Chuck Todd: It's likely the shooter's reasoning won't ever fit into a tidy narrative of direct cause and effect.
PHOTOS: Chuck Todd in pictures
But his ramblings make clear he was concerned about a tyrannical government and the word tyranny drops easily from the lips of far too many of our politicians and high profile media figures, knowing full well it's just hyperbole designed to advance personal goals.
VIDEOS: Chuck Todd in videos
And while I am reluctant to point fingers, it's clear that the blood is on the media's hands for failing to call out false accusati...
Warren Goldstein: No Moment of Silence: Speak Out Against Violent Language and Guns
I confess. Rather than observing the nationwide moment of silence President Obama called for 11AM this morning, I wrote this post. Silence is the last thing we need right now. We need Speech: forceful, civil, principled, intelligent speech about the intensifying connection between mainstream violent speech and the so-called "fringe" violent action it encourages.
No longer do demagogues get to claim that their casual use of violent imagery has no effect beyond the airwaves or cyberspace. This w...
Moment of Silence Observed for Tucson Victims
Ariz. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. (CBS) As the investigation continues into 22-year-old Jared Lee Loughner, the main suspect in the Tucson shooting of Congresswoman Giffords, Dean Reynolds reports on the other Victims. Grade school Student 9-year-old Christina-Taylor Green is the youngest victim of the Tucson shooting. John Blackstone reports on her story. Politico Reporter Molly Ball discusses the shooting in Tuscon, Arizona that killed 6 people and injured 13 others including Congresswoman Gabri...
Obama to lead moment of silence after shooting
WASHINGTON (AP) — When President Obama steps out on the South Lawn of the White House Monday morning, the thoughts of the nation will turn to Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the other Victims of an Assassination attempt against her.
Mr. Obama will lead the nation in a moment of silence to honor the congresswoman and the six people killed and 13 others wounded in Saturday's shooting outside a Tucson Supermarket.
"It will be a time for us to come together as a nation in prayer or reflect...
Who's Afraid of Glenn Beck?
I was busy this weekend writing the third draft of a piece for the next issue of the magazine, so thankfully I had a pretty good excuse for not joining the blogging/twittering/cable frenzy over the meaning of the Assassination attempt on Gabrielle Giffords. For the record, though, I think the attacks on Sarah Palin have been completely ridiculous — and I can't tell you how much it pisses me off that I feel forced to say that. But come on, folks. "Targeting" political Candidates f...
Free speech and bullets
First, let me say I believe absolutely in the First Amendment to the Constitution, which says “Congress shall make no law … abridging the Freedom of Speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” Don’t wait for a “but,” or an “except,” or “in some cases.” I don’t have one. Second, at least one idea arising from the tragic, despicable and appar...
"Sarah Palin is not to blame for shooting of Gabrielle Giffords; left-wing rhetoric just as vicious."
Ah, now you see why the accusations backfire (if I may dare to use that word): the occasion has been created for Conservatives to list every violent-sounding thing any liberals or lefties have ever said about anything.
Knock yourselves out.
If I may use the expression.
After the violence in Arizona, a truce | Ryan Streeter
Tributes to Gabrielle Giffords outside her district office in Tucson, Arizona. Photograph: Kevin C Cox/Getty Images The psalmist writes (in Psalm 64): "Hide me from the Conspiracy of the wicked, from the plots of evildoers … They shoot from ambush at the innocent; they shoot suddenly, without fear." I would go a step further and invoke the psalmist's use of "evildoers", a word the politically-motivated liked to chide George W Bush for using, but a word fairly straightforward to sc...
Lamestream Media Ties Shooting to Tea Party
“The shooter’s motivation is still unknown,” Katie Couric announced as she anchored Saturday’s CBS Evening News, but that didn’t deter CBS, nor CNN, NBC and ABC on Saturday night and into Sunday morning from forwarding attempts to blame Sarah Palin and, by implication, the Tea Party, for the Tucson shooting. You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our lives, and attempts to monopolize opinion or ...
Teleconnections Shoot your own foot
It is a sad day in America (and the world) when a lunatic in Arizona attempted to Murder dozens of people, killing six and hospitalizing others including Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. If you pray, please pray for the Victims. It is even sadder when lunatics with agenda’s turn this into an anti-conservative political moment, taking gains from the nightmares of good people. This is exactly what has happened on leftist News Media, blogs and now — climate blogs. Fox ...
Kristol Cries "McCarthyism" Over Palin Criticism
In the aftermath of this weekend's Shooting Spree in Tucson, Arizona, leaving six dead and Democratic Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in critical condition, a heap of criticism is being leveled at the right's queen of Controversy: Sarah Palin. The former Alaska Governor has been blasted for a map on her political action committee's website (since taken down) depicting gunsights over the districts of twenty lawmakers who voted for the Health Care Reform Bill. One such gunsight targeted Giffords'...
Tucson After the Tragedy
Since arriving in Tucson, I have been incredibly impressed with the grace and compassion of the people I've met, even as they grieve and grapple with an awful tragedy. Here is a piece I wrote yesterday on the scene at some of the Vigils taking place across the city. And, if you missed it yesterday, a story on the state of Gabrielle Giffords' recovery and the Criminal Investigation. Jared Loughner is scheduled to be arraigned in a Phoenix federal this afternoon on two counts of Murder (for the de...
Gitmo is Staying Open, No Matter What the Cost
Elisa Massimino, President and CEO of Human Rights First, pointed out that by keeping the Detainees at Guantanamo and subjecting them to the questionable Military commissions, the Terrorists are winning, in a way: "The Victims of 9/11 and the American public deserve to see justice done, and the best way to achieve that is by prosecuting these men in a credible Criminal Justice system where the focus will be on their culpability, not on the legitimacy or fairness of the proceedings. Moving thes...
France: Sahel no longer safe after jihad attack
Hard to imagine that the Sahel was ever all that safe, but now the Jihad there is stepping up in intensity. "France: Sahel no longer safe after al Qaeda attack," by John Irish and Abdoulaye Massalaatchi for Reuters, January 9 (thanks to Ken):
PARIS/NIAMEY (Reuters) - France said on Sunday the African Sahel region was no longer safe for its citizens after suspected al Qaeda Militants killed two Frenchmen in Niger.
The pair were found dead, apparently killed by their kidnappers on Saturday, aft...
Basque separatists Eta declare permanent ceasefire
Spain braced itself for a fresh Terrorist Attack by Basque separatist group Eta today as hopes of a lasting peace were shattered by the ending of a 14-month Ceasefire....
Obama's Gitmo Melodrama
For at least another year the Terrorist detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, will not be closed, Khalid Sheik Mohammed won't be able to lawyer-up in New York City and President Obama will no longer be able to release Gitmo inmates to nations that let them loose upon the world.
Or will he? Obama's Gitmo melodrama seems destined to play on indefinitely because the president's policies are so contrary to America's interests that even the hyperliberal 111th Congress wouldn't play the role it ...
Iran says it arrests Israeli "network of spies"
Tehran | Mon Jan 10, 2011 5:44am EST
Tehran (Reuters) - Iran has arrested a "network of spies" linked to Israel's Mossad intelligence service that was behind the Assassination of an Iranian nuclear scientist in 2010, its state television reported Monday.
"The network of spies and Terrorists linked to ... Mossad was destroyed," state television quoted a statement issued by the intelligence ministry as saying. "The network was behind the Assassination of Masoud Ali-Mohammadi."
Mohammadi, a univ...
ETA declares 'permanent' ceasefire
The Basque Terrorist group ETA today declared a permanent Ceasefire, calling it a step toward ending its fight for independence. A statement in the pro-independence newspaper Gara did not mention ETA giving up its weapons, a key Spanish government demand. ETA declared a ceasefire in September but gave no details about how long it would last. I cannot remember how many times ETA has declared "permanent ceasefire". Two? Three? Gora ETA now the Spanish just need to give independence. This is go...
IDF strikes Gaza targets in response to recent rocket attacks
Military says nighttime Air Strikes targeted 'Terrorist sites' in the north and south of the Strip in the wake of weekend Qassam, mortar volleys. ...
Shin Bet backtracks on support for bill to revoke citizenship for terrorists
Statement comes after the organization had originally backed a proposal to grant courts and administrative authorities the right to revoke Citizenship in loyalty-related offenses....
Monday Open Thread
A hero from the Terrorist shooting in Arizona. Daniel Hernandez had been U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords’ intern for five days when she was shot Saturday outside Tucson. The junior at the University of Arizona was helping check people in at the “Congress on Your Corner” event when he heard gunfire. He was about 30 feet from the congresswoman. When the shots began, he ran toward them. “I don’t even know if the gunfire had stopped,” he said Saturday night as he kep...
Basque terrorists ETA call 'permanent ceasefire'
The Basque Terrorist group ETA have announced a "permanent Ceasefire" renouncing violence after more than 40 years of bloodshed....
Three Qassam rockets strike Ashkelon region
Rocket attacks mark continuation of escalating violence along the Gaza border in recent weeks; earlier on Monday the IAF bombed two 'Terrorist sites' in Gaza....
Root Causes of Islamist Extremism: Nine Years Later
<![CDATA[ Root Causes of Islamist Extremism: Nine Years Later by John D. Johnson Download The Full Article: Root Causes of Islamist Extremism: Nine Years Later The 9/11 attacks showed to the world that Islamist extremism presents a significant threat to international peace and security. Following the attacks, the 9/11 Commission issued a thorough report that considered all aspects of attacks, tried to answer the question of why the Terrorists conducted the attacks, and made many important recomm... </p>
Charles D. Ellison: Why Aren't We Calling Loughner a Terrorist?
I can't help but wonder why folks are so afraid to call the Mass Shooting in Tuscon, Arizona an act of Terrorism.
The fear of the "T" word seems almost palpable in describing the gruesome events that took place this past Saturday. There is little explanation or reasoning for the omission, except that it's very obvious what most Americans won't call 22-year old Jared Loughner. It goes without saying that the man is deranged. Fairly obvious that he's unstable. But, tell us what we don't know. Ge...
Chavez calls burning of gov't building terrorism
CARACAS, Venezuela - Venezuelan authorities have evidence of Arson in a fire that badly damaged a government building used by officials carrying out farm seizures, President Hugo Chavez said Sunday, calling it an act of Terrorism. He said investigators determined the National Lands Institute office in western Zulia state was doused with Gasoline and set ablaze. Road-blocking Protests erupted in the area last month when officials and Troops seized a list of large private ranches. "We won't ...
Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations
Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
Wisconsin's Reince Priebus Already Shaking Up RNC
Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body
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