White House: President Barack Obama is banking on an old name in Chicago politics to offer him new momentum in Washington.
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His selection of the defiantly moderate Bill Daley as his new Chief of Staff, which drew predictable fire from liberals Thursday, underscores Obama’s determination to run from the center in 2012 and somewhat neutralize the outright hostility of many business groups to his administration.
VIDEOS: Barack Obama in videos
Continue Reading Text Size - + reset Politico 44 Within the White House, it represents a c...
Police seeking transvestite purse-snatcher
Gutierrez-Carvajal, who goes by the name "Sarah," allegedly accosted a woman Dec. 20 as she was walking toward her vehicle outside a Supermarket in Norcross. Police said he pushed her, took her purse off her shoulder and fled on foot. During a search of Gutierrez-Carvajal's residence, officers found several small bags of Cocaine and arrested two of his roommates, Franciso Javier Velasco-Bautista, 32, and Claudia Gomez-Perez, 32. Both are being held at the Gwinnett County Jail on suspicion of imm...
The Chicago Way
“Ramrodding bills through because you’ve got the clout to do so—rather than because you’ve got arguments on your side—is not a good way to do the people’s business,” Barack Obama once said about Bill Daley, his new Chief of Staff.
But that was back in 2003, when Obama was just in the State Legislature, and Bill Daley was the head of SBC. Obama was criticizing Daley for his heavy-handed lobbying drive that benefitted the telecommunications company.
Bill Daley excels
Meet the New Boss: William Daley is Obama Chief of Staff
WASHINGTON — Overhauling his team at the top, President Barack Obama on Thursday named Banker and seasoned political fighter William Daley as his new Chief of Staff, hoping to rejuvenate both a White House storming into re-election mode and an economy still gasping for help.
The choice of Daley immediately brought howls of Protest from the left flank of the Democratic Party, where advocates questioned his insider ties to Wall Street. Centrists, business leaders and Republican lawmakers r...
Dick Morris Confuses Obama COS William Daley With Chicago Mayor Richard Daley
Has there ever been a more discredited pundit than Dick Morris? You've got to wonder whose toes Dick Morris has been sucking at Fox News that allows him to keep his job there - unless hating the Clintons with every fiber of his being is enough cred for a gig at the "fair and balanced" network. Morris' latest gaffe was going on FOX & Friends this morning to discuss President Obama's choice of William Daley, Secretary of Commerce under President Clinton and business executive, as his new Chief of ...
Report: Jane Krakowski is pregnant
NEW YORK, Jan. 7 (UPI) -- Jane Krakowski's publicist confirms the U.S. television actress is pregnant with her first child. The 42-year-old "30 Rock" star is engaged to British-born clothing designer Robert Godley. "Jane and Robert are indeed expecting a baby," the actress's representative told People.com Friday. "Both soon-to-be first-time parents could not be happier!" Neither the baby's gender nor Krakowski's anticipated delivery date were reported. NEW YORK, Jan. 7 (UPI) -- A judge has dism...
Dodd-Frank author praises Daley appointment
Barney Frank, the liberal chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, praised the selection of William Daley as the new White House Chief of Staff Friday on MSNBC.
In response to a question by MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell about what he thought of newly appointed Obama Administration Chief of Staff William Daley, who, Mitchell noted, opposed the Financial Regulation bill he cowrote, Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) said that Daley would be a good chief of staff.
"I think highly of Bill Daley, I ...
The Top 12 Potential White House Press Secretaries
The Resignation and departure next month of White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs means that administration will soon have a much different face making its case in the lead up to the 2012 Presidential Election. But it's unclear who that face will be. Many insiders expect that deputy Bill Burton will get the job, but other names have started to emerge, such as former Clinton and Democratic Party spokeswoman Karen Finney, that would substantially change the look and tone from the press podium. We'v...
Obama's New Chief of Staff is 'The Wolf' of Pulp Fiction
In Quentin Tarantino's 1994 opus Pulp Fiction, two hitmen—portrayed by John Travolta and Samuel L. Jackson—find themselves in a pickle after accidentally shooting of a colleague on a California freeway. Frantic, Jackson's character phones his gangster boss, pleading for help. Not to worry, says the boss, “Wait for The Wolf—who should be coming directly.” The Wolf—played brilliantly by Harvey Keitel—arrives on the scene, briskly barks directions and coo...
Obama appoints William Daley as chief of staff
guardian.co.uk, Thursday 6 January 2011 18.09 GMT William Daley, centre, with Barack Obama in 2008. Photograph: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images Barack Obama has begun an overhaul of his inner circle, Lending the White House a more business-friendly face with the appointment of an outsider Banker, William Daley, as his Chief of Staff. Daley continues the heavy Chicago bent of Obama's White House. He is a son of the legendary Chicago mayor Richard Daley and brother of the city's outgoing mayor,...
Obama Picks William Daley For Chief Of Staff Post
President Obama on Thursday appointed William M. Daley — a former Clinton Administration official and part of the famed Chicago political family — as his new Chief of Staff, calling him an "experienced public servant."
Daley, a sometimes-ally, sometimes-critic of the president, will step into what is traditionally the most influential advisory job in the White House - acting as the president's day-to-day sounding board, gatekeeper and scheduler.
Daley "possesses a deep understandin...
Is Obama Following the Clinton Script?
It must seem like moving day lately at the White House - new folks coming in and old folks on their way out. This week alone we learned there will be new Press Secretary; we met a new Chief of Staff; and we learned of some job swaps on the economic team, most notably the return of Gene Sperling to head the National Economic Council. Many remember Sperling for having done that job under President Bill Clinton; most recently, he served as an advisor to Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner. Sperling rep...
In picking Daley, Obama edges out of his comfort zone (The Ticket)
Signaling a desire to steer the West Wing in a new direction, President Obama announced today that he's tapped former Commerce Secretary Bill Daley as his next Chief of Staff.
News of the move brought instant praise from the business community, which has had a shaky relationship with the White House over the last two years. But it's likely to further inflame tensions between Obama and Liberal Democrats, who aren't fans of Daley's ties to Wall Street or his Centrist political leanings.
Obama names Daley as chief
President Obama on Thursday named William Daley to be his new Chief of Staff, elevating interim chief Pete Rouse to the role of councilor to the president.
In an East Room ceremony at the White House, Obama heaped praise on Rouse before introducing Daley who assured the president that his “team will not let you down or the nation.”
Daley said that Obama has shown by example that public service is “an honorable calling, and I am pleased to answer your call.”
Tapping former Clinton o
Is There a Rooney Rule in Politics?
Word is trickling out from the White House that the great mentioning of names to succeed outgoing Press Secretary Robert Gibbs includes several women because new Chief of Staff William Daley would like to see a woman in the job.
That's all well and good -- there are several Democratic women with the chops for the job, and it could be good politics heading into an election cycle in which the White House could have to rely even more heavily on female voters -- but why is it necessary to say so?
Day One of Obama 2.0: the William Daley era
Well, this time William Daley didn't faint when a president named him to a senior administration job. (Watch video here.)
Although perhaps the Democrat should have, given the daunting assignment of remaking the public image of the Obama White House crowd in the 670 dwindling days before the 2012 Presidential Election.
Daley's choice is an excellent one by Obama because it shows a young president maturing away from the comfortable ideological tack he's instinctively favored previous...
Bill Daley's Real Agenda: Obama's Reelection (The Daily Beast)
NEW YORK – The president's new Chief of Staff will be focused on 2012, insiders tell Jonathan Alter. Plus, why Rahm Emanuel, David Axelrod, Valerie Jarrett, and Pete Rouse see Bill Daley as their fixer.
The coverage of Bill Daley’s appointment as White House Chief of Staff has focused mostly on how he’ll use his stature as a grownup to work with Republicans on a growth package and help President Obama mend his relations with the business world. But White House insiders say th...
Who is William M. Daley?
(NewsCore) - President Barack Obama's new Chief of Staff could help improve White House relations with the business community, but may harm White House relations with liberals, according to some observers. Daley replaces Rahm Emanuel, Obama's first chief of staff, who is running for mayor of Chicago. Daley's name is synonymous with Chicago politics, where his father and older brother have been mayor for most of the past half-century. • He left the Clinton Administration in mid-2000 to beco...
Lawmakers Spar Over Their Health Care
(Wall Street Journal) - Should lawmakers opposed to President Barack Obama’s Health Care law take the federal Health Care coverage they get as members of Congress? That’s become a politically charged question on Capitol Hill, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday. At least six freshmen Republicans, who campaigned against Obama’s Affordable Care Act, have said they will not accept the government-funded Insurance Coverage that comes with their jobs. But most of their new collea...
Lawmakers Spar Over Their Health Care
(Wall Street Journal) - Should lawmakers opposed to President Barack Obama’s Health Care law take the federal Health Care coverage they get as members of Congress? That’s become a politically charged question on Capitol Hill, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday. At least six freshmen Republicans, who campaigned against Obama’s Affordable Care Act, have said they will not accept the government-funded Insurance Coverage that comes with their jobs. But most of their new collea...
Rahm Emanuel lead grows in Teamsters/Anzalone Liszt Chicago mayoral poll
Rahm Emanuel is in a solid lead in the first public poll for the Chicago mayoral race taken since the field has shrunk to four major contenders: Emanuel, Gery Chico, Carol Moseley Braun and Miguel Del Valle.
The survey, conducted for Chicago Teamsters Joint Council 25 in the upcoming Chicago mayoral race shows former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel far ahead of his rivals--both for the Feb. 22 primary and the April 5 run-off.
The survey of 500 ikely voters was conducted for the Teamste...
Chicago's Ties to Washington
Chicago Mayor Richard Daley was described by insiders in the Bush Administration as a Republican. Yesterday, Rich’s brother Bill took a job as President Obama’s Chief of Staff. William Daley was President Clinton’s Secretary of Commerce, and was a top executive at JP Morgan Chase. As Bill Clinton’s Commerce Secretary, Bill Daley helped pass Ronald Reagan’s long-stalled NAFTA agreement, which, along with Newt Gingrich’s Republican majority in Congress, started ...
Crude oil prices settle session lower
Heating oil for February delivery tumbled 2 cents to $2.49 a gallon. At the pump, the national average price of unleaded Gasoline rose to $3.083 per gallon from Thursday's $3.079, AAA said. Jailed Gov. Ryan visits dying wife NEW YORK, Jan. 7 (UPI) -- A judge has dismissed a Copyright-infringement Lawsuit brought by the estate of author Adrian Jacobs against the U.S. publishers of the "Harry Potter" novels. NEW YORK, Jan. 7 (UPI) -- Crude Oil Prices closed down Friday on the New York...
On Gate-Keepers and Pragmatists
At the beginning of Obama’s term, when he talked about governing as a pragmatist, I perhaps foolishly believed he meant not pragmatism as DC understands it-as a principle-less squishy middle-but as the Pragmatist school of philosophers would mean it-as someone fundamentally open to and respectful of the ideas and viewpoints of all. Mind you, it was clear that his top advisors-especially David Axelrod-used the word pragmatist in the tired old DC way. But out ...
Perino: Don't Focus on Gender in Press Secretary Search
Former White House Press Secretary Dana Perino says the Obama administration should quash any reports that the president's new Chief of Staff is looking specifically for a woman to replace departing Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, or else it could risk hurting the next spokesperson's credibility before he or she even walks into the West Wing. Reports Friday said William Daley, Obama's incoming chief of staff, allegedly wants the next person behind the briefing room podium to be a woman. Former Dem...
Top GOPer praises Obama picks
(CNN) - Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is hopeful the staff shake ups at the White House this week that included a new Chief of Staff and director of the National Economic Council are a sign President Barack Obama is moving toward the political center. "Finally they found a guy who has some real world business experience," McConnell said on CNN's "John King, USA." "So maybe the president is going to take a more Centrist direction and if he does we may be able to do some business." Invoki...
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Even if Daley comes in as COS, Pete Rouse is staying at the White House . He has no plans to leave.
Given the lack of diversity in the White House in previous years & given that Pete Rouse is the 1st Asian American CoS, I bet she is.
Bill Daley chosen as White House chief of staff. Pete Rouse to stay as counselor.
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs tells CBS that current Chief of Staff Pete Rouse will remain at WH as Counselor to the President.
WH says interim Chief of Staff Pete Rouse will remain at the White House in role of Counselor to the President.
Bill Daley will be announced at 2:30 pm EST today as Obama's new White House chief of staff. Pete Rouse becomes counselor to the President.
AP sources: Obama chooses William Daley as White House chief of staff, to replace Pete Rouse (Star Tribune): Share With Friends: | ...
In East Room for new Chief of Staff, William Daley. Several Cabinet and most White House staff present. Pete Rouse new Senior Counselor.
Daley makes sure to throw rhetorical bone to Pete Rouse ... White House obv concerned about " Rouse pushed out" storyline.