Fearing tea party violence, four Arizona Republicans resign

Tea Party: Stumble This! Fearing violence from Tea Party Activists, Arizona Legislative District 20 Republican Chairman Anthony Miller and several others tendered their Resignation this week following Mass Shootings that left six dead and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) in critical condition.

PHOTOS: John McCain in pictures

Miller, a 43-year-old former campaign worker for Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), said that verbal attacks and blog posts from members of the Tea Party had him fearing for the safety of his family, according to a report in Th...

VIDEOS: John McCain in videos

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Patrick Toman posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

Media already leaping to conclusion tha Tea Party is responsible for mass shooting in AZ. Proof, please, before panic?

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