Mayor Bloomberg, Rep. King Take On Gun Laws

Gun Laws: Mayor Bloomberg, with former NYPD officer Steven McDonald who was shot and is now paralyzed on the left and Rep.

PHOTOS: Michael Bloomberg in pictures

King on the right With the country still reeling from the apparent Assassination attempt of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, which left six dead and many others injured, outside a Tucson, AZ Supermarket, New York politicians have been speaking out about Gun Laws.

VIDEOS: Michael Bloomberg in videos

Rep. Peter King (R-LI) announced that he would introduce a gun safety bill that would prohibit people from carrying a gun within...

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Coulter Salmon posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

ATF sucks. Stop trying to take away my 2nd amend right. Badguys don't obey gun laws anyway

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