DREAM Act fails in Senate

DREAM Act: WASHINGTON, Dec. 18 (UPI) -- The DREAM Act, which would have given Illegal Alien Students a chance to remain in the United States, failed to win enough support for a floor vote Saturday.

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Three Democrats joined Republicans in opposition to the bill, The New York Times reported.

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The measure failed to get the 60 votes needed to end a Filibuster, with the final vote 55-41. The 9-year-old DREAM Act would open a pathway to permanent residency and eventual Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants brought to ...

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Chris Angelini, Cris posted 18th Dec 2010 (via twitter)

Bennett (R-UT),Lugar(R-IN),Murkowski(R-AK) : Are the 3 low-life RHINOS who voted for tax payers to finance illegal alien Dream Act amnesty.

suzz blazer posted 18th Dec 2010 (via twitter)

"@michellemalkin: Rowdy on Senate floor as DREAM Act illegal alien bailout FAILS (again!) 55-41 - short of 60."YES!!!!

bill pelleya posted 18th Dec 2010 (via twitter)

DREAM Act fails in the Senate. Looks like the Democrats can't rely on the former illegal alien vote in future elections.

Robert J. Behler posted 18th Dec 2010 (via twitter)

"@michellemalkin: Rowdy on Senate floor as DREAM Act illegal alien bailout FAILS (again!) 55-41 - short of 60."

Trent Colan posted 18th Dec 2010 (via twitter)

Illegal alien " dream act " is a no go. Nelson, Collins, Manchin will vote against. Murkowski is a yes, what a mistake Alaska made.

Rob posted 18th Dec 2010 (via twitter)

"@LesBKK: Rowdy on Senate floor as DREAM Act illegal alien bailout FAILS 55-41 - short of 60." That's a shame. Merry Christmas everyone!

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