Charles Krauthammer: Charles Krauthammer on Friday scolded Mark Shields and other Liberals for "moaning and bitching" about the President's Compromise tax plan after months of demanding the White House implement a second stimulus package. Charles Krauthammer: You know, you Liberals surprise me.
PHOTOS: Charles Krauthammer in pictures
You won one.
VIDEOS: Charles Krauthammer in videos
You won a big one and you’re moaning and you’re bitching. I, I can’t believe it. I mean, you just got yourself the largest stimulus in galactic history without even asking for it. ...
Dana Milbank - Obama finally stands his ground
For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of President Obama.
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Obama finally stands his ground
Online Q&A; with Dana Milbank
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To cut the Deficit, get rid of our surplus of laws
Swindle of the year
Democrats have no choice but to accept an irresponsible tax deal
Obama finally stands his ground
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I'm not particularly proud of the tax-cut deal he and the Republicans negotiated. But I'm proud that he ...
Weekly Address: Protecting the Middle Class and the Economy
President Obama explains the importance of Congress moving forward on the Bipartisan Compromise on Tax Cuts, Unemployment Insurance, and Job Creation. He makes clear that a failure to act would harm the Middle Class, those struggling to find work, and The Economy itself. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC, 20003. This communication is not authorized by any Candidate or candidate's committee. ...
Axelrod defends tax deal against Democrats
Published: Dec. 12, 2010 at 12:50 PM WASHINGTON, Dec. 12 (UPI) -- President Barack Obama's top political aide denied Sunday the president is shifting to the center with a tax Compromise that angers many Democrats. "He is who he's always been," said David Axelrod, appearing on CNN's "State of the Union." "He's always going to be someone who is going to look for the best ways to improve the lives of people, to build The Economy for the future." "There are elements of this plan that we didn't parti...
What Will Obama's Tax Deal Do For Investors?
The biggest question many investors are asking about President Obama's Compromise Tax Cut deal is how it will benefit The Economy. But if those investors are hoping for a consensus answer from the watchers at Wall Street's securities firms, they won't be getting one any time soon: So far, there is little agreement about what the stimulative effects of the deal will be, or which parts of the Compromise should get the credit if GDP growth improves.
Bernie Williams, a money manager at USAA Funds,...
US House to approve tax deal despite doubts: lawmaker
The US House will approve a deal reached by President Barack Obama and Republicans that would avoid a major New Year's tax hike but was rejected by majority Democrats last week, a senior Democratic lawmaker said Sunday. "In some form it will come to the floor of the House for a vote," assistant Speaker of the House of Representatives Chris Van Hollen told Fox News Sunday. "There are some House Democrats who will refuse to go along with any deal (but) most of us understand we've got to make som...
US House to approve tax deal despite doubts: lawmaker (AFP)
WASHINGTON (AFP) – The US House will approve a deal reached by President Barack Obama and Republicans that would avoid a major New Year's tax hike but was rejected by majority Democrats last week, a senior Democratic lawmaker said Sunday.
"In some form it will come to the floor of the House for a vote," assistant Speaker of the House of Representatives Chris Van Hollen told Fox News Sunday.
"There are some House Democrats who will refuse to go along with any deal (but)...
The Tax Cut Compromise - What Do You Think?
It is not for the so called 99'ers although many are misstating that. This is for the millions who have lost their jobs in the past year/year and a half whose benefits have stopped. They are not dropping 800,000 jobs a week as they once were but they are nowhere near a comfort zone of less than 400,000 jobs per week not to mention only 36,000 jobs created in Nov. ITS A WELFARE BILL BECAUSE IT GIVES Tax CreditS TO PEOPLE WHO DONT PAY TAXES. I have not been able to find out the exact provisions of...
Democrats immaturity is disgracing the country
Democrats’ immaturity is disgracing the country. Like a bad Soap Opera that won’t go off the air, House Democrats are staging temper tantrums against the agreement Obama and Republicans reached to continue the current Tax Rate. Democrats were in closed-door sessions and dropping the f-word like they were at a union hall instead of the halls of Congress. As is the case for bad soap operas, Ratings for Democrats are in the tank. Their argument, claiming the country ca...
David Axelrod: No 'Major Changes' To Tax Cut Deal As Van Hollen Calls For Estate Tax Vote
WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration on Sunday continued to hold firm on the idea that its framework for a deal on the expiring Bush Tax Cuts could not be changed in truly tangible ways.
"We have a framework, we have an agreement, and I don't anticipate that it's going to change greatly," White House senior adviser David Axelrod told ABC's "This Week." "There have been some changes that folks in the House were concerned about, the absence of an extension of an energy -- Renewable Energy tax...
Axelrod: Obama Won't Be a One-Term President
White House Senior Adviser David Axelrod on CBS' Face the Nation, December 12, 2010. (CBS) (CBS) As President Barack Obama's Tax Cut Compromise with the Republicans anger more liberal members of his own Democratic Party, Senior White House Adviser David Axelrod said on CBS' "Face the Nation" that he's not worried about the president losing support and becoming a one-term president. Axelrod predicted that the tax Compromise will be able to pass before the end of the year. But some Democrats ha...
Axelrod Predicts Tax Cut Deal Will Pass
(NewsCore) - White House Senior Advisor David Axelrod said Sunday that he expects President Barack Obama’s Tax Cut Compromise with Republicans to pass in its current form. “I believe that there will be a coming together around it,” said Axelrod, speaking on ABC’s “This Week” about the deal to extend the Bush tax cuts. “I don’t anticipate that it’s going to change greatly.” The deal goes to a test vote in the Senate on Monday. Democrats ...
David Axelrod: Its Time To Move Forward On A Tax Compromise Everybody Hates
You’ve got to love White House advisor David Axelrod’s spin on Obama’s tax deal. Everyone hates it, therefore it’s time to move forward on it. Washington (CNN) - President Barack Obama’s senior adviser ruled out any major changes to the tax package negotiated with Republicans, saying Sunday that it is time to move forward on a Compromise that includes elements distasteful to each side. In an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union,” David Axel...
"The Village Constructs its Mythology"
Paul Krugman and Dean Baker have effectively dismantled this I am really proud of Obama for standing up to Democrats column. For example, here's Paul Krugman:
I don’t usually bother looking at the Washington Post. But I’m inside the Beltway right now, so I spared a peek — and for my sins ended up reading Dana Milbank, who praises Obama for punching the hippies.
So far, so usual. But then I read this:
This is a hopeful sign that Obama has learned the lessons of the health-care debate,
They are afraid of a hockey mom from Wasilla, Alaska.
This is the exact same thing that happens here in Boystown, and in Chicago at large. If any conversation turns to Obama in any way, the Leftists in earshot immediately launch into attacks on Governor Palin. They can’t muster any sort of defense of Obama, because his actions and performance in the White House are indefensible, but their Leftist pc-driven brains will not allow them to utter a bad word about a miserable failure of a black man. His skin color prevents these Leftist racis...
About that Obama/Bubba Tag-Team Press Conference
A lot of people have commented on St. Barry’s intensely weird Press Conference the other day.
In case you haven’t seen it, check out the video, courtesy of the awesome Pundit & Pundette.
RS McCain was overheard snarking, “Bill Clinton never had a problem with ‘keeping the First Lady waiting for about half an hour.’ IYKWIMAITYD.”
Maybe we’re being a little hard on President Sexxxy Pantscrease. I mean, we should’ve seen Obama’s early-o...
SNL: Obama Now a Birther
There's been much consternation among Democrats about the way President Obama's proposed tax package cowtows to Republican demands. But Fred Armisen's Obama has a perfectly good explanation as to what happened. "This White House had no choice," he said. You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our lives, and attempts to monopolize opinion or suppress freedom of thought, expression, and worship. Read more... We invite all Ameri...
QE2 + Payroll Tax Cut = Helicopter Drop
It seems like only yesterday that I was hearing from people that QE2 wouldn’t be very stimulative because what’s the point of lowering Interest Rates when rates are already low. Then last week I was hearing that the Tax Cut stimulus deal might be bad because it was pushing Interest Rates up a bit.
It seems to me that the right way to think about it is that these are two great tastes that taste great together. Fiscal stimulus helps The Economy by boosting demand, but we need to wor...
Bloomberg dismisses 2012 talk
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg insisted on Sunday that he’s not interested in running for president in 2012.
He told NBC’s David Gregory on “Meet the Press” that he’s not considering running for president at all because he wants to focus on the rest of his term as mayor.
“No way, no how,” Bloomberg declared. “I’ve got a great job.”
Bloomberg’s frequent public comments on the need for Bipartisanship in Washington have stirred c...
Bloomie Talks Up Econ Initiatives
“Good Morning. This is Mayor Mike Bloomberg. “Last week, the White House and Congressional Republicans reached a Compromise that extends Tax Cuts and Unemployment Insurance for Americans. It’s a sign that bi-partisanship really is possible in Washington. And that’s a very good thing - because as long as our leaders spend more energy on partisan attacks than getting things done, our nation will only fall further and further behind our international competitors. We de...
A Less than Hearty Welcome to the Fib-Dems
Three cheers for the 21 Liberal Democrat MPs who kept their word and voted against any rise in Student Fees, and two cheers for the five who abstained. Unfortunately as a result of those who so publicly broke their highly pulicised pledge we now fully deserve the sobriquet, "the Fib Dems" (and that's one of the kindest.) It will take years of hard campaigning, and the avoidance of any similar situations in the future to restore our credibility. The main loser in this debacle is not, however, the...
"Death Tax" Could Deliver Stinging Blow to Small Business
When people talk about the Estate Tax, they may think of extremely wealthy people like Bill Gates or Warren Buffett, but the tax could have a devastating impact on the small businesses community. Small manufacturers like a construction company or lumber yard. The reason is that most small businesses have equipment and buildings and land -- and the estate tax is levied on all those assets. "These businesses aren't just sitting on a pile of cash," Bill Rys of the National Federation of Independent...
The LiberalOasis Radio Show: Unicorn Pudding In Every Pot Edition
Traci Olsen and I make the case for the Obama-GOP tax Compromise, and launch the Podcast war against Sam Seder and anxiously wait for the President to deliver our unicorn pudding.
You can download the Podcast at these links: (iTunes / XML feed / MP3).
Or you can simply listen below.
Obama's Big Swindle
Charles Krauthammer: "Barack Obama won the great tax-cut showdown of 2010 -- and House Democrats don't have a clue that he did. In the deal struck this week, the president negotiated the biggest stimulus in American history, larger than his $814 billion 2009 stimulus package. It will pump a Trillion borrowed Chinese dollars into the U.S. economy over the next two years -- which just happen to be the two years of the run-up to the next Presidential Election. This is a defeat?"
Shameless Ed Schultz: Palin only going to Haiti for political gain
Posted by Jennifer Caballero on Dec 11 2010 Filed under News & Opinion, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry
Compassionate Liberals? That’s a myth.
A republican like Sarah Palin does something nice for a nation in need, through a private charity like Samaritan’s Purse, and Schultz goes insane.
He tries to spin this trip as Palin not caring about Americans receiving Unemployment payments, w...
The End
There is a line crossed when in search of criminals they treat everyone as suspected criminals. Many Police forces have lost all pretense of Public Safety. They drive around in black cars with the windows blacked out, you can be stopped for any suspected infraction. If you refuse compliance to a search of your vehicle or questioning, you are acting suspiciously. If you become angry you will be arrested, in one case, a man was charged with nonviolent resisting arrest for covering his face as th...
Step Aside Schwarzenegger: Brown's Back in Town
Former Pentagon Official's Body Found in Landfill
Accidental Frequency Switch Leads to Evacuation of U.S. Capitol
Brazil's First Female President Looks to Gas & Oil for Future
Schwarzenegger May Return to Movies
Three Dead After New Year's Eve Tornado
Alcohol-Related Emergency Room Visits Spike During New Year's
Schwarzenegger Rejects Parole for Dentist who Dealt in Death
Criticism of Bloomberg Mounts as Snow Mountains Remain
Porn King Offers Relief to Octomom
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