Charles Krauthammer: As our society turns and turns in the widening gyre , things falling apart, the center not holding, and the ceremony of innocence drowned, at least we can turn to Charles Krauthammer for the calm voice of reason.
PHOTOS: Charles Krauthammer in pictures
Unfortunately, what he has to say these days isn't all that calming.
VIDEOS: Charles Krauthammer in videos
Here he comments on " the arrogance and the near lawlessness " of the gang of Socialist fools in control of the Federal Government: Illegal versus legal, non-white versus white, Federal versus state, blue versus red,...
Obama's secular socialist legacy
Speculation abounds pursuant to what it is in Obama's past the he has taken such effort to keep secret. It ranges from questions about true Citizenship to questions about his Mental-health history to questionable areas of his personal life that presumably no leader would ever want revealed. Not so speculative are his ties to Socialist orders and a secular Socialist philosophy that goes much further than he wants the public to know – and his intent too leave a secular Socialist...
Obama, Calderon and Arizona
President Obama, Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano and Attorney General Eric Holder have all fanned the flames of discord over the new Arizona Immigration Bill without even having read the Bill. The President, at least, seemed to indicate that he had finally read the Bill in a news Conference on May 19th. The jury, however, is still out on Napolitano and Holder.
This is irresponsibility at its worst.
Is it any wonder that our enemies attack us with our own words?
He Was Right
Before the Storm: Barry Goldwater and the Unmaking of the American
Consensus , by Rick Perlstein, New York: Hill and Wang, 671
pages, $30
Cursed with two plundering, rapacious younger sisters, I grew up
with a highly developed sense of private property (it's my room,
get out) and freedom of association (I don't want to have a Tea
Party with you and Mrs. Flopsy). This did not always put me in good
stead with my parents, or with an angry sixth-grade teacher who
insisted that no decent human being...
Krauthammer: Obama Refuses To "Stand Up For His Own Country"
Charles Krauthammer: "You can't have it both ways. Particularly coming from Mexico, a country where if you enter illegally it's a felony and you get up to two years in Prison. And if you do it a second time, you get 10 years...So he's got a country which is extremely strict--draconian, if you like--about illegals entering into Mexico. And he's lecturing us on our laws here where it isn't a felony, it's only a misdemeanor. And then, even worse I think, is to see our president refusing to...
Krauthammer: ICE Situation Shows "Near Lawlessness" Of Obama Admin.
Charles Krauthammer: "I think it's a perfect example of the arrogance and the near lawlessness of this administration." "[The Arizona law] is as legal a law as any other law in the land. And for the executive to say we're going to ignore it, or we're going to unenforce Immigration essentially in this state on account of this, is lawless." Posted by RCP Staff
America Will Be Saved By Moms and Other Awesome Women
Just an observation — but as our current effete and blundering Socialist president tanks our economy, insults our friends and allies, and bows and cowers before Islam and our other foreign enemies, it’s amazing to see the American Resistance to anti-exceptionalism coalesce around a Valkyrie brigade of tough-as-nails, take-no-prisoners, get-it-done, God-Bless-America, moms and other awesome women.
Sarah Palin, our nation’s greatest hope, Momma Grizzly in Chief.
Actor Jeremy Irons: Earth is so overpopulated that it will wreak its revenge, likens himself to Michael Moore
Well, Irons got one thing right - he likened himself to Michael Moore. Funnier yet though is his claim that he is apolitical although he is a Labour donor and his wife is “deeply Socialist.” Yeah - I'm apolitical too. Don't judge me as a conservative by the content of my blog. Or that I give money to Conservatives seeking office. Irons' interview with The Sunday Times included these choice snippets:
...Launching himself as a green campaigner, Irons has revealed plans to make a...
Rep. Steve King Complains That Iowa Has Become "Gay Marriage Mecca"
When the Iowa Supreme Court unanimously
struck down the state's ban on Same-Sex Marriage in April 2009, Rep. Steve
King (R-IA) was predictably outraged. A
fierce opponent of Equal Rights for sexual Minorities, King blasted the Court's
"Unconstitutional" ruling and warned that Iowa
would become a " Mecca "
for Gay and Lesbian couples. In
September, he claimed his prediction was coming true, adding that Marriage
equality is a " Socialist
concept ."
Last week, the Iowa...
32 States Are Now Pretty Much Bankrupt
Zerohedge posted this gem:
Courtesy of Economic Policy Journal we now know that the majority of American States are currently insolvent, and that the US Treasury has been conducting a shadow Bailout of at least 32 US States.
Over 60% of Americans receiving state Unemployment Benefits are getting these directly from the US Government, as 32 States have now borrowed $37.8 billion from Uncle Sam to fund Unemployment Insurance.
The full list of America's 32 insolvent States is below, sorted in ...
ACORN/Big Union/Leftie Groups 05-24
President Obama Deeply Connected To Organizers Of Recent Angry Street Mob Actions
Outrageous! D.C. Metro Police Escorted SEIU Protesters to Bank of America Executive’s Home UPDATED: Police union responds
Read more at the Washington Examiner:
A thug too far, part 1 AND A thug too far, part 2
SEIU, HuffPo and Media Matters: Is an Unholy Alliance About to Unravel?
The feral...
Castro's European Apologists
Do Left-wing European journalists and politicians share the blame for the 50-year duration of the Castro Dictatorship? Cuban Human Rights campaigner Armando Valladares seems to think so, and he makes a good case.
Sure, the Castros and their goons-who beat up with truncheons and drag through the streets anyone who dares speak their minds in the "Socialist Paradise"-have ultimate responsibility for what they have wrought. But Valladares, who spent 20 years in Castro's Gulag, has a point...
Jumblat Calls Lahoud, Awaits Hamadeh's Clarification after 'Putting up with Him Alot'
Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat has held a telephone conversation with ex-President Emile Lahoud for the first time since the extension of the former head of state's term in 2004. At the time, the Druze leader was one of the strongest opponents of the extension which took place under pressure from Damascus during the era of Syrian hegemony over Lebanon. Al-Akhbar newspaper said Thursday that when Jumblat called Lahoud, the former president was in a meeting. Lahoud later...
Arianna Huffington: The Internet and the Death of Rovian Politics
Age has finally become an issue for John McCain. But the problem isn't the Candidate's 72 years; it's the antediluvian approach of his campaign.
McCain is running a textbook Rovian race: fear-based, smear-based, anything goes. But it isn't working. The Glitch in the well-oiled machine? The Internet.
"We are witnessing the end of Rovian politics," Eric Schmidt , CEO of Google told me. And YouTube, which Google bought in 2006 for $1.65 billion, is one of the causes of its demise.
Thanks to...
Divided Europe spreads contagion fears in U.S.
(Reuters) - The European Debt crisis drew new cries of alarm on Monday as a top White House adviser warned it could slow a global Economic Recovery, a European Union official sharply critiqued Germany, and investors worried a Spanish bank Bailout could signal further distress.
Financial Markets were already factoring in European risk for the U.S. Recovery when White House Economic adviser Lawrence Summers said "recent events in Europe have introduced uncertainty into the...
Chuck DeVore: 'Jack Bauer' Would Support Me (VIDEO)
Chuck Devore, a California state legislator and Tea Party-backed Candidate for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate, has a new Web video claiming that "Jack Bauer," the protagonist of the action-adventure show 24 , would support him for Senate.
"Ask yourself this question, Jack Bauer fans: Which person would Jack want as his U.S. Senator?" the announcer says. "Barbara Boxer, a Guantanamo-closing, tax-raising, big-government growing ultra-liberal who reads Miranda Rights to foreign...
Socialism: The New Feudalism
Exactly which side of the political spectrum is dragging us toward the past?
Recently Bill Maher
on his show, "Democrats in America were put on earth to do one thing: drag the ignorant hillbilly half of this country into the next century, which in their case is the 19
This is the type of Rhetoric we hear from Liberals all the time, ‘the old ways of Capitalism and individual responsibility are over and it is time to move into a more collective and social era.' Hence...
UK Duchess Sarah Ferguson Scandal: Caught on Tape
by the
Left Coast
Perhaps a bit 'tabloidish' but interesting, nonetheless in that it highlights Corruption, greed and arrogance in leadership and politics. I wonder how many in our U.S. Congress and the White House are guilty of activity like this (Via We Smirch ):
It seems to me that the Duchess of York was caught on tape doing the same thing that Obama and the progressive-socialist Congress are doing to the nation. That is, taking bribes (pork spending), special interest favors...
Mass Governor Deval Patrick Says Obama Critics are "almost at the level of sedition
More liberal hypocrisy …
When a Democrat criticized President George W. Bush it was an act of patriotic dissent; however, when Barack Hussein Obama is criticized … “it is Sedition” . So says Deval Patrick, the liberal Governor of Massachusetts.
Governor Deval Patrick, even as he decried Partisanship in Washington, said today that Republican opposition to President Obama's Agenda has become so obstinate that it "is almost at the level of Sedition."
Jumblatt hails Lebanese 'resistance'
Beirut, Lebanon, May 17 (UPI) -- Israeli insistence on an aggressive stance against Lebanon means Hezbollah will continue as a facet of defense, a leading Lebanese leader said.
Walid Jumblatt in an interview with Iran's state-funded broadcaster Press TV said supporting the resistance movement in Lebanon was a deterrent against Israel.
Israel has accused Hezbollah of amassing Scud missiles with the help of its patrons in Damascus. Jumblatt countered that Israel was the one issuing threats of...
The Coalition Government is aiming its guns at the House of Lords
With the State Opening of Parliament and the Queen’s Speech on Tuesday - and the Budget only weeks away - there will be plenty of activity at Westminster before we all stagger away exhausted for a later than usual, and I suspect a shorter than usual, parliamentary recess.
The Sunday Telegraph has given us a preview of what might be in and what might be out of the Queen’s Speech, but it will not be until we see the Bills published that we will have a real idea of just...
Mo Brooks for Congress: Home
You feel it every day.
The Green Dog Not Barking in the NYT
So the New York Times is lifting the curtain — just slightly — on the bankruptcies of state that are inherently demanded by the European “social democratic model” also embraced by the Obama Administration to this very hour. That’s the same Administration that out, of the other side of its mouth, is pressing Europe to cut off the spigot of public Debt to avoid going under and dragging us with it.
After all, Team Obama have a “fundamental transformation”...
Rand Paul Exposes the Real Tea Party
In its first year of existence, the Tea Party movement made clear what it was angry about: the first black American President, Health-care reform, taxes, Deficit spending, “lib-rhuls,” Socialists, Hitler, emergency “Bailouts” to stave off a new Great Depression, and – in general – Big Government. Now, however, with its first genuine national spokesman – Republican Senate Candidate from Kentucky Rand Paul – the public is getting a clearer sense...
BA Heathrow cabin crew strike takes off
Thousands of Air travellers faced renewed Travel Chaos on Monday as British Airways cabin crew launched a five-day strike, after last-ditch negotiations collapsed.
BA said its services were off "to a good start" despite the latest strike in the long-running and increasingly hostile dispute between BA and Unite, Britain's biggest trade union, which began at midnight (2300 GMT Sunday).
But the walk-out disrupted BA's hub operations at London Heathrow, the world's busiest International Airport,...
Venezuela's Chavez vows more financial crackdown
Source: Reuters
President Hugo Chavez vowed on Thursday to deepen a financial crackdown after raids on 15 brokerages and the arrest of four directors in the wake of the state's takeover of foreign exchange trading. The Socialist leader said this week's move to exclude private money-changers and transfer the so-called "parallel" currency business to the Central Bank, had brought a typically ferocious reaction from Venezuela's traditional elite. "We're going to keep hitting them hard," Chavez...
Step Aside Schwarzenegger: Brown's Back in Town
Former Pentagon Official's Body Found in Landfill
Accidental Frequency Switch Leads to Evacuation of U.S. Capitol
Brazil's First Female President Looks to Gas & Oil for Future
Schwarzenegger May Return to Movies
Three Dead After New Year's Eve Tornado
Alcohol-Related Emergency Room Visits Spike During New Year's
Schwarzenegger Rejects Parole for Dentist who Dealt in Death
Criticism of Bloomberg Mounts as Snow Mountains Remain
Porn King Offers Relief to Octomom
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