Charles Krauthammer:
Charles Krauthammer commented tonight on Barack Obama’s Iraq Speech:
“It Was Both Flat and Odd.”
Related… My Iranian friend Winston reflects on the new dawn in Iraq.
PHOTOS: Charles Krauthammer in pictures
VIDEOS: Charles Krauthammer in videos
Iraqis’ Reactions to President Obama’s Speech
Teacher “I have not heard the Speech. Its an American matter between President Obama and the people of the United States. We do not care if they withdraw or not. The important thing is that security is improved and we can live an ordinary life.” Karim Hussein, 46 “It would have been better for Obama to talk about the U.S. victory in Iraq, as they achieved everything they planned — from the change of regime to turning Iraq into a weak country, putting Saddam on...
Obama Iraq Speech Becomes State of the Union II
Youve seen my take on the good things about Obamas Speech , now lets review the not-so-nice parts. The biggest thing to me was how it became the State of the Union #2. He suddenly starts talking about his economic agenda and how America will endure its domestic struggles.
He talks about how hes fulfilling his pledge as a Candidate while making no mention of how the Surge enabled him to responsibly fulfill that pledge. He may also have made that comment because he needs to remind...
Charles Krauthammer on Obama's Iraq Speech: "It Was Both Flat and Odd"
Charles Krauthammer on Obamas Iraq Speech: It Was Both Flat and Odd
Obama Shows No "Vision" Of America's Role In World "I thought the Speech was both flat and odd," Charles Krauthammer said about President Obama's address on Iraq. "The economic stuff [in the Speech], I think, really shows that his heart is not in these missions abroad, but is in changing America at home," Krauthammer said.
Wild Thing's comment ........
Krauthammer is right.
Obama was like a zombie....
Maureen Dowd phones in world's worst Obama speech reaction column
Award-winning New York Times Op-Ed columnist Maureen Dowd wrote a political column about Barack Obama's Speech last night! Of course the column had to be finished in time for this morning's paper, so it was obviously written in 10 minutes or so yesterday afternoon, before the Speech was actually delivered. There is a joke about Al Gore and "earth tones" in the very first sentence of this column on Barack Obama's Speech about the Iraq War. An earth tones joke. In the year 2010. The "earth...
After all that uber presidentiality in his Iraq-cum-Economy Speech, President Obama can’t even cut a break from the First Frau. Courtesy of
Nelson On Obama's Big Speech
Obama Declares an End to Combat Mission in Iraq
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Blair memoir lifts lid on Iraq, booze
Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair says he does not regret the Iraq War, but feels "desperately sorry" for those who died, and has branded Gordon Brown's premiership a "disaster" as he lets loose in his Memoir.
A Journey, Blair's account of his decade in Downing Street from 1997 to 2007, details the personal toll the job took on him, including his use of whisky, gin and wine as a "prop", the "animal" feelings he had for his wife, and his relationship with the royal family after...
After Obama's Iraq Speech, Afghans Worry About U.S. Commitment
Afghans might have been expected to cheer when President Obama asserted that the draw-down of Troops in Iraq would free up extra resources for the conflict in their country, where the fighting has only gotten bloodier because of the Taliban's resurgence. Yet many Afghans say the American President's remarks are cause for more even more concern. Though the big news of the day was a massive re-shuffle of Interior Ministry officials, the Speech in Washington was parsed on radio and TV Talk Shows,...
Gaffney on Obama's Iraq Speech: Creating A Vacuum of Power
Today on Frank Gaffney’s Secure Freedom Radio : Frank unravels Obama’s Speech announcing the end of Operation Iraqi Freedom. He begins with what Obama got right. In the end, it is the geo-strategic conditions created by the President which are most ominous for our allies in Iraq. The president’s Speech was long on calling the Iraqis to, “step up to the plate” to do what they need to do to determine their own destiny. It failed to acknowledge that that is made...
MSNBC's Dynamic-Trio of Douchebaggery Outraged Obama Gave Begrudging Credit to Bush During Iraq Speech...
Obama’s tepid credit to Bush was too much for Olberdouche, Tingles, Maddow to handle…
Krauthammer: Obama Shows No "Vision" Of America's Role In World
"I thought the Speech was both flat and odd," Charles Krauthammer said about President Obama's address on Iraq. "The economic stuff [in the Speech], I think, really shows that his heart is not in these missions abroad, but is in changing America at home," Krauthammer said. Posted August 31, 2010
Charles Krauthammer: Champion of The People
Hey folks, sorry I haven't been posting much lately. I've been busy writing over at AlterNet about some Libertarians' fascination with escaping society by uploading their brains into robot bodies and then blasting into space. Please consider giving it a read if you will because I think you'll find it amusing. Anyway, on to today's business at hand. Charles Krauthammer last week posted a gloating column explaining to Liberals why we're about to get our asses kicked this November. ...
Obama Labor Day Speech At AFL-CIO Picnic: FULL VIDEO, TEXT
President Obama addressed the AFL-CIO picnic today. Below is the full text of his Speech as prepared for delivery. Scroll down for video clips and to the bottom for the full Speech. To read more analysis of the Speech, click here .
Hello Cincinnati. Hello Ohio. I can't think of a better place to be on Labor Day than at America's biggest Labor Day picnic-with the workers and families of the Cincinnati AFL-CIO.
First, give a big round of applause to Charlie. Charlie reminds us that in...
Maureen Dowd phones in world's worst Obama speech reaction column
Award-winning New York Times Op-Ed columnist Maureen Dowd wrote a political column about Barack Obama's Speech last night! Of course the column had to be finished in time for this morning's paper, so it was obviously written in 10 minutes or so yesterday afternoon, before the Speech was actually delivered. There is a joke about Al Gore and "earth tones" in the very first sentence of this column on Barack Obama's Speech about the Iraq War.
An earth tones joke. In the year 2010.
The "earth...
Mark Levin: "Bush Should Have Given Iraq Speech - Dems Wanted Us To Lose (Video)
Topics: Political News and commentaries Via Nice Deb , Levin aptly points out that it was Bush's policies that brought the war to a close, not Obama's, and that Obama and his "comrades" objected strenuously to the war, and did everything they could to obstruct victory once they had approved sending other people's kids over there. They then hoped for defeat in order to gain the "political brownie points" they'd get from a loss. Levin also comments on Obama's "spokesidiot's" blatant lie about...
President's Iraq Speech Gets Luke Warm Reviews
September 1st, 2010 by mopns · No Comments We watched with anticipation last night the president’s Speech announcing the end of combat missions in Iraq. For a person who has been on his sixth vacation this year, the President seemed to be just going through the motions. In all honesty, it was such a lackluster performance, that we turned from it after about 10 minutes. We weren’t the only one’s who thought the president didn’t bring his ‘A’ game last...
Iraqis' Reactions to President Obama's Speech (from the people who brought you this war)
Source: NY Times
Raed Mohammed Bashir, 35
I heard the Speech. It was a Speech for domestic consumption in the U.S. It is good for the upcoming American election. For Iraqis, it meant nothing. We are suffering in bad conditions, with loss of security, Corruption and no government. The Americans lost nothing, whether they completed their mission or not. What more will happen to Iraq? They destroyed Iraq and surrendered it. We cannot even form a government so how come they are leaving Iraq?...
Obama's Small and Insulting Speech
At best the Speech was petty; at worst it was myopic. The only acknowledgement of George W. Bush came when Obama said that the former president loved the Troops and his country. That was it. How magnanimous — from someone who was spectacularly wrong about the Surge, who proclaimed it would be a disaster, who sat silently when a senator whom he later selected as his Secretary of State called General Petraeus (the architect of the Surge) a liar, and who selected a Vice President whose...
Obama's Speech: Obligatory, Not Satisfying
President Obama hinted at going on “the offensive” because of the ending of the combat mission in Iraq. But he was unclear what this really means, since he is not likely to increase the number of Troops in Afghanistan. Indeed, he reaffirmed his West Point Speech pledge to withdraw forces in mid-2011. He said, in fact, that there would also be a transition in Afghanistan in August of next year. The Speech was delivered in President Obama’s now well-known flat delivery style. In...
Kucinich criticizes 'privatization of war' after Obama's speech
The New York Times . These private security contractors are expected to "operate radars to warn of enemy Rocket Attacks, search for roadside bombs, fly reconnaissance Drones and even staff quick reaction forces to aid civilians in distress." Private security firms such as Xe, formerly known as Blackwater Worldwide, have received harsh condemnations from Iraqi officials for killing civilians.
"Operation Obama"" The Strategy That Ensured Victory in Iraq
Racebusters spends a lot of time monitoring the Twitter timeline and pointing out the obvious Racism that exists in any opposition to President Obama, his policies, or his supporters. Trust me, no matter what you say about any of these groups, even if its not about these groups, like a good liberal, Ill find the Racism in it! The Race Card: Dont Leave HomeWithout It! _________ President Barack Obama has performed another miracle. After years of failed strategies by his Racist...
Lessons of Iraq: Don't Do It Again
President Obama's announcement last night that all U.S. combat Troops have left Iraq, on schedule, didn't get much positive commentary. Many Republicans complained he didn't give credit to the man who once promised to "liberate" Iraq and turn it into a model of Democracy, George W. Bush. Many Democrats complained that he didn't reminisce about the original decision to fight the War, or to stay in Iraq for years after formal Military operations had largely ended. All sorts of observers...
Exiting Iraq
After President Obama finished his Oval Office address, declaring an end to the combat mission in Iraq, one of TVs talking heads grumbled that what was wrong with the president was that he seemed to love the Troops but hate the war.
Actually, that strikes us as what is right about the current occupant of the White House. Saying he hates war is overly simplistic, though. In the stirring Speech delivered nearly eight years ago when he was still a State Senator in Illinois, Barack Obama...
Media turn to discredited Bush officials to respond to Obama's Iraq speech
Rove led WH group that "promoted" view that Saddam had WMDs "and was seeking more"
White House Iraq Group was formed to "set [messaging] strategy" for going to War with Iraq. The Washington Post reported in 2003 (accessed via Nexis), that the White House Iraq Group (WHIG) was formed in August 2002 "to set strategy for each stage of the confrontation with Baghdad. A senior Official who participated in its work called it 'an internal working group, like many formed...
Step Aside Schwarzenegger: Brown's Back in Town
Former Pentagon Official's Body Found in Landfill
Accidental Frequency Switch Leads to Evacuation of U.S. Capitol
Brazil's First Female President Looks to Gas & Oil for Future
Schwarzenegger May Return to Movies
Three Dead After New Year's Eve Tornado
Alcohol-Related Emergency Room Visits Spike During New Year's
Schwarzenegger Rejects Parole for Dentist who Dealt in Death
Criticism of Bloomberg Mounts as Snow Mountains Remain
Porn King Offers Relief to Octomom
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