Charles Krauthammer:
Could this really be happening?… Did we just lose Charles Krauthammer? Charles Krauthammer denied hammering Christine O’Donnell after her big Primary win last Tuesday.
PHOTOS: Charles Krauthammer in pictures
Then he proceeded to tell Bill O’Reilly that Republicans threw away a seat in Delaware. Charles, do us a favor and take the next 42 days off.
VIDEOS: Charles Krauthammer in videos
You look like you could use the rest. Previously: Krauthammer Lectures Delaware Voters- Says ODonnell Has Only 1 in 10 Chance of Winning (Video) Krauthammer Slams...
Christine O'Donnell and Savvy Delaware
senateconservatives | September 20, 2010 I sure miss Delaware, but I know one thing is true… Delawareans can’t be tooled by the politicians. They will consider what’s best via the issues to select the next Senator in November. From Five Points to Christiana, I know the people, they are diverse. Christine O’Donnell fits the bill, and Coons is another Liberal Progressive Marxist Shill. Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)
VIDEO: Christine O'Donnell On Hannity
Presenting Christine O’Donnell, Republican Candidate for US Senate in Delaware.
Video via The Right Scoop.
Read more commentary at Hot Air.
Bill O'Reilly on Christine O'Donnell: We have some 'crazy stuff' that she said
Even Bill O'Reilly of Fox News' top-rated current affairs program "The O'Reilly Factor" says he has some "crazy stuff" that Delaware Senatorial Candidate Christine O'Donnell has said on his Show. O'Donnell, who just a week ago won the Delaware Republican Primary to run as the Party's choice for the U. S. Senate, has been under fire from the Media for several comments she's made in the past, the latest being a comment made in 1999 on the now-defunct Bill Maher Show "Politically Incorrect"...
Christine O'Donnell: I'm Done with National Media
Delaware Republican Senate Candidate Christine O'Donnell on Tuesday night announced on Fox News that she would no longer do interviews with national media outlets. "It's off the table because that's not going to help me get votes," O'Donnell told Fox News' Sean Hannity. "I'm not going to do any more national media because this is my focus: Delaware's my focus, and the local media's my focus, and it's frustrating because I've let the local media know they're my priority but our phones are ringing...
Delaware's O'Donnell down 16 in new poll
From NBC's Mark MurrayHere's the reason why Karl Rove and many establishment Republicans did not want Christine O'Donnell to win last week's GOP Senate primary in Delaware.
Christine O'Donnell on Hannity: Who doesn't regret the '80s?
Christine O'Donnell sat down with Fox's Sean Hannity last night to explain why she's done doing national TV , except for this Sean Hannity appearance. Hannity peppered her with tough questions, while leading her comfortably to prepared responses drafted by her New Media team.
Like, after outlining her history of being generally fanatical about "moral" issues, Hannity asked her to blame her own positions on Democratic attacks: "Do you think this is an attack on religion? On your religious...
The Christine O'Donnell-William Burroughs Convergence
It turns out Christine O’Donnell is no crazier than Hunter S. Thompson: Christine O’Donnell, Queen of Modern Literature .
For more than a week now, much of America has been mocking the Delaware GOP Senate Candidate as a Bible-thumping ignoramus. Yes, she’s said some nutty things — enough to call her a sideshow freak — but it’s a thin line between madness and genius. When you compare her oeuvre to the modern canon of English letters, you might even realize...
While Appearing On National TV, Christine O'Donnell Vows Not To Appear On National TV
Delaware GOP Senate nominee Christine O’Donnell said Tuesday night that she would not make any more national media appearances between now and Election Day. In an interview on Fox News’s “Hannity” show, O’Donnell, who canceled spots on CBS’s “Face the Nation” and “Fox News Sunday” last weekend, said that going on national-media outlets would not help her win the Election. “I’m not going to do more national media because this...
The Christine O'Donnell-William Burroughs Convergence
It turns out Christine O’Donnell is no crazier than Hunter S. Thompson: Christine O’Donnell, Queen of Modern Literature .
For more than a week now, much of America has been mocking the Delaware GOP Senate Candidate as a Bible-thumping ignoramus. Yes, she’s said some nutty things — enough to call her a sideshow freak — but it’s a thin line between madness and genius. When you compare her oeuvre to the modern canon of English letters, you might even realize...
WEB EXCLUSIVE: Christine O'Donnell, Made and Broken by TV
The Fox News Opinion Dynamics poll in Delaware has parlous News for Republican senatorial nominee Christine O’Donnell — she’s 14 points behind, her opponent is well over 50 percent, and 60 percent of those polled say she is not fit to be a senator. Ninety-one percent of Delaware’s voters say their minds are made up. If this number is anywhere near right, O’Donnell needs a startling turnaround in her fortunes to win the race. Much of this, one presumes, is the...
Christine O'Donnell: I'm not doing any more national TV interviews
By Felicia Sonmez
Delaware Senate nominee Christine O'Donnell (R) gave on Tuesday night one of her few national TV interviews since recording a stunning upset over Rep. Mike Castle (R) a week earlier. She used the opportunity to announce that it would be her last national TV interview.
National exposure is now "off the table, because that's not going to help me get votes," O'Donnell told Fox News Channel's Sean Hannity . "I'm not going to do any more national media because this is my...
Christine O'Donnell: I'm not doing any more national TV interviews
Tea Party rising star Christine O'Donnell has a message to the national media: I'm not doing any more interviews with you.
Delaware's GOP Senate hopeful told Fox News' Sean Hannity Tuesday night that she will only speak with local media between now and Election Day .
"I'm not going to do any more national media because this is my focus: Delaware is my focus, and the local media is my focus," O'Donnell said.
Former Alaska gov. and possible 2012 Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin ...
Fox News has a Christine O’Donnell problem
Wallace took one for the team.
the outset
of Fox News Sunday , the host noted that
Christine O’Donnell had abruptly cancelled her planned appearance. “This is not
the program we were planning to bring you,” said Wallace, as he explained to
viewers that the Controversial Republican Candidate for U.S. Senate in Delaware
had backed out of her promise to appear on FOX
News Sunday .
expressed no judgments about O’Donnell’s last-minute maneuver and...
Watchdog: 'Christine O'Donnell is clearly a criminal'
Christine O'Donnell has had her share of problems since winning the nomination for Republican Senate Candidate from Delaware last week. Things got even worse Monday when a government Watchdog called for O'Donnell to be prosecuted. Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, or CREW, filed a complaint alleging O'Donnell had used $20,000 in Campaign funds for personal expenses. CBS News reported: "Christine O'Donnell is clearly a criminal, and like any crook she should be prosecuted,"...
Del. Voters Want Senate Race To Focus On Issues
One week after Christine O'Donnell's upset win in the Delaware Republican Primary, Delaware's Senate race has made headlines across the nation, but not necessarily because of the issues. And that's frustrating for some Delaware voters. "I don't know where she [O'Donnell] stands; that's not been galvanized for me," said John McGraw from Wilmington. He says he voted for her in the Primary, but may not in the General Election. "I don't know enough about her," said David Cook from Brandywine Hundred...
O'Donnell Avoiding News Media As It Won't Help Her Win
Christine O’Donnell, the Republican Candidate for those who find Sarah Palin too intellectual, is following Palin’s lead in avoiding tough questions from the press. She vows to stay away from that pesky News medial. The Hill reports:
Delaware GOP Senate nominee Christine O’Donnell said Tuesday night that she would not make any more national media appearances between now and Election Day.
In an interview on Fox News’s “Hannity” show, O’Donnell, who...
Christine O'Donnell and the 'Pray Away the Gay' Scam
Christine O’Donnell, the loon who keeps on giving; as a fanatical fundamentalist Christian, she has been a persistent advocate of the bogus idea that Homosexuals can turn themselves straight by accepting Jesus — even though she has an Openly Gay sister: Christine O’Donnell’s History Of Activism To “Pray Away The Gay” .
Here’s a revealing statement from Wade Richards, an ex-spokesman of O’Donnell’s, about what happened when he came...
DeMint says GOP's 'united' behind Senate nominees after meeting with Cornyn
Republican senators are "united" around the party's slate of candidates, Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) asserted Tuesday.
DeMint, the supporter of several successful conservative candidates in hotly-contested GOP primaries, said he'd met with National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) Chairman John Cornyn (Texas) about rallying around GOP nominees.
"I just met with John Cornyn, who is the chairman of our Senate committee that supports candidates," DeMint said on Fox News . "I support all of...
Poll: Coons Takes Big Lead in Delaware
By Mary Lu Carnevale
Polls are showing Christine ODonnell ’s victory in Delawares GOP Senate primary to be, as Charles Krauthammer put it last week, Stunning but Pyrrhic.
Senate Candidate Christine O’Donnell speaks at the Values Voter Summit on Sept. 17. (Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images)
This morning, a new poll of Likely Voters conducted by Pulse Opinion Research for Fox News shows Democratic Candidate Chris Coons at 54% and ODonnell at 39%. And that seems to be the...
POLITICS - GOP Under Voodoo Spell
Christine O'Donnell, the Tea Party Candidate from lil' ol' Delaware, confesses to have once "dabbled into witchcraft" -- a fittingly ungrammatical revelation that not only was to be expected but explains what has happened to the Republican Party. Someone -- possibly you know who -- has cast a spell on it, and now it has a Candidate whose main contribution to political thought or, indeed, the plight of the poor is to have railed against Masturbation, which she likened to Adultery. Only a spell...
Rubio: Voters Not Looking for "Experts"
Politico reports:
We actually have some people running that are not particularly experienced or maybe as skilled as some, in Delaware for instance, where there are some real questions about Christine ODonnell, the group asked Rubio, Floridas Republican nominee for the Senate.
The republic works and isnt designed to elect a bunch of experts, Rubio responded.
Really to be an expert in our republic means to know what life is like in the real world, added Rubio,...
Chinese choke the chicken with Christine O'Donnell
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Christine O'Donnell to appear on Hannity
Yesterday, in a post about Christine O'Donnell's decision to cancel on "Face the Nation" and "Fox News Sunday," I wrote this:
"And while I'm sure Chris Wallace is disappointed, I imagine O'Donnell will continue to make FOX appearances. They'll just be with Hannity, instead."
I didn't think I'd be proven right within 24 hours, but here you go:
Days after canceling appearances on two Sunday Talk Shows, Christine O'Donnell will sit down with Fox News Channel personality Sean Hannity, the...
Christine O'Donnell to appear on Hannity
Yesterday, in a post about Christine O'Donnell's decision to cancel on "Face the Nation" and "Fox News Sunday," I wrote this: "And while I'm sure Chris Wallace is disappointed, I imagine O'Donnell will continue to make Fox appearances. They'll just be with Hannity, instead." I didn't think I'd be proven right within 24 hours, but here you go: Days after canceling appearances on two Sunday Talk Shows, Christine O'Donnell will sit down with Fox News Channel personality Sean Hannity, the...
If Christine O'Donnell was a Dem, Rush Would Be Squealing
21 September 2010 9:00 am by Taylor Marsh “Christine O’Donnell is clearly a criminal, and like any crook she should be prosecuted,” CREW Executive Director Melanie Sloan said in a release. “Ms. O’Donnell has spent years embezzling money from her campaign to cover her personal expenses. Republicans and Democrats don’t agree on much these days, but both sides should agree on one point: thieves belong in jail not the United States Senate.” CREW is...
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Schwarzenegger Rejects Parole for Dentist who Dealt in Death
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