United States: The United States and Germany are jointly developing secret spy satellites under the guise of a commercial programme despite opposition from France, leaked US diplomatic cables showed Monday.
PHOTOS: Wikileaks in pictures
The project, named HiROS, envisions the construction of an undetermined number of high-resolution observation satellites capable of spotting any object on the planet down to a size of just 50 centimetres (about 1.5 feet), according to classified cables from US Embassy in Berlin leaked to Wikileaks and obta...
VIDEOS: Wikileaks in videos
Stewart walks fine line with rally
Two months after Fox News’ Glenn Beck organized a massive crowd of Conservatives for the purpose of “restoring honor,” Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart could draw an even bigger audience Saturday “to restore sanity.”
Hundreds of buses, including some chartered by The Huffington Post, are set to drop tens of thousands of attendees at the National Mall through the morning. Stewart is supposed to take the stage shortly after 1 p.m.
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Ronald Reagan was the Tea Party (Guest Voice)
Ronald Reagan was the Tea Party
by Michael Reagan
Liberals and their Democratic Party allies are frightened out of their halfwits by the re-emergence of the dreaded Tea party, which began in Boston Harbor in December 1773, when colonists dressed as Indians dumped shiploads of Tea into the water, helping to set off what eventually became the American Revolution.
There’s nothing new about the liberal alarm over the Tea party’s reappearance in American politics. The last time they confronted i...
What's the rush? Republicans wait and see before jumping into 2012 campaign
FILE - In this Oct. 18, 2010 file photo, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin speaks to the crowd during the kickoff of the nationwide Tea Party Express bus tour in Reno, Nev. Get ready for the big tease. A slew of Republicans positioning for possible presidential runs are, to varying degrees, in the midst of courting Donors, testing messages and plotting strategies. They're visiting early Primary states, wooing key Activists and, all the while, stirring interest as they gauge whether to launch full...
What's the rush? Republicans wait and see before jumping into 2012 campaign
FILE - In this Oct. 18, 2010 file photo, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin speaks to the crowd during the kickoff of the nationwide Tea Party Express bus tour in Reno, Nev. Get ready for the big tease. A slew of Republicans positioning for possible presidential runs are, to varying degrees, in the midst of courting Donors, testing messages and plotting strategies. They're visiting early Primary states, wooing key Activists and, all the while, stirring interest as they gauge whether to launch full...
The polarization of Virginian politics vis--vis the tea party phenomenon
Virginia politics has been fortunate in the fact that reasoned debate hasn’t been totally submerged in Partisanship. There is a culture of debate, that is, that seems more resistant to the onslaught of radical groups from the right and the left alike. This happy set of circumstances, however, seems to slipping into the past as Virginia gets swept further into the tide of Tea Party-style politics that has pulled the country further to the right of the political spectrum and polarized many o...
Pawlenty's Obamacare Purity Gets a Little Less Pure
Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty has been making a show out of resisting implementation of the Affordable Care Act and the funding for States contained within. He's not the only one, but his resistance has been noteworthy, in part, because of his presumed ambition to be the GOP nominee for president in 2012. If he does pursue the nomination, he could be up against former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, whose embrace of similar Health Reform at the state level could be a political liability in 2012. W...
Support Democrats
What is the Big Deal about Democrats in control in Albany and Washington? Not so long ago the Republicans were in charge in both capitals. They did not do so great, but I don't remember such an uproar about control then.
Both Gov. David Paterson and President Obama are trying to fix The Economy but can't because of Party disputes. No one wants to Compromise.
Even though I am a registered Republican, the Democrats make a lot more sense to me.
Please ignore the Tea Party radicals and sup...
Harris County Early Voting Day 12 - It's a Wrap
And now, the end is near, as Bill White faces his final curtain...okay, so that was cheesy! Sue me but I'm excited! Only three more days until that little feller goes away for awhile. And until the R's in Harris County sweep away the D's - yes, folks, it looks like that is going to happen. But...let's not get too far ahead of the cart. On Friday, the last day of early voting, 59,644 voters cast their ballots. I knew it was going to be a huge day when I was at the Metro Service Center location at...
Health care money, after all
Pawlenty shows a pragmatic streak:
Minnesota will accept Federal Assistance under the Democrats’ Health Reform law after all, despite Gov. Tim Pawlenty’s Executive Order barring voluntary participation in Federal Health ca...
Joe Miller seeks to overcome stumbles to win
ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Despite all that’s been said about Joe Miller, many Alaskans are still trying to figure out who he is, and whether he deserves to be called something no one can dispute — U.S. senator. The political upstart, thrust onto the national stage with his stunning defeat of Sen. Lisa Murkowski in the GOP primary, has endured weeks of unflattering press. He’s had to acknowledge that he or his family received some of the very Government benefits he now questions...
Abbreviated Pundit Round-up
Matt Taibbi (in yesterday's Daily Kos GOTV diary):
There are two reasons why Tea Party voters will probably never get wise to the Ponzi-scheme reality of bubble economics. One has to do with the basic sales pitch of Tea Party Rhetoric, which cleverly exploits Main Street frustrations over genuinely intrusive state and local governments that are constantly in the pockets of small businesses for fees and fines and permits.
The other reason is obvious: the bubble economy is hard as hell to unders...
Tea party movement alienating young voters
WASHINGTON — The Tea Party is failing to woo Young Voters despite a loose structure that could make it easier for those under 30 to achieve leadership roles, analysts and Political Activists say as the grass-roots movement prepares to flex its muscles in Midterm Elections.
A survey released Oct. 21 by Harvard University’s Institute of Politics showed that only 11 percent of those 18 to 29 consider themselves supporters of the Tea Party, and analysts say the leaderless movement&rsquo...;
Bachmann wants Constitution classes for lawmakers
For the Tea Party Soldiers worried that the young upstarts they’re poised to send to Congress will lose their constitutional druthers once they get to Congress, Rep. Michele Bachmann has a message: fear not, she’s going to set up constitutional classes.
Bachmann spokesman Sergio Gor says, “It was something she’s always wanted to do. There’s so many folks that come to Capitol Hill to discuss obscure and mundane topics, but no one coming regularly to discuss Bill o...
Feingold Still Trails Heading Into Final Weekend
A new McClatchy-Marist Poll in Wisconsin shows Ron Johnson (R) beating Sen. Russ Feingold (D) in the U.S. Senate race, 52% to 45%.
Key findings: "While Feingold has a 95% to 3% lead among Liberals, who make up 19% of the voters, he falters badly with Conservatives, who make up 45% of the electorate. They reject Feingold by 88% to 10%. Johnson scores well with those who think the worst in The Economy is yet to come, winning them by 75% to 21%. Among those who disapprove of Obama -- half the vote...
Does the right wing have a persecution complex?
How contentious Will the November Elections be? Judging by an early look at one title scheduled for release around Election time, you can BET the volume Will be turned up full blast. There’s no doubting where Michael Wolraich stands on the issues. He is a contributor to the liberal blog Talking Points Memo and a founder of Dagblog which mixes politics, sports, business and humor. He swings at conservative Extremists with a hammer blow that is also meant to entertain (at least his own constitue...
Jon Stewart's Rally to Restore Sanity: How it started and what it is about
Jon Stewart's "Rally to Restore Sanity or Fear" is now just 12 hours away. Still. many people do not know what the Rally is really all about. The movement to hold some kind of Rally did not begin with Stewart, but instead with his "protege" of sorts Stephen Colbert. Following Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally, many Liberals felt like holding some kind of even to of their own in response to Beck. The idea caught fire on a website called Reddit, and soon a true "grass roots" i...
Stick it to the spambots!
If you don’t hate sticker puns, you should head over to the American Scene’s “Stick with the Scene” competition. It really needs a boost. Judging by the comments section, only three contestants are vying for the five prizes, and one of them is the American Scene’s trusty spambot, Replica Swiss Watch, who bounced in with a surprisingly strong entry. I’m counting on some of you to enter the contest. We can’t let the spambots win. “Stick” it to...
More on the Threat of Sharia Law
Transplanted Lawyer has an important, must-read follow-up post to his piece on Oklahoma’s “anti-Sharia” Referendum in which he looks closely at the cases cited by proponents of the law and finds them to be remarkably ho-hum. He also delves into what Sharia law actually encompasses for purposes of its interaction with American courts. “Stick” it to the spambots! “Excuse me, Sir. Would you rather I grope you or just measure the naughty bits?” Transp...
Minn. to accept health care cash
Minnesota will accept Federal Assistance under the Democrats’ Health Reform law after all, despite Gov. Tim Pawlenty’s Executive Order barring voluntary participation in Federal Health Care programs.
The State’s Management and Budget Office was one of 700 new organizations that signed up for the Early Retiree Reinsurance Program, a $5 Billion program that helps pay for the Insurance costs of Retirees between the ages of 55 and 64.
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3 Republican governors rally in Ohio
Lebanon, Ohio —
GOP Candidate for Ohio Governor John Kasich (KAY'-sik) expects to get help in his final campaign push from three current Republican Governors.
Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, Mississippi's Haley Barbour and New Jersey's Chris Christie rally Friday for Kasich in the Republican-dominated southwest Ohio suburbs.
The three governors are campaigning in Ohio ahead of weekend visits by a Democratic big three: President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and former president Bil...
Poll: Voter pessimism helps GOP in 4 states Obama won
WASHINGTON — Republican Candidates vying to win Democratic-held Senate seats have inched ahead in two once-deadlocked states and are in virtual ties in two others, four new McClatchy-Marist state polls found Friday.
The polls, taken Oct. 26-28, showed the Wisconsin and Pennsylvania Senate races leaning Republican, while Washington and Colorado remain tossups.
"These are states where Democrats are at best struggling for their political survival," said Lee Miringoff, the director...
Karl Rove Gravitas Check finds Sarah Palin Lacking
You have to wonder why on the eve of perhaps the largest Republican sweep in mid term Elections, The Architect, Karl Rove says gravitas is lacking if Sarah Palin runs for president in 2012? Can’t we wait until Wednesday or Thursday before engaging in back-stabbing? But no, Karl Rove tells the Daily Telegraph that Sarah Palin lacks the garvitas to be president. It’s just a too demanding job for her to handle. As I recall, the same was said of Rove’s former boss, George W. Bush....
Court: Alaska voters can see write-in list
Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-AK, describes her experiences during the Congressional delegation to Afghanistan and Pakistan on Capitol Hill in Washington on January 12, 2010. The delegation was in Afghanistan and Pakistan to assess the War on Terror. UPI/Madeline Marshall ANCHORAGE, Alaska, Oct. 30 (UPI) -- In a victory for U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, the Alaska Supreme Court found that voters who want to see a list of certified write-in Candidates at the polls can. The state High Court made its ruling F...
Radical Libertarians Slam the Tea Party as Too Christian
Radical Libertarians claim the Tea Party is too Christian, insisting the Party abandoned its core principles of small central Government, fiscal conservativism, and upholding the Constitution’s Amendments by becoming too Christian when the movement is really supposed to be Libertarian.
Says who? The Tea Party consists of the American People no matter their party or religion.
Anger toward the Tea Party is directed at Christian Conservatives like Sarah Palin: unlike libertari
Video: Michigan Welcomes Tea Party Express
It was a busy day here in Michigan yesterday. The nerdmobile came to town. Rocktober Fest. And there was the Tea Party Express:
Via BreitbartTV. Rocky spoke at the event. Click on the below pic and contribute to Rocky's campaign (it's not too late!):
The Unemployment Rate's Not Going Down Anytime Soon
More Threats To Congress Keep Popping Up
Obama To Arizona, Congress In Mourning
Sarah Palin Does Exact Wrong Thing After Giffords Shooting
U.S. Budget Gap Narrows, Deficit Still High
East Coast Faces Same Storm That Leveled The South
Gov. Chris Christie Renews Call For Education Reform
Illinois Tries To Become 16th State To Ban Death Penalty
U.S. Chamber Of Commerce Says Economy Recovering
Gabrielle Giffords Could Have Good Recovery
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