Jews : It’s been a good week to stay out of the water, and those who got too close paid the price — President Obama’s situation in the Gulf of Mexico just getting stickier , former President George W. Bush got a little too casual about Waterboarding , and the World discovered that Israel’s vaunted Special Forces cannot walk on water after all.
PHOTOS: George W. Bush in pictures
Everyone agrees that the Raid on the Mavi Marmara was botched.
VIDEOS: George W. Bush in videos
But is the Gaza Blockade legal, and it is in Israel’s best...
The Gaza Flotilla Issue: Logic, Truth, and Videotape
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By Barry Rubin
[Be sure to see the video I link to at the end of this article BUT read...
Israelis intercept aid ship without bloodshed
Israeli warships Saturday intercepted another Aid supply Ship sailed by pro-Palestinian Activists as it headed toward the Gaza Strip in an attempt to break Israel's naval Blockade of the seaside territory.
Unlike a previous Raid, Saturday's takeover occurred without bloodshed after Israeli naval negotiators reached an agreement to board the cargo vessel with Activists' permission, according to Israeli Military officials.
The report could not be confirmed with Activists because Israeli Military...
SS Saint Pancake: Navy Boarded, None On Board Wanted To Become Another Saint
The boarding of the Rachel Corrie containing Activists and aid for Gaza was described by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Saturday as a quiet operation. Netanyahu was quick to distinguish between the boat of Irish and Malaysian Activists and the Turkish-sponsored Mavi Marmara which was boarded May 31 in an incident that left nine dead and scores wounded.
"The different outcome we saw today underscores the difference between Peace Activists who we disagree with but respect their Right...
Israeli commando who shot six passengers in aid convoy in line for medal
James Hider, Jerusalem and Alexander Christie-Miller, Istanbul
Six of the nine passengers killed in an Israeli Raid on an aid convoy bound for Gaza were shot by a single Israeli commando, who is being considered for a medal of valour for saving his injured comrades as passengers attacked them with clubs, knives and even Guns they had taken from downed Navy Seals.
Fresh details of the controversial Raid, which has led to accusations of "Piracy" and "state Terrorism" being levelled against...
Aid ship enters port after Israeli takeover
The Rachel Corrie Aid Ship docked in Israel on Saturday after being prevented from reaching Gaza, with no repetition of the bloody violence that erupted when commandos stormed another Aid boat earlier in the week.
The Irish-owned 1,200-tonne vessel was escorted into the southern Port of Ashdod by two naval launches some five hours after being commandeered by Israeli forces when it ignored orders not to head for Gaza.
Israel hailed the peaceful end to the operation, but the pro-Palestinian...
Turkey's Erdogan bears responsibility in flotilla fiasco
WESTERN GOVERNMENTS have been right to be concerned about Israel's poor judgment and botched execution in the Raid against the Free Gaza Flotilla. But they ought to be at least as worried about the Turkish government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, which since Monday has shown a sympathy toward Islamic Militants and a penchant for grotesque demagoguery toward Israel that ought to be unacceptable for a member of NATO.
On the opposite page today, Turkey's ambassador to the United States makes the...
Breaking: WHITE HOUSE SIDES WITH HAMAS!... Says Gaza Blockade Unsustainable
Obama White House SIDES WITH Hamas!
The Obama White House is now siding with Hamas over Israel. Despite the documented ambush on the Israeli Soldiers this week by radical Islamists in the Mediterranean, the White House is pressuring Israel to end its Blockade of Gaza essentially undermining Israel’s last wall of defense against the Islamic killers of Hamas.
President Obama refused to side with Israel after the attack and told Prime Minister Netanyahu to go back to Israel out of...
Turning of the Tide?
It seems that the problem was Turkey , not Israel:
IDF Forces piloted the
Rachel Corrie
to the Port of Ashdod early Saturday evening after boarding the ship earlier in the day. None were harmed in the Military operation as the international Activists on the ship cooperated with the boarding party. The Activists went as far as lowering a ladder to the Soldiers patrol boat to allow them to board, army sources have revealed.
The boarding of the
Rachel Corrie
containing Activists and aid for...
U.S. Pressures Israel to Reconsider Gaza Blockade
Jerusalem, Israel - Under pressure from the U.S., Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is considering ways to allow more goods into the Gaza Strip, Israeli media reports said on Friday.
But in the meantime, Israel is standing its ground, preparing to intercept another Protest ship, the MV Rachel Corrie, over the weekend, which is aiming to run the Gaza Sea Blockade.
Since Hamas' violent takeover of the Gaza Strip in 2007, Israel has allowed only humanitarian goods - tons a day - to pass...
Brent Mickum: The Bush administration's false claim that Abu Zubaydah was a top al-Qaida official has led to his imprisonment and torture
This article was submitted to the CIA prior to publication. Passages redacted by the CIA are marked [...].
Zayn al-Abidin Muhammad Husayn, more commonly known as Abu Zubaydah , is my client. After being extensively tortured by the CIA and imprisoned in various black sites around the world, Zayn may finally be approaching his day in Court. I and my co-counsel welcome that day. But what if we are successful and establish that Zayn is not an Enemy Combatant? Would any country agree to take...
Aid ship Rachel Corrie intercepted by Israelis without violence
Israeli warships Saturday intercepted another Aid supply Ship sailed by pro-Palestinian Activists as it headed toward the Gaza Strip in an attempt to break Israel's naval Blockade of the seaside territory.
Unlike a previous Raid, Saturday's takeover occurred without bloodshed after Israeli naval negotiators reached an agreement to board the cargo vessel with Activists' permission, according to Israeli Military officials.
The report could not be confirmed with Activists because Israeli Military...
He who controls the media first, wins the war
It has become increasingly clear that when a Military conflict occurs, the side that gets their message out in the Media first, via images, wins the PR War. Remember Lebanon, Israel, Hezbollah and the doctored Reuters photos? Public Opinion matters and Israel came in last in that encounter. With the ' peace ' Flotilla Israel came prepared, but they will need to be even better prepared next time.
... they came equipped with live weapons: stun guns,
Gaza aid ship taken to Israeli port
Israeli Soldiers have boarded an Aid Ship bound for the Gaza Strip and forced it to head to the Israeli Port of Ashdod instead.
The Israeli Military said in a statement that Troops boarded MV Rachel Corrie on Saturday after Activists aboard the Ship ignored warnings to divert to Ashdod.
"There was no violence or injuries amongst the Soldiers or crew ... and no shots were fired," the statement said.
Jacky Rowland, Al Jazeera's correspondent in the Israeli Port of Ashdod,...
Flotilla activists 'shot 30 times'
Autopsies on bodies of Activists killed in Israel's attack on a Gaza-bound aid Flotilla five days ago indicate that the Victims were shot multiple times at close range.
Britain's Guardian newspaper quoted Yalcin Buyuk, the vice-chairman of the Turkish council of forensic medicine, as saying that the nine men were shot a total of 30 times.
Two men were shot four times, and five of the Victims were shot either in the back of the head or in the back, Buyuk told the newspaper,...
Israeli Forces Seize Gaza-Bound Aid Vessel
Israeli forces seized a Gaza-bound aid vessel without meeting resistance on Saturday, preventing it from breaking an Israeli maritime Blockade of the Hamas-ruled territory days after a similar effort turned bloody.
The Military said its forces boarded the 1,200-ton Rachel Corrie cargo ship from the sea, not helicopters.
The takeover stood in marked contrast to a violent confrontation at sea earlier this week when Israeli commandos blocked a Turkish aid vessel trying to break the Blockade. At...
Founder of Ground Zero mosque part of group that helped fund Gaza flotilla
More specifically, he’s part of a group that’s funding another group that helped organize the Flotilla. Too far removed for culpability? Let’s see.
The imam behind a proposed Mosque near Ground Zero is a prominent member of a group that helped sponsor the pro-Palestinian Activists who clashed violently with Israeli commandos at sea this week.
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is a key figure in Malaysian-based Perdana Global Peace Organization, according to its Website.
Perdana is...
Israel: Does it Have to Be, "Love it or Hate it"?
When the great nation of Israel takes some action-generally of a Military nature-with which many people disagree, those who criticize such actions or the Israeli government are oftentimes accused of being anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, or worse.
In the wake of recent Israeli Military actions against the "Gaza Flotilla," those accusations have once again been rampant.
It reminds me of the "not supporting the Troops," "anti-American," "Unpatriotic" and worse accusations hurled at...
White House linked to flotilla organizers
John Brennan
A top adviser to President Obama is the contact person within the White House for communications with the Free Gaza Movement over plans to challenge Israel's Blockade of the Terrorist Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, according to a reputable source close to the Netanyahu government.
The source, a career official whose reliability was established through his tips for the book, "Why Israel Can't Wait," identified John O. Brennan, deputy National Security adviser for Homeland Security...
The NGOs Love Hamas But Hamas Does Not Love the NGOs
In fact, just hours and days after the NGOs of Gaza—a motley group made up largely of pacifists who happen to admire and support Palestinian violence against the Jews— celebrated the ephemeral Propaganda victory of Hamas over the Israel Defense Forces, the command of the mainstream Jihadist fanatics shut down the offices of some self-styled Human-rights organizations. The Muslim Extremists also confiscated files, computers and other records. There was particular emphasis in the...
He's No "Moderate"... Ground Zero Mosque Imam Linked to Gaza Flotilla
The so-called moderate Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is a key figure in the organization that funds the Gaza Flotilla. Here’s the Flotilla at work:
The New York Post reported:
The imam behind a proposed Mosque near Ground Zero is a prominent member of a group that helped sponsor the pro-Palestinian Activists who clashed violently with Israeli commandos at sea this week.
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is a key figure in Malaysian-based Perdana Global Peace Organization, according to its...
Israeli Troops Board, Take Over Gaza Aid Ship
Photograph, released by the Israeli Defense Force, showing Israeli army and Navy Soldiers on boats approaching the Gaza-bound 1,200-ton Rachel Corrie Aid Ship
Earlier today, the Irish Ship, the Rachel Corrie, carrying Aid to Gaza was stopped and boarded by Israeli Troops without resistance. BBC News reports the Ship is now in the Port of Ashod, "Israel says it will question those on board at the port and transfer the Aid to the Gaza Strip by land after checking the cargo for banned...
BBC: Israelis Board The Rachel Corrie Without Incident
After conflicting stories all night, international media and the Israeli government report now that the Israelis have boarded the Rachel Corrie .
Around 1 a.m. EST, Gaza observers on the beach were still reporting watching the ship headed for port.
In the meantime, the United States yesterday called the Gaza Blockade "unsustainable" :
(Reuters) - The White House said on Friday Israel's Blockade of the Gaza Strip was unsustainable and urged a Gaza aid vessel sent by pro-Palestinian...
Israel Derangement Syndrome
To read Charles Krauthammer today is to enter a Twilight zone of an alternate reality. A country permanently occupying and colonizing a neighboring region, and treating its original inhabitants as dangerous interlopers, is the Victim. An elite commando unit attacking a ship carrying toys and wheelchairs in the hours before dawn are those we should feel pity for. A country with 150 nuclear warheads and the strongest Military in its region, the victor in every conventional War it has always...
Kill a Turk and Rest
I AM not the only one who was reminded of this episode this
week. Actually, it was almost impossible not to be reminded of it, especially
for those of us who lived in Palestine at the time and witnessed it.
There are, of course, important differences. Then the passengers
were Holocaust survivors, this time they were Peace Activists from all over the
world. But then and now the world saw heavily armed Soldiers brutally attack
unarmed passengers, who resist with everything that comes to...
The Forgotten Rachels
Posted by John at 9:59 AM
Israeli Troops have boarded the Rachel Corrie , an Irish vessel participating in the "Freedom Flotilla" and purporting to bring Humanitarian Aid to Gaza. Thankfully, the pro-Hamas Activists on board did not initiate violence, and the ship is being taken peacefully to Ashdod, where the cargo will be inspected before being forwarded to Gaza.
The incident has brought Rachel Corrie's name back into the news. Time, for example, offers a tribute to her here . Corrie...
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