Joe Manchin: The senator who defended airing a Controversial ad involving a gun said on Monday that he probably would not have released the ad in the aftermath of the Arizona shooting.
PHOTOS: Joe Manchin in pictures
When then-Gov. Joe Manchin (D-W.
VIDEOS: Joe Manchin in videos
Va.) was campaigning in October for the U.S. Senate last year he aired a 30-second ad in which he shot a copy of the Obama Administration's Healthcare Reform Legislation. A day after the Arizona shooting that claimed the lives of six and Rep. Giffords barely survived, A day after the Arizona ...
Middle of the Night Banter
What are Journalists like in the wee hours of Election Night? Some attended parties, others did TV hits and still others were holed up in bed with a dangerous combination of champagne and computers (thank you FamousDC for that excellent imagery). To give you a sense, we’ve rounded up the best of the best (or something like that). C-SPAN’s Jeremy Art safe and sound: “Made it home. Very few cars on the road at 2:30 a.m.” Politico‘s Kasie Hunt : “Aaand at 2:43a, ...
Middle of the Night Banter - FishbowlDC
What are Journalists like in the wee hours of Election Night? Some attended parties, others did TV hits and still others were holed up in bed with a dangerous combination of champagne and computers (thank you FamousDC for that excellent imagery). To give you a sense, we’ve rounded up the best of the best (or something like that). C-SPAN’s Jeremy Art safe and sound: “Made it home. Very few cars on the road at 2:30 a.m.” Politico‘s Kasie Hunt : “Aaand at 2:43a, ...
Reporters to Obama: Hey, hows that Slurpee tasting today?
The comic highlight from an otherwise depressing Day-after presser in which The One affirmed that, yes indeed, he’ll be sticking to his agenda as best he can. Anyone surprised? A revealing admission from a Politico piece this morning on a possible “shake-up” inside the White House:
Obama has had weeks to brace for the worst, unlike Clinton, who was blindsided by the ’94 results. But some of Obama’s allies fear he will take Tuesday’s results too much in stride. That perc
Creative Minority Report: CBS Photoshops Black/White Obama?
CBS Photoshops Black/White Obama? How can CBS News explain this photoshopped picture? What possible explanation could they have? Accompanying their election coverage on their website, CBS published this photoshopped picture of a half black/half white President Obama with Republicans and Democrats on either side of him as if to say he is split between the two. Needless to say Obama's white side is on the side of the GOP's John Boehner and Eric Cantor. His black half is on the side of Harry Rei...
First Exit Polls
An AP analysis of Exit polling shows voters around the country "are intensely worried about The Economy and dissatisfied with the way the Federal Government is working... Nearly all voters are worried about the future direction of The Economy, and about 4 in 10 say they are worse off financially than they were two years ago."
"Voters are expressing dissatisfaction with President Barack Obama and the Congress, and they don't have a favorable view of either the Democratic or Republican parties."
Health care 'nos' help Dems at risk - Jennifer Haberkorn
Voting against the Health Care law may have saved a few moderate House Democrats who managed to survive an overwhelming Republican wave Tuesday night.
Reps. Jason Altmire (D-Pa.), Larry Kissell (D-N.C.), Mike Mcintyre (D-N.C.) and Mike Ross (D-Ark.) are among the 11 Democrats who opposed the bill and survived in a Midterm Election in which voters identified Health Care as their second most important issue.
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Politico 44
But voting no didn’t save ever...
Palin's scorecard
Shushanna Walshe takes a look at Sarah Palin's Election night, noting that "Even in her home state of Alaska, her help seems to have been less than helpful."
There was the likely Miller loss, the O'Donnell loss, and one that might be more acute -- the Angle loss.
Palin spent the entire campaign cycle telling the electorate that Reid had to be retired, headlining a Tea Party rally in his hometown of Searchlight in early spring and later kicking off the Tea Party Express bus tour in the state in...
2010 Midterm Election Results Election Night Open Thread
Below is our Election Night Open Thread. Also posted below are some links to where you can get Election Results for tonight. Use this thread to post your comments on tonight’s returns as they come in. You can also share how you think the House and Senate will turn out. I posted my final projections last night: GOP +9 in the U.S. Senate, GOP +70 in the House.
Updated List of U.S. House Republican Pickups (Net Gain of 39 Needed to Ta...
Bigger than Beck? Turns out Restoring Sanity was way bigger
The U.S. Park Service is too Controversy averse to offer official counts of National Mall events, but CBS News has done a public service by paying a firm that works with the Department of Homeland Security and the Border Patrol to estimate how many folks showed up for the Jon Stewart rally Saturday and the Glenn Beck Restore Honor gathering Aug. 28. And the results are in: Stewart is the winner,by a big margin.
If Michele Bachmann were making the estimates, Stewart drew 3.6 million people to t...
California says no to pot legalization
California voters declined to legalize the personal use and possession of Marijuana for those 21 years old or older. Proposition 19 was defeated comfortably with 53.9 percent of the vote. Many speculated that California would once again lead the nation in decriminalizing marijuana, as it did when it passed the nation’s first Medical Marijuana law in 1996. Folks shouldn’t expect the idea to go away, though. Legalization proponents stated yesterday that they’d continue...
Youth Vote Falls By At Least 50% From 2008 Numbers
Based on CBS News’ preliminary national exit polling, Republicans are poised for significant gains in Congress. The Youth Vote-18-to-29-year-olds-who helped catapult President Obama into office makes up an estimated 9 percent of voters this year, compared to 18 percent in 2008. This would appear to be a reflection of the sense of abandonment among younger voters that I wrote about earlier this week. It is also yet another confirmation of the general belief among Political profe...
Boehner Claims Mandate to Nix Health Care Bill
Source: CBS News/AP
House Speaker-in-Waiting Says Election Proves Voters Want Health Care "Monstrosity" Rolled Back; Exit Polls Less Conclusive
(CBS/AP) House Republican Leader John Boehner on Wednesday claimed a voter mandate to roll back the Obama Administration's Health Care overhaul, calling it a "monstrosity."
The presumptive next Speaker of the House told reporters Wednesday morning the Republican takeover of the House and its success in narrowing the Democratic Senate majority was proof t...
Idaho House race too close to call
Published: Nov. 3, 2010 at 4:11 AM BOISE, Idaho, Nov. 3 (UPI) -- Democratic Incumbent Walt Minnick was waiting it out with Republican Tea Partier Raul Labrador in Idaho's 1st District in a House race too close to call. With 744 out of 961 precincts reporting early Wednesday, Labrador was holding 50 percent of the votes to 42 percent for Minnick, who is trying to win a Second Term, CBS News reported. Labrador has been underfunded but a star at Tea Party Boise rallies, the Idaho Statesman said. "R...
Richard Cohen - Sarah Palin: Ms. Conspiracy for president?
The mind of the demagogue is a foreign country. It has a strange culture, enemies that only the natives can see, a passion about the ridiculous and a blowtorch kind of sincerity that incinerates logical thinking. On Sunday, the custodian of one such blowtorch was on Fox News. I am speaking, of course, of Sarah Palin.
She was charming, amusing and believable. When Chris Wallace asked her about any presidential ambitions, she did not coyly say that she had not given the matter any thought. Inst...
Michael B. Keegan: Trouble with a Capital Tea
Election Day was bad News for Progressives, as we knew it would be. The combination of widespread economic pain and uncertainty, a Right-wing base energized by Fox News and the Tea Party movement, the return of Elections bought with secret millions from Corporate coffers, and the traditional dynamics of a mid-term Election all spelled trouble for Democratic Candidates. It was a Big night for conservative Republicans at both the Federal and state levels. Where does that leave us and where do we...
Aide: Obama will heed message
A top aide to President Barack Obama said not to look for a change in his “fundamental principles, but certainly there were messages that have to be heeded, and we will.”
“If you believe in Democracy, we were swept in by a big wave, so you have to pay attention to these results and what people are saying,” the aide said. “They want us to work together, to focus on The Economy – for jobs and growth — and we’re going to do that.”
Continue R...
Republican wave crashes in Democratic California
Los Angeles — The national Republican tide that Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina promised would wash over California instead crashed against the eastern flanks of the Sierra Nevada.
Election Day 2010 was a resounding defeat for the GOP in a state that has been steadily turning ever more to the left.
Republicans had promised that a Multimillion-dollar Voter Registration effort and get-out-the vote drive would lead to victory in several races, despite Democrats' 13 percentage point Voter reg...
TRENDING: Palin: Politico report is 'crap'
(CNN) - Sarah Palin is making clear she's no fan of Politico - the News organization that published a story Sunday night quoting anonymous Republican sources saying GOP leaders will try to forestall a Palin White House bid. "Politico, Mike Allen and Jim Vandehei, they're jokes," Palin told Fox News on Sunday night, referring to the writers of the story. "This is a joke to have unnamed sources tearing somebody apart limb by limb." "If they would man up and if they would, you know, make the...
Next for GOP leaders: Stopping Palin - Mike Allen and Jim VandeHei
Top Republicans in Washington and in the national GOP establishment say the 2010 campaign highlighted an urgent task that they will begin in earnest as soon as the Elections are over: Stop Sarah Palin.
Interviews with advisers to the main 2012 presidential contenders and with other Veteran Republican operatives make clear they see themselves on a common, if uncoordinated, mission of halting the momentum and credibility Palin gained with conservative Activists by plunging so aggressively into ...
Barbour's prediction
Mike Allen's interview today with Haley Barbour is worth watching in full.
Barbour says that if Obama changes his ways on, particularly, the growth of government, Republicans will work with him on that and on Education Reform, in particular.
"If he stays hard-left, not much is going to get done," he predicts, indicating also that that's what he thinks will happen.
Barbour is also noticeably aware of the risk that Republican control of one house of Congress is mistaken by an angry pub...
Politico, Mike Allen, and Jim VandeHei need to "man up," says Sarah Palin.
"They're jokes... they're making stuff up again."
Here's the article that's annoying her: "Next for GOP leaders: Stopping Sarah Palin."
Interviews with advisers to the main 2012 presidential contenders and with other Veteran Republican operatives make clear they see themselves on a common, if uncoordinated, mission of halting the momentum and credibility Palin gained with conservative Activists by plunging so aggressively into this year’s Midterm campaigns....
"There is a determined, foc...
Next for GOP leaders: Stopping Sarah Palin - Mike Allen and Jim VandeHei
Even so, top Republicans fear the dynamic that played out in many of this year’s intraparty Senate contests — especially in comparatively small states like Nevada, Alaska, Utah and Delaware, where Tea Party Activists helped topple establishment favorites — could easily be repeated in early-state Presidential caucuses and primaries. In many cases, the Tea Party Activists cared more about ideological affinity than perceived Electability in the General Election.
"If she ru...
Republican Establishment vs. Sarah Palin
Mike Allen and Jim Vandehei of Politico report (“ Next for GOP leaders: Stopping Sarah Palin “) that unnamed Republican leaders are lined up to ensure that anybody but the former VP nominee is the Party’s 2012 standard bearer. Interviews with advisers to the main 2012 presidential contenders and with other Veteran Republican operatives make clear they see themselves on a common, if uncoordinated, mission of halting the momentum and credibility Palin gained with conservative act...
Laura Ingraham Calls Politicos Mike Allen on the Carpet for Un-Sourced Palin Whisper Article Audio
Here is audio of Politico’s Mike Allen on with Laura Ingraham this morning, where he defended an un-sourced hitpiece he helped to write about Sarah Palin that was full of rumors.
Ingraham pointed out that “nobody’s quoted” in the article, so the whole thing is based on un-sourced material. Allen defended the article as representing the “changing” face of New Media, to which Ingraham said, “without sources or quotes.” Ingraham characterized the ar...
Politicos Mike Allen Defends Against Palins Yellow Journalism Charge on Ingraham Show
Politico's Mike Allen tries to defend his un-sourced article full of insider "whispers" about Sarah Palin. Laura Ingraham doesn't let him get away with the spin....
Mr. Obama: Whither Your Anti-Bush Foreign Policy
How An Ex-President Gets Into A Mayoral Election
Camden, N.J. Cuts Overworked Police Force In Two
Barack Obama And Hu Jintao Set For Talks On China
Joe Lieberman, Having Gone Indie, Now Going Home
Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations
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