India : A worker covers himself in fabric meant for setting up a tent as he sits on the back of a truck, surrounded by morning fog in New Delhi, India, Saturday, Jan. 8, 2011.
PHOTOS: Jonathan Alter in pictures
Nearly two dozen more people have died due to cold weather in northern India in recent days despite government efforts to distribute firewood and blankets to the poor.
VIDEOS: Jonathan Alter in videos
Ram Mohan Srivastav, a government official in worst-hit northern Uttar Pradesh state, said Saturday that at least 22 people had died there over the past three days...
Cold weather kills more in northern India
LUCKNOW, India - Nearly two dozen more people have died due to cold weather in northern India in recent days despite government efforts to distribute firewood and blankets to the poor. Ram Mohan Srivastav, a government official in worst-hit northern Uttar Pradesh state, said Saturday that at least 22 people had died there over the past three days, pushing the death toll from two weeks of near-freezing temperatures to 63. At least 10 people have died from the cold in the capital, New Delhi,...
Freezing weather kills 22 in India
NEAR-freezing temperatures have killed more than two dozen people in northern India in recent days despite government efforts to distribute blankets and medicines to the poor.
In Uttar Pradesh, the worst-hit state, at least 22 people - many of them Homeless - died over the past three days, pushing the death toll from two weeks of seasonal cold weather to 63, a government official revealed yesterday.
Uttar Pradesh is one
of India's poorest states and nearly a fifth of its 180 mill...
IT AIN'T COLDER THAN NORMAL ONLY IN Europe. India IS FREEZING, TOO:Winter woes were compounded in north India as the intense cold wave kept people numb with mercury dipping further in the region on Wednesday and resulting in 12 more Deaths.
Uttar Pradesh accounted for the 12 Deaths. The death toll in the state now stands at 47, officials said. ...
The national capital remained under the grip of a cold wave with the mercury dropping to 4.2 deg C, three degrees below normal, early this morning.
Fears over World Cup venues readiness
Just six weeks before the cricket World Cup, several venues including India's most famous stadium are chaotic scenes of cranes and rubble, raising fears they will not be ready in time. The tournament, being held in India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh from February 19, will attract huge crowds and worldwide television audiences drawn by the best international players competing in 49 matches. But it threatens to be a replay of New Delhi's recent Commonwealth Games, which instead of marking the arrival...
India shivers in deadly cold snap: dozens killed
© Associated Press
Indian-administered Kashmir has been hardest hit by the cold weather
An intense spell of cold weather has disrupted life across northern India, reportedly claiming two dozen lives.
The capital, Delhi, has been badly hit by the cold snap, along with Indian-administered Kashmir, Haryana, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh.
In Leh in Kashmir, temperatures dropped to -23.6C - this winter's lowest - on Sunday, weather officials said.
Delhi, which is experiencing one of its Coldest ...
Media watchdog urges India to protect journalists
NEW DELHI - A media Watchdog group says Journalists working in India's conflict zones face intimidation and false arrest, without the same protections as those in major cities. Reporters Without Borders asked India on Friday to explain last week's arrest of two Journalists in different states who were accused of meeting with Communist rebels, saying one had been at a literary conference and the other was entrapped by police. It also condemned charges of intimidating witnesses leveled again...
Media watchdog urges India to protect journalists
NEW DELHI -- A media Watchdog group says Journalists working in India's conflict zones face intimidation and false arrest, without the same protections as those in major cities. Reporters Without Borders asked India on Friday to explain last week's arrest of two Journalists in different states who were accused of meeting with Communist rebels, saying one had been at a literary conference and the other was entrapped by police. It also condemned charges of intimidating witnesses leveled against a...
India and Pakistan foreign secretaries may meet in February
New Delhi | Sun Jan 9, 2011 12:30am EST
New Delhi (Reuters) - Indian Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao is likely to meet her Pakistani counterpart in Bhutan's capital next month, India's Foreign Office said on Sunday, as the two nuclear-armed neighbours try to take forward a stalled peace process.
The ties between the two South Asian countries plummeted after the 2008 Mumbai Attacks which killed 166 people and derailed a sluggish four-year-old peace process with Pakistan.
The meeting is likely t...
Plaza links to the north
For ages it's been a short, dirty stretch of concrete, a wide spot in the road where 10th Street crosses the Vine Expressway. It's served mostly as a bed for the Homeless and a dump for beer cans. Today, a giant, granite foo dog guards each end of the property - transformed into an open, brightly lit plaza complete with benches and tables. The makeover was designed to turn a no-man's land into a welcoming connector, helping to join Chinatown to the fast-growing neighborhood that constitutes &quo...;
Pic of the day: Obama in 2013
This week's big story was the Homeless man with the golden voice:
<object width="640" height="390"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="applicatio...
The Power Of Religion In Those Giving And Receiving Help In Haiti's Recovery
By Kim Lawton
Religion and Ethics NewsWeekly
Port-au-Prince, Haiti -- Driving through downtown Port-au-Prince, it can be difficult at first to see much change from a year ago, when a devastating 7.0 Earthquake devastated this impoverished Island Nation.
The presidential palace is still in ruins, with thousands -- among an estimated 1 million Homeless Haitians -- living in massive Tent City across the street. Around the corner, a Tent City remains on the grounds of the destroyed Roman Catholic ...
Another "Accidental" Shooting
In this case the shooter happened to be an Iraq War Veteran, which was part of the reason he was out on bail awaiting sentencing for an extremely vicious assault on a Homeless man.
That was a mistake.
A former soldier convicted of beating up a Homeless man has been arrested on reckless homicide and weapons charges in a woman's fatal shooting in suburban Cincinnati.
Riley Feller, 25, was arrested late Thursday night in Norwood. Feller was waving a 9mm Handgun around when ...
Gov-elect Brownback helps out at food pantry
Governor-elect Sam Brownback, who until last week was a Kansas US Senator, was among 60 volunteers stuffing food bags at a Wichita food pantry. On Christmas Eve the Republican worked an hour as a Salvation Army bellringer--he regularly volunteers at Homeless shelters, and once went undercover at a Prison. As a Prisoner. Sen. Brownback goes to prison Report from the Bloggers' Conference Call with Sen. Sam Brownback...
So Much Unseen
Before Ted Williams hit the viral big time I had the original YouTube video linked on my Facebook page, for I hoped the evolution starkly demonstrated how easy it is to apparently see and classify a Homeless person as unemployable yet be completely blind to their talents and potential. For some reason Epistemology has been branded a “ten dollar word” of intellectual nerds, but it’s simply the process of answering the question how do you know what you know?
Many times the answer induces mil
Radio industry voices approval, frustration at Ted Williams story
There is no doubt that Ted Williams has an amazing voice. It's a voice that only belongs behind a microphone announcing a Basketball game, voicing an Infomercial, reading the news or reminiscing with us on our favorite oldies station. And who doesn't love a story about someone getting a second chance at life? It's inspiring to know that when we might need that second chance or if we are looking for one right now, there's hope. To see the outpouring of jobs, opportunities and ...
Since When are Deadbeat Dads Pop Culture Icons?
By now you've all see the story of the Homeless guy with the great voice, Ted Williams, as he's been making the rounds on television. But for years we've been told what worthless lowlifes deadbeat fathers are. So why all of a sudden the change in attitude? Don't get me wrong, I'm all for giving people a second or third chance, but let's not overlook the fact the guy is a deadbeat who's left a trail of misery and a broken family. So before we all get all misty-eyed over his shot at redemption, ...
Nagging Questions As Ted Williams Saga Unfolds
In this photo taken in late December, 2010, Ted Williams holds a sign advertising his smooth radio voice near a highway ramp in Columbus, Ohio. Why come to grips with a big, messy social problem like Homelessness? So much easier — isn’t it? — to shower job offers, cash payments and network-TV time on one Homeless guy who happens to have a really nice voice? This is perfect: the low-cost, feel-good way of addressing America’s nagging ills, just in time for the small-govern...
Haitian: 'We live like hyenas'
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti, Jan. 7 (UPI) -- A year after an Earthquake leveled Port-au-Prince, the cathedral in the Haitian capital remains a pile of rubble and the Presidential Palace is still in ruins. Across from the palace, about 500 families live in tents and shacks in Place Toussaint, the square named after Haiti's liberator, CNN reported. The Shanty Town has acquired small stores and even an Internet cafe. The 7-magnitude earthquake, centered about 16 miles from Port-au-Prince, killed more th...
Conservative talk radio weekly recap: Jan 3-7
My new Talk Radio Watch column is now up! Enjoy FREE audio and video highlights from the week in conservative talk radio. Top stories include: Who got called "the Larry Flynt of talk radio" by Alec Baldwin? CLICK HERE for more. PLUS: Glenn Beck's latest hire -- former HuffPo CEO Betsy Morgan! -- grants an intriguing if jargon-stuffed interview to Forbes , explaining why she made the switch:The other thing I’ll say is it was very deliberate in the Press Release to talk about The Blaze...
Gascn faulted for ending training of officers
In the wake of two police shootings of mentally disturbed men within a week, Mental Health advocates criticized San Francisco Police Chief George Gascón on Friday for cutting a program that trained officers in dealing with unstable suspects.
For nine years, police officers underwent 40 hours of training apiece in how to recognize mentally ill suspects and de-escalate crises. The training was called for under a Lawsuit settlement with the family of a mentally disturbed man whom officers shot to...
Turns Out the Homeless Man with the Golden Voice Had a Home to go to All Along ...
A Viral Video vaulted Ted Williams and his golden voice to fame, but the real hero of this story is the woman he left behind. Patricia Kirtley raised four daughters alone after Williams split 23 years ago and dove down the rabbit hole of drugs. Not only that, Kirtley took in the baby boy the radioman had with another woman and raised him as her own. Oh, and by the way, she's partially blind. "We survived," Kirtley said Thursday in Reynoldsburg, Ohio. "My Children are survivors. They know if we g...
Police's homeless murder appeal
Police have appealed for help in tracking the last hours of a Homeless man found murdered in Swansea city centre. David Michael Alan Williams, 26, was found outside the Iceland Supermarket in St David's Square at 0400 GMT on Friday, 7 January. Two men are still being questioned. Det Supt Burke, of the South Wales Police major crime investigation team, said Mr Williams was hmoeless and sleeping on the streets of Swansea city centre. "We are also appealing to anyone who saw any persons i...
January 8: The Week in Viral Videos
From a Homeless man’s golden radio voice to the panda cow, the homophobic USS Enterprise video to a robber armed with a giant stick, watch the buzziest Viral Videos of the week....
Sour note for man with golden voice sparks
A feel-good story about a Homeless man with a radio-voice from heaven has been soured by a war of words between two American broadcast networks. Ted Williams, a former DJ who had fallen on hard times, was a roadside beggar until a video of his singing went viral, bringing him more job offers and interview requests than there are stations on the dial. Now CBS is accusing NBC of blocking a meeting it had set up with his mother, Julia, whom he had not seen for 10 years. NBC claims its rival has sab...
Will Fame Hurt Ted Williams?
(CBS) A few days ago, Ted Williams was a down-on-his-luck, Homeless panhandler on the side of a Columbus, Ohio interstate highway ramp. But then a reporter who had "discovered" the "man with the velvet voice" and made a video of Williams demonstrating his golden pipes put the video online. It's lured more than 13 million hits. On Wednesday, Williams sat down for an exclusive interview on "The Early Show." The rest, as they say, is history. Williams, 53, has been flooded with job offers, voice...
Feds Arrest 119 Mafia Operatives; Claim Major Breakthrough
Tunisia Opposition Strikes And Ex-Ruler's Relatives Arrested
California Financial Emergency Renewed - Budget Gap Now $25 Billion
20 Years After The Gulf War - Leaders Reminisce
Common Cause: Why No Recusals By Supreme Court?
Hu Jintao Notes Human Rights Issues; Ignores Tibet, Taiwan
Regular Army Cheers, Reservists Pose Worry: Military Suicide Stats
Gov. Rick Snyder Throws Weight Firmly Behind DIRC Project
Improvement Continues: Giffords Stands, Operates Her iPad
Gunshots On Consecutive Days Create Panic In LA Schools
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