Family Research Council: Today the Family Research Council, an officially designated anti-gay Hate Group, announced that they have enlisted Sen. John McCain in their campaign to block the implementation of the Repeal of DADT.
PHOTOS: John McCain in pictures
As for FRC, who will take great pleasure in seeing this lame-duck finally limp out of town, we'll be spending the next couple of weeks reassessing the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" debate.
VIDEOS: John McCain in videos
In fact, I've already been in conversations with Hill leaders about holding hearings in the New Year, as well as s...
Will The Right File Suit To Stop DADT Repeal?
It's been a long, hard fight. And as sobering as the outcome may be, we can all be proud that we stood our ground and did what was right for our Soldiers and our country. Now it's time to leave the outcome, however ominous it may be, in the hands of the Lord. But that apparent Resignation did not last long, as the very next day FRC announced that they would be working with Sen. John McCain and other Republicans on ways to limit and ultimately Repeal it: As for FRC, who will take great pleasure i...
Rejoin the military, Obama tells gays
President Barack Obama signed into law Legislation lifting the ban on gays serving openly in the Military, repealing a 17-year-old policy and fulfilling a campaign promise.
The law will “strengthen our National Security and uphold the ideals that our fighting men and women risk their lives to defend,” Obama said during a signing ceremony this morning at the Interior Department. Members of the Armed Forces make numerous sacrifices to serve, he said. “None of them should have ...
Late Night: Open Your Heart, in Christmas Charity, To the Bigots
Upon the Repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, there has been much rejoicing. And fair enough. It is a landmark Civil Rights victory, and so forth, of the sort you don’t see every day.
But then, perhaps it is wrong, or even worse, Bad Manners, to see the end of DADT as a Victory Over Bigotry. I mean, most very sincerely, that at the very least one should never call the opponents of repealing DADT bigots. That would be rude. We must be charitable as to their motives.
Think! If yo...
Obama signs 'don't ask, don't tell' repeal (AP)
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama signed a new law Wednesday that will allow gays for the first time in history to serve openly in America's Military. And he urged those kicked out under the old law to re-enlist.
Framing the issue as a matter of Civil Rights long denied, Obama said that "we are a nation that welcomes the service of every patriot ... a nation that believes that all men and women are created equal."
Repealing the 17-year-old policy known as "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" in a c...
Obama Signs Repeal Of Dont Ask, Dont Tell Policy
WASHINGTON (AP) - Declaring that members of the Military will no longer be asked to lie, President Barack Obama fulfilled a campaign promise Wednesday and signed a landmark law repealing the ban on gay men and women serving openly in the armed services. “This is a good day,” a beaming Obama said. “This is a very good day.” The new law ends the 17-year-old “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy that forced gays to hide their Sexual Orientation or face ...
Obama Signs Repeal of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Into Law
Amid applause, cries of thanks and chants of "Yes we can!," President Obama on Wednesday repealed the U.S. Military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, which had banned gay service members from serving openly in the armed services. Proclaiming that the policy "will strengthen our National Security," the president vowed that "no longer will tens of thousands of Americans in uniform be asked to live a lie. Or look over their shoulders in order to serve the country they love." Paraphrasing Joint Chi...
Obama hails achievements of 'most productive' Congress
WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama wrapped up an unexpectedly productive and politically successful lame-duck session of Congress on Wednesday with a sweeping assessment of his achievements. He pronounced a new Nuclear Weapons pact with Russia "the most significant Arms Control agreement in nearly two decades" and said Economists "across the political spectrum" agreed the deal he struck with Republicans to extend Bush-era Tax Cuts would speed Economic Growth. All in all, Obama concluded, this...
Senate approves defense bill, sends it to House
Source: The Boston Globe
WASHINGTONThe Senate passed Legislation on Wednesday that authorizes the Pentagon to spend nearly $160 billion on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan this Budget year without major restrictions on the conduct of operations.
The voice vote on the defense authorization bill came after House and Senate Democrats agreed to strip several provisions, including one that would have allowed gays to serve openly in the Military.
"The Controversial aspects of this Legislation have be...
Dont Ask, Dont Tell Repeal: Welcome to the Brave New Military
Barney Frank agrees with a Pentagon assessment that with the Repeal of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,’ there should be no distinctions between gay and straight service members, that indeed, they should be forced shower together. But at the same time Conressman Frank and the Pentagon also say that members of the opposite sex should NOT shower together. What gives? Having been told that Sexuality or sexual preference is not the issue, why this inconsistency? Gays...
Obama signs 'don't ask' repeal
President Barack Obama on Wednesday signed Legislation ending the 17-year ban on Gays in the Military, declaring that Sexual Orientation can no longer determine who is allowed to serve in uniform.
"For we are not a nation that says, 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell,' " Obama told 500 guests at a packed signing ceremony at the Interior Department. “We are a nation that says, ‘Out of many, we are one.’ ”
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As they applauded...
With Unemployment Hovering Around 10% & Two Wars Being Waged Obama Signs DADT Repeal Bill
That Obama - he’s focused like a lazer at creating jobs. The worst jobs president since the Great Depression did something REALLY important this morning - He repealed Bill Clinton’s discriminatory DADT policy. They rammed it through Congress during the Lame Duck. Obama signed the law this morning. It’s too bad Private Bradley Manning couldn’t be there to celebrate with them....
Saving 'Don't Ask' Repeal Took Wily Band Of Lawmakers
What is this? As President Barack Obama signed the Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act, Rep. Steny Hoyer, Sen. Susan Collins and Sen. Joe Lieberman (obscured behind Collins) stand at the edge of the stage. As President Barack Obama signed the Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act, Rep. Steny Hoyer, Sen. Susan Collins and Sen. Joe Lieberman (obscured behind Collins) stand at the edge of the stage. At the signing of the Legislation repealing the "don't ask, don't tell" law, the 17-year-old ban on gays ope...
'Thank You, Mr. President!': The Long Road To Repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell
WASHINGTON -- Susan Collins stood at her desk on the Senate floor, a copy of the Don't Ask, Don't Tell (DADT) Legislation before her, angrily berating her on-again, off-again allies, Joe Lieberman and Carl Levin. Collins furiously waved a copy of the bill at the empty desk of Majority Leader Harry Reid, making it clear to observers in the Senate gallery whom she held responsible for the coming failure. Reid had already walked away, at the end of his patience with Collins' repeated procedural r...
Senate approves defense bill, sends it to House
WASHINGTON – The Senate has passed Legislation that authorizes the Pentagon to spend nearly $160 billion on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan this Budget year without major restrictions on the conduct of operations.
The voice vote on the defense authorization bill came after House and Senate Democrats agreed to strip several provisions, including one that would have allowed gays to serve openly in the Military.
The provision that would have overturned the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell...
Joe Manchin Apologizes for Missing Key Senate Votes, Cites Family Gathering
West Virginia freshman Sen. Joe Manchin, sworn in only five weeks ago, had to apologize for missing key votes last weekend on Immigration Reform and Repeal of the ban on gays serving openly in the Military. It seems the holidays got in the way. Manchin, the former Governor of the Mountain State, took office on Nov. 15, replacing interim Sen. Carte Godwin, the lawmaker he had appointed to fill a vacancy left by the death of Robert Byrd. "Let me apologize to anybody and everybody within our listen...
Perkins rips GOPers, Gaga for DADT
The Family Research Council's Tony Perkins isn't mincing words about what he believes the impact of repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell will be in a war zone.
And he's taking direct aim at the eight Republicans who voted in favor of the Repeal, three who are up for Reelection in 2012.
"Are Republicans Scott Brown, Richard Burr, Susan Collins, John Ensign, Mark Kirk, Lisa Murkowski, Olympia Snowe, and George Voinovich prepared to accept the responsibility for losing those 264,600 Soldiers--an...
Video: President Obama Signs DADT Repeal Into Law
A great day in American history. Thank you President Obama, Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader Reid, and everyone else - Grassroots Activists in particular - who fought for this moment. Today, we have moved one step closer to an America where every citizen is treated equally - not better, not worse - under the law. I only wish the process would move faster, but for now, let's celebrate this milestone. The purpose of Blue Virginia is to cover Virginia politics from a progressive and Democratic persp...
Obama signs 'don't ask, don't tell' repeal
(12-22) 07:38 PST WASHINGTON (AP) --
Declaring that members of the Military will no longer be asked to lie, President Barack Obama fulfilled a campaign promise Wednesday and signed a landmark law repealing the ban on gay men and women serving openly in the armed services.
"This is a good day," a beaming Obama said. "This is a very good day."
The new law ends the 17-year-old "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy that forced gays to hide their Sexual Orientation or face dismissal. Its Repeal comes as p...
Obama signs 'don't ask, don't tell' repeal
Declaring that members of the Military will no longer be asked to lie, President Obama fulfilled a campaign promise Wednesday and signed a landmark law repealing the ban on gay men and women serving openly in the armed services.
"This is a good day," a beaming Obama said. "This is a very good day."
The new law ends the 17-year-old "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy that forced gays to hide their Sexual Orientation or face dismissal. Its Repeal comes as Public Opinion on su...
Obama's Lame Duck Luck
Get alerts when there is a new article that might interest you. President Obama, Democrats, and the reliably complaisant media have declared the Lame Duck session of Congress a triumph for the beleaguered president. Yes, he did better than expected. But mainly he was just plain lucky. Credit him with playing a significant role in gaining Senate confirmation of the Arms Control treaty with Russia, the so-called New START. And Congress also repealed “don’t ask, don’t tell,”...
111th Congress adjourns after lame duck session
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Lame Duck Congress is history. The Senate followed the House out of session just after 8 p.m. Wednesday, bringing to a close one of the most productive congresses in history. Health Care and financial regulatory reform, the Repeal of the Military’s ban on gays serving openly and the Senate’s ratification of a nuclear arms treaty with Russia all won approval. The White House and Senate Republicans also struck a deal to extend Bush-era Tax Cuts for Americans...
Really horrible arguments by the right wing against gays in the military
I don't know why I listen to Right Wing radio. If you aren't aware, President Obama signed into law this Wednesday the Repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, the policy where if you are a member of the Military and it comes out that you are gay (even if it means private e-mails read by your Military superiors) than you are kicked out. It meant the loss of over 13,000 eager men and women who wanted to serve our nation in the time the policy was in place. Well this host, who for some reas...
No actual Presidential evolution on SSM?
Both Andrew Malcolm and Allahpundit are looking somewhat… askance… at President Obama’s apparent “evolution” on same-sex marriage (SSM). I put “evolution” in scare quotes because there’s no real evidence that he’s actually changed his official opinion on the subject in any way that matters: which should have been apparent from the fact that precisely zero action towards legalizing SSM has been proposed by the President. Congress did pas...
Obama signs DADT repeal before big, emotional crowd
President Obama signed the landmark Repeal of the Military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy Wednesday morning, handing a major victory to advocates of Gay Rights and fulfilling a campaign promise to do away with a practice that he has called discriminatory.
This Story
Obama signs DADT Repeal before big, emotional crowd
Federal Eye: Tweet your thoughts
: Don't Ask, Don't Tell: Obama signs Repeal of historic bill
West Wing Briefing: Bill Clinton content to cheer Obama on
The history o...
Reclaiming the Pro-Family Label
The Family Research Council (FRC), a Hate Group that spreads demonizing lies about gay men and Lesbians, claims that it’s simply a pro-family organization. But don’t gay men and lesbians have families, too? Don’t their families count? We recently received an email from a supporter that raised just this issue. With his permission, we’re sharing it here. It’s one of the many letters, emails, postings and tweets we’ve received in support of our work since weR...
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