Bradley Manning: Wired editors claim"> Stumble This! Editors with Wired Magazine have finally come forward to say that the chat logs in their possession contain no further evidence of a Conspiracy between Wikileaks founder Julian Assange and the soldier accused of leaking 250,000 US State Department cables.
PHOTOS: Bradley Manning in pictures
In his Monday column, Salon's Glenn Greenwald suggested that Wired Senior Editor Kevin Poulsen committed "one of the worst journalistic disgraces of the year" by withholding the majority of chat logs that co...
VIDEOS: Bradley Manning in videos
Important Update on Wired and Lamo Chat Logs: No Unpub Material on Assange
Source: Greg Mitchell @ The Nation
11:55 Seemingly important updates by the Wired folks tonight saying they reviewed the chat logs and found NO unpublished Manning references to Assange. This leads BoingBoing to suggest in a new piece (see earlier one just below) that this undermines some of Lamo's claims and will make it harder to go after Assange in this matter.
Read more:
What's in the Manning/Lamo WikiLeaks Chat Logs?
Glenn Greenwald has been warring with Wired over Wired's supposed responsibility to release more of the chat logs between arrested-but-not-convicted alleged WikiLeaker Bradley Manning and Adrian Lamo, the man to whom he supposedly confessed his Crime and who turned him in.
Here is Wired explaining why they have released all they ought, and why Greenwald is a hypocrite, a bad Journalist, and any number of other yucky things. Here is Greenwald's response to Wired (including suggestive accusations...
The Unlikely Story of Adrian Lamo, Bradley Manning, Wired Magazine and the Federal Government
I’ve now gone through just about everything I can find of various accounts of what transpired between Bradley Manning, Adrian Lamo, Wired and the Federal Government. (A data base of all the relevant media can be found here.)
And having reviewed all the material, I cannot tell you how implausible I find the cover story to be (Wired 6/6/2010, CJR 6/18 2010). Furthermore, I cannot believe that anyone of any journalistic standing has not seriously questioned it before going into print us...
Response to Wired's accusations
As noted above, the principal tactic of Editor-in-Chief Evan Hansen and Senior Editor Kevin Poulsen in responding to my criticisms is to hurl a variety of accusations at me as a means of distracting attention from the issue that matters. Between my June article and the one on Sunday, I've now written more than 9,000 words about Wired's role in the Manning/Lamo case. To accuse me of "a breathtaking mix of sophistry, hypocrisy and journalistic laziness," they raise a h...
Response to Wired's accusations
As noted above, the principal tactic of Editor-in-Chief Evan Hansen and Senior Editor Kevin Poulsen in responding to my criticisms is to hurl a variety of accusations at me as a means of distracting attention from the issue that matters. Between my June article and the one on Sunday, I've now written more than 9,000 words about Wired's role in the Manning/Lamo case. To accuse me of "a breathtaking mix of sophistry, hypocrisy and journalistic laziness," they raise a h...
Your pick for Most Intriguing Person of 2010 is ...
He's been called a criminal, a spy and a champion of the First Amendment. Some think he’s a villain. Some see him as a hero. The only thing that’s beyond debate: Julian Assange has more intrigue than the pulp section of a bookstore. Wikileaks' mastermind, the guy who everyone loved to hate or loved to defend, got the most first-place votes (25%) on's “Most Intriguing Person” poll for 2010. Following Assange were: 10. Antoine Dodson, whose thoughts a...
Wired Journalists Say Chat Transcripts Contain 'Nothing Newsworthy'
In the latest news on the Glenn Greenwald-Wired Magazine slapfight, the Guardian has an article today in which Wired’s Evan Hansen and Kevin Poulsen say they have once again reviewed the unpublished chats over which Greenwald is hyperventilating, and there’s nothing newsworthy in them.
I don’t expect this to stop Greenwald from posting another 3000-word essay on why he’s right and everyone else is wrong, though.
“The chats Wired has but is withholding – and ab...
Wired's refusal to release or comment on the Manning chat logs
Last night, Wired posted a two-part response to my criticisms of its conduct in reporting on the arrest of PFC Bradley Manning and the key role played in that arrest by Adrian Lamo. I wrote about this topic twice -- first back in June and then again on Monday. The first part of Wired's response was from Editor-in-Chief Evan Hansen, and the second is from its Senior Editor Kevin Poulsen. Both predictably hurl all sorts of invective at me as a means of distracting ...
The Limbo State - An FP Slideshow
The Multilateralist: Morning multilateralism, Dec. 29 FP Passport: The curious case of Glenn Greenwald vs. Wired magazine Scenes of life in postwar Abkhazia. Women cross into Abkhazia over the Inguri river. Since the 2008 August War, this footbridge is the only way to cross the border. Save big when you subscribe to FP. 8 Months After the BP Oil Spill, What Has Changed? A Cup of Plenty? What are Russian Prisons like? Should Obama be worried about DIY biolabs? Can Kenya ditch the ICC? Floyd ...
Protesters at Beale AFB Decry Treatment of Manning
Source: Miami Herald
Peace groups outside the main gate of Beale Air Force Base on Wednesday protested the treatment of the private suspected of handing secret reports over to Wikileaks.
They also called on Military personnel at the base to resist war and the use of drones.
Protesters from Veterans for Peace, CodePINK and other groups asked for "basic constitutional principles and Human Rights" be extended to Pfc. Bradley Manning.
Manning is suspected of downloading thousands of secret reports ...
Ohio man accuses Owsley deputy of assault
[...]The Lawsuit says the band was told to shut down. Adkins, who was not drunk, wanted to see the rest of the performance and asked "quietly and calmly" that the band be allowed to continue playing, the Lawsuit said. Immediately after he made the request, Havicus hit Adkins in the face with an expandable baton, the Lawsuit says. [...] Please read our About Page, our Disclaimer, and our Comments Policy. Please note: InformationLiberation is neither liberal or conservative. When one takes the tim...
TSA Harassment!!! (Comedy)
Please read our About Page, our Disclaimer, and our Comments Policy. Please note: InformationLiberation is neither liberal or conservative. When one takes the time to research the "liberal elite," whom the Conservatives oppose, and the "conservative elite," whom the liberals oppose, one finds both "elite" are one and the same. "Liberal" or "Conservative" is not a substantive choice, it is only the carefully crafted illusion of a choice, for both parties come together when they are instructed to....
China shuts down 60,000 porn sites and arrests 5,000 people in massive censorship crackdown
Critics have accused the Chinese Government of deepening the crackdown, launched last December, and said Censorship had blocked many sites with politically sensitive or even user-generated content. Please read our About Page, our Disclaimer, and our Comments Policy. Please note: InformationLiberation is neither liberal or conservative. When one takes the time to research the "liberal elite," whom the Conservatives oppose, and the "conservative elite," whom the liberals oppose, one finds both "el...
Wired Responds to Glenn Greenwald's Accusations
Highly recommended: editor-in-chief Evan Hansen and senior editor Kevin Poulsen respond to criticisms of Wired’s Wikileaks coverage, especially the hysterical charges emanating from the left’s most dishonest blogger, Glenn Greenwald: Putting the Record Straight on the Lamo-Manning Chat Logs.
Wikileaks: a Big Dangerous US Government Con Job
The story on the surface makes for a script for a new Oliver Stone Hollywood thriller. However, a closer look at the details of what has so far been carefully leaked by the most ultra-establishment of international media such as the New York Times reveals a clear agenda. That agenda coincidentally serves to buttress the agenda of US geopolitics around the world from Iran to North Korea. The Wikileaks is a big and dangerous US intelligence Con Job which will likely be used to police the Interne...
'Cryptome' writes WikiLeaks' obituary: Site's purpose now 'dead in the water'
WikiLeaks is dead. Long live Wikileaks. That's the basic message Wednesday from secrets blog Cryptome, which published an essay outlining why the release of secret US State Department cables effectively struck a death knell to WikiLeaks as a service to the Whistleblower community. WikiLeaks as a secrets outlet was once a thriving, vibrant online community: a technology apparatus that allowed for the transmission of data with complete anonymity. Today it is completely seized by the international...
#rsrh QotD, Greenwalds Guts for Garters Edition.
Via @bdomenech, from Wired’s acid-dipped and lovingly-sharpened evisceration of Glenn Greenwald over Greenwald’s rather sad attacks on Wired over the Bradley Manning story:
…while we welcome the honest views of other Journalists acting in good faith, we now doubt this describes Glenn Greenwald.
To which I reply: “Doubt?” Some people need to get out more.
Wikileaker Gains Supporters in Oakland
A group of entrepreneurial Activists have stepped up in Oakland to support the soldier who leaked tons of classified documents on the Internet.
They're calling themselves "Courage to Resist," and they're selling merchandise with the face of Pfc. Bradley Manning in order to raise money for his defense fund. So far, they've raised $100,000, though it's unclear exactly who will get the money.
But that task may prove difficult. Manning indicated that he leaked top-secret footage of the US ...
Call for openness after Wikileaks
Ministers should be more transparent and resist any urge to "clam up" after the Wikileaks revelations, according to the information commissioner. Christopher Graham said the government should be more proactive in publishing communications after the release of thousands of secret documents online. He said ministers needed to "wise up" to the fact that almost any official document could now be made public. Mr Graham, who became information commissioner in June 2009, added: &quo...;
We Are Change Colorado Arrested for Free Speech
A caravan of Denver's finest Truthers travels to Colorado Springs joining the Colorado Springs chapter to Protest Oliver North's "Freedom Congress". 2 members arrested, 2 others were assaulted. Great time was had by all!! - Sparks vs. The TSA Please read our About Page, our Disclaimer, and our Comments Policy. Please note: InformationLiberation is neither liberal or conservative. When one takes the time to research the "liberal elite," whom the Conservatives oppose, and the "conservative elite,"...
San Juan County*s insurance pool settles for $75k in unlawful arrest claim
[...]Toni Michele of Friday Harbor alleged deputies Nikki Rogers and Brad Korth illegally searched her home, used excessive force and falsely arrested her on March 21. Her Lawsuit, filed July 20 in U.S. District Court in Seattle, alleged unlawful search and seizure, unlawful Imprisonment, negligence and assault. She filed suit after her damage claim for $250,000 was rejected by county officials. Michele told Rogers there had been a verbal argument but there were no injuries and no property damag...
WikiLeaks being *exploited to spread conspiracy theories,* Jewish group claims
The release of thousands of US diplomatic cables by the secrets outlet Wikileaks has unintentionally led to the proliferation of anti-Israel Conspiracy theories, according to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). The ADL said that Conspiracy theories linking Israel to Wikileaks have circulated through online publications, where it has been suggested that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange struck a secret deal with Israeli officials over the leak of diplomatic cables; or that Assange actually works for...
Jonathan Weiler: Bradley Manning: Political Prisoner?
In a recent New Yorker column, titled "Gulag Lite," David Remnick, makes the case that the former Russian tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky is a Political Prisoner. Nothing gets old Russia hands like Remnick more excited than the opportunity to moralize about Russian political malfeasance -- it's a particularly satisfying itch to scratch. But this isn't a hard case to make: There is little doubt that the former chairman of Yukos oil has been the Victim of selective prosecution. He's already been in ...
Wired gets tired of Glenn Greenwald
More to the point, Wired gets even in a two-part article by EIC Evan Hansen and Senior Editor Kevin Poulsen. The latter writes: On Monday, columnist Glenn Greenwald unleashed a stunning attack on this publication, and me in particular, over our groundbreaking coverage of Wikileaks and the ongoing prosecution of the man suspected of being the organization’s most important source. Greenwald’s piece is a breathtaking mix of sophistry, hypocrisy and journalistic laziness....
Bradley W. Bloch: How Is Leaking Like Getting a Job?
Noam Scheiber has a much-read piece at The New Republic positing that Wikileaks "will be the death of Big Business and Big Government." In short, the Thesis is that in the age of WikiLeaks, everyone is a potential leaker, and the larger the company or government agency, the more potential leakers it has. As tightening security is of limited effectiveness, there will be downward pressure on the size of organization so that they are:
Small enough to avoid wide-scale alienation, which clearly exc...
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Mailbombs That Aren't Affect Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley