Julian Assange: The release of thousands of US diplomatic cables by the secrets outlet Wikileaks has unintentionally led to the proliferation of anti-Israel Conspiracy theories, according to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).
PHOTOS: Julian Assange in pictures
The ADL said that Conspiracy theories linking Israel to Wikileaks have circulated through online publications, where it has been suggested that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange struck a secret deal with Israeli officials over the leak of diplomatic cables; or that Assange actually works for...
VIDEOS: Julian Assange in videos
WikiLeaks being exploited to spread conspiracy theories, Jewish group claims
Stumble This! The release of thousands of US diplomatic cables by the secrets outlet Wikileaks has unintentionally led to the proliferation of anti-Israel Conspiracy theories, according to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). The ADL said that Conspiracy theories linking Israel to Wikileaks have circulated through online publications, where it has been suggested that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange struck a secret deal with Israeli officials over the leak of diplomatic cables; or that Assange act...
Julian Assange, the Rosenberg Case and the Espionage Act of 1917
Rumors are swirling that the United States is preparing to indict Wikileaks leader Julian Assange for conspiring to violate the Espionage Act of 1917. The modern version of that act states among many, many other things that: "Whoever, for the purpose of obtaining information respecting the national defense with intent or reason to believe that the information is to be used to the injury of the United States" causes the disclosure or publication of this material, could be subject to massive crim...
Audio: Liberal Claims That Ritalin May Turn Children Into Conservatives
By now, many have already heard that being a conservative is a brain disorder: Study: Conservatives have larger ‘fear center’ in brain. Larger fear center as in primate, knuckle-dragging Neanderthal.
A study at University College London in the UK has found that conservatives' brains have larger amygdalas than the brains of liberals. Amygdalas are responsible for fear and other "primitive" emotions. At the same time, conservatives' brains were also found to have a smaller anterior c...
Montana's "Inquisition" and Wikileaks
So you are a little girl in grammar school in 1917. Your name is Christine Shupp and you live near Melville in Sweet Grass County. Every morning after the pledge of allegiance to the flag, the teacher makes you, alone, kneel down on the floor and kiss the flag. It is because you are German. You are a rancher in Rosebud County and you call WWI "a Millionaire's war" and you are dragged off by neighbors to jail. You're in a saloon and call war time food regulations "a big joke" and you are sentence...
Manning chat logs contain no smoking gun, Wired editors claim
Wired editors claim"> Stumble This! Editors with Wired Magazine have finally come forward to say that the chat logs in their possession contain no further evidence of a Conspiracy between Wikileaks founder Julian Assange and the soldier accused of leaking 250,000 US State Department cables. In his Monday column, Salon's Glenn Greenwald suggested that Wired Senior Editor Kevin Poulsen committed "one of the worst journalistic disgraces of the year" by withholding the majority of chat logs that co...
Julian Assange Case Is Being Driven by a Tangled Web in Sweden
* The Accusers--The women who have alleged that Assange committed sexual crimes, under Swedish law, are Anna Ardin and Sofia Wilen. Our source says Ardin has a background in the Foreign Service and has spent time at the U.S. Embassy in Washington, D.C., and worked as a spy in Cuba. She has ties to the Swedish media and apparently has left the country for the Palestinian West Bank. Little is known about Wilen, other than that she is an aspiring photographer. Numerous Web sites have reported tha...
Christine ODonnell claims liberal conspiracy behind criminal probe (Video)
Christine O’Donnell has lashed out against much of the liberal world following news that of a Criminal Investigation into her Fundraising activities. In an interview on Fox News O’Donnell implicates Vice President Joe Biden and liberal philanthropist George Soros in a plot to undermine her political credibility using the FBI Probe. Citing an anonymous source, O’Donnell claims that she was told that the Democrats would use everything at their disposal to try and brin...
Important Update on Wired and Lamo Chat Logs: No Unpub Material on Assange
Source: Greg Mitchell @ The Nation
11:55 Seemingly important updates by the Wired folks tonight saying they reviewed the chat logs and found NO unpublished Manning references to Assange. This leads BoingBoing to suggest in a new piece (see earlier one just below) that this undermines some of Lamo's claims and will make it harder to go after Assange in this matter.
Read more: https://www.thenation.com/blog/157348/blogging-wikeleaks...
More Assange
Nick Davies of The Guardian:
Jagger also insists that she has a right to know who leaked the file to the Guardian and says that the leak was part of “an obvious effort to conduct a smear campaign” against Assange. Setting aside for a moment the head-splitting hypocrisy that a supporter of Wikileaks wants to hunt down the source of a leak, there are two similar problems with this claim. First, Jagger has no idea who leaked that file (and made no attempt to find out). Second, if she ...
"Many Arab officials are US spies in their own countries"
"... Top Officials in several Arab countries have close links with the CIA, and many officials keep visiting US embassies in their respective countries voluntarily to establish links with this key US intelligence agency, says Julian Assange, founder of the whistle-blowing website, Wikileaks. “These officials are spies for the US in their countries,” Assange told Al Jazeera Arabic channel in an interview yesterday.
The interviewer, Ahmed Mansour, said at the start of the interview wh...
Self-Loathing Leftists Defend Those Who Want to Murder Mankind
Lisa Richards is a life-long conservative and Reagan girl educated in Political Science. She resides in CT with her family and assortment of rescued pets. It’s amazing how a Militant political movement can be justified and protected by the very people it wants murdered. Yet, despite Islam’s 1,400 year history of brutality— violence, war, Rape, and pillaging that continues to this day, Islam’s abject hatred for all non-Muslims, especially Jews and Christians displaye...
Response to Wired's accusations
As noted above, the principal tactic of Wired.com Editor-in-Chief Evan Hansen and Senior Editor Kevin Poulsen in responding to my criticisms is to hurl a variety of accusations at me as a means of distracting attention from the issue that matters. Between my June article and the one on Sunday, I've now written more than 9,000 words about Wired's role in the Manning/Lamo case. To accuse me of "a breathtaking mix of sophistry, hypocrisy and journalistic laziness," they raise a h...
FLASHBACK: 9/11 Skeptics Say Julian Assange Being Manipulated by the CIA
© unknown
Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks
Various 9/11 Truthers are changing their previously positive opinion of Julian Assange and Wikileaks. He is now being disowned by this clique and even being regarded as a paid agent.
Regular readers of the press will be aware that supporters of recent decisions by Wikileaks and Julian Assange to publish thousands of classified documents concerning American Military and intelligence activities - much to the ire of American authorities - somet...
Showing Their True Colors
“Everything looks worse in black and white.” - a lyric from “Kodachrome” by singer Paul Simon
The last picture ever to be developed with Kodachrome film was slated to be processed today at the lone processing lab still handling this film — Dwayne’s Photo in Parsons, Kan. A year after Kodak announced that it was retiring Kodachrome film, after nearly 75 years of production (making it the oldest and longest-running film in production of all time), the last shipment
Is the Jewish church-state focus fading?
In thinking about the top Jewish stories of 2010, it occurred to me there wasn't a single major church-state battle on the list. That's a big change from, say, a decade ago. Almost two years into the administration of President Barack Obama the faith based initiatives created by his predecessor are mostly still in place, and groups like Americans United for Separation of Church and State are howling mad. But the reaction from Jewish groups has been muted, which leads to an intriguing question: i...
Wikileaks: a Big Dangerous US Government Con Job
The story on the surface makes for a script for a new Oliver Stone Hollywood thriller. However, a closer look at the details of what has so far been carefully leaked by the most ultra-establishment of international media such as the New York Times reveals a clear agenda. That agenda coincidentally serves to buttress the agenda of US geopolitics around the world from Iran to North Korea. The Wikileaks is a big and dangerous US intelligence Con Job which will likely be used to police the Interne...
2011: Year of upheaval
5. President Obama and both parties will talk about the Deficit but only fight for modest action. However, a potential global Bond Market crash could force far more dramatic Deficit reduction, creating a revolutionary political climate as all things sacred are forced onto the table during another Financial Crisis.
6. The jobless rate at the end of 2011 will remain near 9 percent. The real jobless rate will remain near 16 percent. The cover story of Time Magazine in December 2011 will be titled...
WikiLeaks backers say Zimbabwe websites shut down
LONDON | Thu Dec 30, 2010 3:10pm EST
LONDON (Reuters) - Cyber Activists say they have brought down Zimbabwean government websites after the president's wife sued a newspaper for publishing a Wikileaks cable linking her with illicit diamond trading.
President Robert Mugabe's wife Grace is suing a private newspaper for $15 million for publishing details from U.S. cables on Wikileaks saying she gained "tremendous profits" from illicit diamonds.
The activists, acting under the name Anonymous, sai...
WikiLeaks backers say Zimbabwe websites shut down
President Robert Mugabe's wife Grace is suing a private newspaper for $15 million for publishing details from U.S. cables on Wikileaks saying she gained "tremendous profits" from illicit diamonds.
The Activists, acting under the name Anonymous, said in a statement on their website: "We are targeting Mugabe and his regime in the ZANU-PF who have outlawed the free press and threaten to sue anyone publishing WikiLeaks."
The Zimbabwean government web portal www.gta.gov.zw was unreachable on Thursda...
If imprisoned or killed, Assange reportedly prepared to out CIA-linked Arab leaders
Source: Raw Story
Middle Eastern leaders who've become friendly with the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) could face severe retribution from their local populations if Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is killed or jailed for a lengthy amount of time.
That's because, in a recent interview with Arabic news network Al Jazeera, Assange allegedly warned that he had a document which reveals the identities of officials who voluntarily cultivated relationships with the CIA.
"These officials are spie...
If Only WikiLeaks Existed Before the Iraq War Began: Die Zeit, Germany
Here’s an interesting question: would the release of internal White House documents before the Iraq War began have prevented the Bush Administration from going ahead with it? According to columnist Ulrich Ladurner of Germany’s Die Zeit, not only is it likely that the war would have been prevented - but Julian Assange may well have won the Nobel Peace Prize.
For Die Zeit, Ulrich Ladurner writes in part:
Julian Assange has been much reviled for his dogma that everything should b...
Bradley W. Bloch: How Is Leaking Like Getting a Job?
Noam Scheiber has a much-read piece at The New Republic positing that Wikileaks "will be the death of Big Business and Big Government." In short, the Thesis is that in the age of WikiLeaks, everyone is a potential leaker, and the larger the company or government agency, the more potential leakers it has. As tightening security is of limited effectiveness, there will be downward pressure on the size of organization so that they are:
Small enough to avoid wide-scale alienation, which clearly exc...
What's in the Manning/Lamo WikiLeaks Chat Logs?
Glenn Greenwald has been warring with Wired over Wired's supposed responsibility to release more of the chat logs between arrested-but-not-convicted alleged WikiLeaker Bradley Manning and Adrian Lamo, the man to whom he supposedly confessed his Crime and who turned him in.
Here is Wired explaining why they have released all they ought, and why Greenwald is a hypocrite, a bad Journalist, and any number of other yucky things. Here is Greenwald's response to Wired (including suggestive accusations...
Your pick for Most Intriguing Person of 2010 is ...
He's been called a criminal, a spy and a champion of the First Amendment. Some think he’s a villain. Some see him as a hero. The only thing that’s beyond debate: Julian Assange has more intrigue than the pulp section of a bookstore. Wikileaks' mastermind, the guy who everyone loved to hate or loved to defend, got the most first-place votes (25%) on CNN.com's “Most Intriguing Person” poll for 2010. Following Assange were: 10. Antoine Dodson, whose thoughts a...
Julian Assange Seeking First Sentence for Book
Via Twitter, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is seeking input for the first sentence of his book.
Here's what I came up with.
As the cell door closed behind me and I faced the cold, dank space, I began to contemplate the brunt of the awesome power of government, once it has descended to unleash its wrath.
Guess I better not give up my day job. What are your ideas?
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Deficit Reduction Could Force Pentagon To Limit Budget
Anti-Healthcare Repeal Vote Gets Democratic Support
Al Qaeda Splinter Group Alleged To Have Killed Two French Hostages
Arizona Male Who Shot Congresswoman Had Radical Links
Republicans Fail To Get Two Members Sworn In, Read Constitution
Dear Media: Michele Bachmann Is Not Presidential
Republicans Plugging Ears To Health Reform Repeals' Cost
New WH Chief Of Staff William Daley Raises Questions
Mailbombs That Aren't Affect Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley