Assassination : The shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and the killing of six and wounding of 13 others in Tucson is one of those American tragedies that threatens to be interpreted according to what one wants to believe.
PHOTOS: Jared Loughner in pictures
The shootings will be argued over and debated as more information comes forward, but what seems unavoidable is that the shooter, Jared Lee Loughner, was a nutbar through and through, and there was no way he could have been deterred. Arizona’s curious (to Canadians) Gun Laws that ...
VIDEOS: Jared Loughner in videos
Rev. Jesse Jackson: Hate speech lit blaze in Arizona
Let us grieve the slain and wounded in Tucson, and pray for Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, targeted for Assassination by a clearly unbalanced young man. Rep. Giffords was shot as she made herself available to citizens exercising the most basic of rights: "to peaceably assemble" and petition their representative.
The heinous act has generated a good debate about the connection between the Rhetoric of violence and violence itself. As we approach the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, this reminds me ...
Mayor Bloomberg, Rep. Pete King Call For Tougher Gun Laws After Arizona Shootings
Madman Jared Lee Loughner shot 20 people at point-blank range -- including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords -- but never should have been allowed to purchase a gun if a background screening was done correctly, Bloomberg argued. “The law says that drug abusers can’t buy guns, but even though Jared Loughner was rejected by the Military for drug use and arrested on gun charges,” Bloomberg said, “he was able to pass a Background Check and buy a gun.” Giffords was shot in the hea...
Loughner's Parents "Surprised" by Son's Troubles
Like this Story? Share it: New details about Tuscon gunman Jared Lee Loughner are being revealed as investigators search his home. Ben Tracy reports. Chris Wragge speaks with Tucson shooting survivor Eric Fuller about the gunman, Jared Lee Loughner, and his thoughts on Rep. Gabrielle Gifford's recovery. Only On The Web: CBS News digital Journalist Arden Farhi spoke to Tucson-area residents as they reflect on Saturday's shooting and the impact it's had on their community. The home in Tucson, Ariz...
Congresswoman Giffords breathing on her own, doctors say
Arizonans leave offerings at a shrine to Victims of Saturday's shooting in Tucson, Arizona. Brad Poole, Reuters · Tuesday, Jan. 11, 2011 TUCSON, Ariz. — U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords is breathing on her own and doctors on Tuesday were hopeful about her recovery from a head wound suffered in an Arizona Shooting Spree that killed six people. Ms. Giffords, a popular 40-year-old Democrat, remained in critical condition at a Tucson Hospital but is “holding her own,” re...
Missing From Loughner Debate: Soul Searching
Jared Loughner
(Credit: Personal Photo)
There's been quite a bit of back and forth this week about who should share the blame for the actions of alleged Tucson shooter Jared Lee Loughner. Some on the left have pointed to incendiary Rhetoric from Sarah Palin and others on the right, while some on the right have sought to tie Loughner to the beliefs of the left.
Palin was blamed in part for using of a bullseye icon to identify political targets - including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords - before the ...
Fighting Words: In Tucson Massacre Debate, The Shooter Becomes Irrelevant
Before anyone knew anything about Jared Loughner beyond his name, pundits and politicians began a mad dash to assign ownership of his motives. Clearly, he was driven by conservative politics because Rep. Gabrielle Giffords supported health-care reform and was therefore an enemy of the Tea Party. No, wait. He was a liberal because he once read "To Kill A Mockingbird" and "The Communist Manifesto." The funny thing is that, despite Loughner's written targeting of Giffords and a past, bizarre claim ...
CBS poll: 57% of Americans reject Palin did it media spin on Arizona massacre
According to a CBS poll, a 57% majority of Americans do not believe this weekend’s mass Murder had anything to do with politics. Bad news for the Far Left which has worked overtime to smear Sarah Palin and the Far Right in the wake of the shooting. Just how badly folks on professional left failed at politicizing this tragedy for their own political gain? Even a 49% plurality of the survey’s Democratic respondents does not buy the meme that Sarah Palin and the Tea Party are at fault ...
Mental illness expert: Yes, ask whether political climate was a trigger for shooter
Dr. Marvin Swartz, a Professor of psychiatry and leading expert in Mental Illness, told Greg Sargent today that yes, the nation's political climate should be considered in the Jared Lee Loughner case.
"It's a reasonable question to ask," Dr. Marvin Swartz, a psychiatry Professor at Duke University who specializes in how environment impacts the behavior of the mentally ill, said in an interview this morning. "The nature of someone's delusions is effected by culture. It's a reasonable line of inq...
Is Jared Lee Loughner linked to Tea Party, conservatives, or libertarians? (Gabrielle Giffords shooting)
Q. Is Jared Lee Loughner linked to the Tea Party, conservative, or Libertarian movements?
A. At this time, there's no indication that Loughner was a member of any organized political movement. He was a registered independent who hadn't voted in 2010 (link). The DHS claim that he was linked to the white racial separatist group AmRen is false. Given what we know now, the chances of him being welcomed as a member of any group outside the far fringe is remote [1]. Given his history, the chances th...
Gabrielle Giffords, Christina Green & The Place The American Dream Went To Die
Like flies to feces, the Extremists who have so debased the American political system in recent years are feasting mightily on the latest watershed event out Arizona — the place where the American Dream went to die. The irony, of course, is that this debasement continues apace because the U.S. Constitution guarantees the right to free Speech, no matter how vile, while Congress and Obama Administration, cowed by the NRA, all but assure the kind of violence that leaves a congresswoman with ...
AZ Congresswoman Assassination Scenario Has MKULTRA Profile, Drug & Space Target
© unknown
The mass political Assassination attack in Tucson, AZ on Saturday January 8, 2011 that as of 2:44 pm pst had left six people dead and eighteen shot were shot during the attack has a marked MKULTRA profile, and of suppression of Drug Cartel investigation and of expansion the U.S. space program as one of its effects.
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was reported in grave condition and in surgery at University Medical Center in Tucson, after the shooting in a Safeway Supermarket parking lo...
Giffords breathing on her own, doctor says
TUCSON | Tue Jan 11, 2011 1:30pm EST
TUCSON (Reuters) - Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, gravely wounded in a shooting rampage, is able to breath on her own although she remains in critical condition, a doctor treating her said on Tuesday.
Giffords was shot through the head by a gunman who sprayed a meeting with pistol fire in Tucson on Saturday, killing six people including a Federal Judge, a nine-year-old girl and one of Giffords' aides.
"She's able to generate her own breaths. She's breat...
Lautenberg: 'We Don't Have More Madmen, We Have More Guns' (VIDEO)
Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) said on Tuesday that America's problem isn't that there are more madmen, it's that guns are too readily available to them. In the wake of the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) and the Murder of six others in a mass shooting over the weekend is pushing Legislation to ban high-capacity gun clips.
Lautenberg said it was outrageous that there hasn't been a positive response to the shooting and said that if alleged gunman Jared Lee Loughner didn't have access t...
Phony Comparison between Palins Lethal Crosshairs Map and Democrats Map
The loops that Tea Party Leaders, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and more staid conservative analysts, and even Barbara Walters has been amazing to watch to let Sarah Palin off the hook for her lethal crosshairs map that targeted House Democrat Gabriella Giffords and nineteen other Democrats is absolutely amazing to see and hear. Their argument mostly boils down to two points of defense. Palin’s map and her bulls eye target of Giffords and the other Democrats was politically savvy and focused ...
Wanted: Sane Gun Laws
Let me state clearly that I am not opposed to the private ownership of guns. I respect the right of hunters to practice their sport. I also have no quibble with responsible concealed carry laws if they insure that the persons licensed to carry those weapons have proven that they are law-abiding and have demonstrated that they know how to handle the weapons they want to carry. That said, I also should have the right to know that every attempt has been made to keep Firearms out of the hands of men...
Rush Limbaugh: Its insane to fault Sarah Palin for Ariz. shooting (Daily Caller)
Read more stories from The Daily Caller
Rep. Peter King to introduce bill making it illegal to carry a gun within 1,000 feet of 'high-profile' government official
Fellow commenters at UFO Conspiracy website questioned Jared Lee Loughner's sanity in threads
We're probably alone in the universe, or else they're out to get us
Mark Halperin: Conservatives should turn the other cheek when scapegoated for Murder
Could Jon Huntsman really be the Republican presidential nominee in 2012?
Talk Radio ma...
Is there a foreign-policy angle to the Tucson shooting? Not really.
The tragic shooting in Tucson is a signal event in recent U.S. history and could well have implications for domestic politics. But the implications for U.S. Foreign Policy (this blog's bailiwick) are likely minimal. Indeed, from a parochial foreign-policy perspective, the truly consequential act of violence against a politician last week occurred halfway around the world: the Assassination of the Pakistani reformer and the Governor of the Punjab region, Salman Taseer. So far there is no evidenc...
Congresswoman Says 'Job-Killing' Is Hate Speech
Following Saturday's tragedy in Tucson, Arizona, which led to the death of six people and the serious injury of 20 others, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., Rep. Chellie Pingree, D-Maine, echoed the growing call for a more civil political discourse by challenging Republicans to change the name of their Health Care Repeal Legislation: "The bill, titled the ‘Repeal the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act,' was set to come up for a vote this week, but in the wake of Gabby's shooting, it...
Arizona Weighs Ban on Funeral Protests
Like this Story? Share it: Chris Wragge speaks with Tucson shooting survivor Eric Fuller about the gunman, Jared Lee Loughner, and his thoughts on Rep. Gabrielle Gifford's recovery. (CBS/AP) Phoenix - Arizona legislators are planning to head off any Protests by a Topeka, Kan., church at the Funeral services for the Victims of Saturday's shooting that killed six people. Lawmakers are drafting emergency Legislation for consideration by the full Legislature on Tuesday to prohibit Protests at or ne...
The Gabrielle Giffords shooting in Arizona and Jared Lee Loughner prosecution.
Peter King proposing law banning guns within 1,000 feet of President, VP, members of Congress, and judges. What did you think of all those crazy trick plays in last night's BCS National Championship Game? 10 Percent Unemployment Forever?...
Infidel Bloggers Alliance
The Hill:
Poll: Rhetoric, Arizona shooting unrelated
By Jordan Fabian - 01/11/11 08:13 AM ET
Almost 60 percent of the public believes that heated political rhetoric has nothing to do with an Arizona Shooting Spree that gravely wounded Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D) and killed a Federal Judge.
Fifty-seven percent of respondents in a new CBS News poll said rhetoric is unrelated to the shooting, while 32 percent said they believe the two are connected.
Many pundits and lawmakers have keyed in on ...
Obama faces stiff test in Arizona eulogy
President Barack Obama faces a moment fraught with risk but shrouded in political opportunity when he leads a national memorial service for the dead of the Arizona shooting tragedy. Obama will Wednesday eulogize the Victims and chart a path ahead for a political community convulsed by shock, after a gunman's failed Assassination bid on an Arizona lawmaker killed six and wounded 14. Presidents, in their symbolic roles as head of state and commander-in-chief are periodically required to invoke u...
How the Zamudio story could have gone
HOW THE ZAMUDIO STORY COULD HAVE GONE.... In the wake of shooting tragedies, it's fairly common for Conservatives to call for more Gun Ownership -- the idea being there would be less violence if more of the public were armed.
This argument has already been presented in Arizona, where there's already a new measure pending to arm politicians and their aides. One state lawmaker said, "When everyone is carrying a firearm, nobody is going to be a Victim."
There's ample evidence that reality isn't t...
America in Angers Clutches: Polityka, Poland
The world is looking on, wondering what will happen in America next, after the massacre and Assassination attempt of an Arizona Congresswoman last weekend. In this article from Poland’s Polityka, columnist Tomasz Zalewski asks if this is the beginning of a wave of political violence like the one that claimed the lives of John and Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. in the 1960s.
America has never lacked deranged, frustrated types like Jared Laughner, who take their revenge for a lac...
Tuscon Rorschach Test
Verbal reactions should be almost as spent now as the bullets on the Safeway Parking Lot, but the fusillade of shooting mouths is heavier than ever.
As families go about burying Victims, their deaths are translated from horrendous personal loss to political posturing that denies them the humanity they deserve.
Reading from Left to Right, start with mouthy Sheriff Clarence Dupnik who only hours afterward, instead of relaying facts, insisted on turning his grief into a screed against the "anger, ...
Richard Holbrooke Remembered For China, Bosnia, Afghanistan
Top Priority For Republicans: Cutting Federal Spending
Sarah Palin Follows Own Advice In Media Dealings
Tracheotomy Lets Surgeons Remove Giffords' Feeding Tube
Reince Priebus Gets To Find $22 Million For RNC
Governor Pat Quinn Signs Off On Massive Tax Hike
Want A Republican President? How About Herman Cain
Kay Bailey Hutchison Promises To Call It Quits
Christina Green, Youngest Tucson Victim, Laid To Rest
Glenn Beck Supports Barack Obama. Seriously.