to include a licensed veterinarian who has access to the animal patient's records and has been designated by the veterinarian with the prior relationship with the animal patient to provide reasonable and appropriate medical...
America's union-bashing backlash | Paul Harris
These are still tough times in America. Joblessness is rife, growth rates are slow and all sorts of fiscal crises loom in government. The impact of the Great Recession rumbles on and blights the lives of tens of millions of ordinary Americans. No one should be surprised, then, that America's political system is on the hunt for a scapegoat - some bunch of villains on which to blame the nation's woes. But how odd that the current Candidate turns out to be the labour movement in general, and ...
Think portion control for healthy eating in the new year
When Mae Pike moved into an older apartment, in a house built in 1910, she had a sudden revelation about one of the most widespread problems with Americans' diet in the 21st century.
"I have a normal set of contemporary dinner plates," she said. "I found that those plates didn't fit into the cabinets.
"I said, 'What is going on here?' I realized that the cabinets were from an era before people started using these oversized plates for their oversized meals. That was a sort of light-bulb moment."
Thinking beyond pilaf _ a chicken Marsala quinoa
This Dec. 12, 2010 photo shows Marsala chicken quinoa casserole in Concord, N.H. Quinoa, a grain with a nutty flavor that has recently been gaining in popularity, contrasts with the sweet flavors in this casserole recipe. Despite quinoa's rise in popularity, most people still are trying to figure out what to do with it. Most recipes call for using it in pilafs and salads. But we wanted to offer up something a little different. Its nutty flavor and grain-like texture are a nice contrast to the e...
Knowing how many calories you need is what counts
Do you know your number?
Not your cellphone number or Cholesterol, but the number of Calories you should be eating daily to maintain a healthy weight.
A recent poll showed that about two-thirds of people can't accurately estimate how many Calories they need. But if you want to lose a few pounds this year, it's important to have a grasp of how much you should be eating.
"There is no magic to Weight Loss — the key is to decrease your Calories without feeling hungry or deprived," says Dawn Ja...
Does 'Psshh' mark the spot for Super Bowl glory? Orlando man hopes so
"Psshh" – pass it on. You might help an Orlando man get his commercial featured during the Super Bowl.
Brandy Gill made a commercial called "Zero Calories? Psshh," and it's now one of 10 finalists in the Crash the Super Bowl Challenge.
The Psshh spot cost $30 to make. Gill, 36, directed his co-workers over a lunch hour, and co-worker Wes Sumner shot the commercial.
"It took about an hour to shoot, and we did the editing in an hour on my Mac," Gill said. "Start to finish, we were done in t...
Our 25 best weight-loss tips from over the years
This is the time of year when many people gear up to lose weight. For the past 25 years, USA Today has been offering readers practical advice on how to trim down. Nutrition reporter Nanci Hellmich shares 25 of the best tips from over the years.
1. Set a realistic weight-loss goal. Most experts recommend aiming for half a pound to 2 pounds a week.
2. Keep track. Dieters who keep track of everything they eat lose twice as much weight as those who don't, research shows.
3. Motivate yourself. Get a ...
New Years Weight Loss Advice
It’s come to my attention that many people make New Year’s resolutions to lose weight. I didn’t do that in 2010, but I did weigh almost 250 pounds on March 1, 2010 and this morning I weighed 180 pounds which goes to show that it’s possible to lose weight. So I thought this might be an opportune day to share some advice.
For me the saga began, appropriately enough, with the decision to pay for a few sessions with a Personal Trainer since I felt I wasn’t really get...
Lawsuit accuses New Balance of false walking shoe ads
The Lawsuit, filed Monday in the U.S. District Court in Boston, calls New Balance's marketing claims that the shoes increase muscle activation and calorie burn "false, misleading, and reasonably likely to deceive the public."
The lawsuit was filed on behalf of plaintiff Bistra Pashamova and others like her who say they have been misled or harmed by the sneakers. Plaintiffs are seeking Class Action certification and more than $5 million in compensation.
On the New Balance website, the company sa...
Lawsuit accuses New Balance of false walking shoe ads
BOSTON | Tue Jan 4, 2011 5:59pm EST
BOSTON (Reuters) - A Class Action Lawsuit filed against New Balance accuses the Boston-based sneaker company of false advertising in claiming its toning walking shoes burned more Calories and improved health.
The lawsuit, filed Monday in the U.S. District Court in Boston, calls New Balance's marketing claims that the shoes increase muscle activation and calorie burn "false, misleading, and reasonably likely to deceive the public."
The Lawsuit was filed on b...
Exposing the NYC Sanitation Workers
Hot Air has this video from the local CBS News reporting on Sanitation workers not plowing streets.The question is - what will and can be done to individual bosses? Does any one have confidence that Mayor Bloomberg is willing to mix it up with a union and hold tough? Perhaps a political appointee might lose his job and maybe those individuals caught on tape, but don't expect any strong action. Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Google Buzz ...
Ted Williams- Homeless man with Radio Voice
Colombus, Ohio- A Homeless man by the name of Ted Williams was discovered online with a golden radio voice almost overnight. He is Homeless and unemployed no longer thanks to his immediate fame. The YouTube video that sparked his rise in the public ear can be found here. According to USAToday, Williams has proven unreachable due to the number of job offers his new agent is fielding. Ted Williams is a native of Brooklyn, NYC, where his mother is currently residing. In an interview ...
Richard Holbrooke Remembered For China, Bosnia, Afghanistan
Top Priority For Republicans: Cutting Federal Spending
Sarah Palin Follows Own Advice In Media Dealings
Tracheotomy Lets Surgeons Remove Giffords' Feeding Tube
Reince Priebus Gets To Find $22 Million For RNC
Governor Pat Quinn Signs Off On Massive Tax Hike
Want A Republican President? How About Herman Cain
Kay Bailey Hutchison Promises To Call It Quits
Christina Green, Youngest Tucson Victim, Laid To Rest
Glenn Beck Supports Barack Obama. Seriously.
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